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Putin issues list of nations that are not friendly - Thailand is not included


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6 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Thailand- World leaders in sitting on the fence.

I still do not know for sure whether Thailand was with or against the Allies fighting against the Japanese. It's never been entirely clear to me.

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2 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

I'm letting India have a pass on this. India is going to need Russia as a friend when China gets heavy handed with them. It's not like Indian regiments are gonna go up and join the conflict.  

India is also a member of the Quad (US, India, Oz, Japan) against China.


So their enemy (China) is now the friend of their friend (Russia)  and their other friends (the Quad) is the enemy of their friend (Russia).

The rest of the Quad  maybe a bit concerned about India's continued loyalty and resolve. Maybe involving a less than democratic country in pro democratic quad partite may be less than ideal.

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2 hours ago, malibukid said:

some of the most brilliant composers in history

Since 1950? Or prior to that? I am aware of how deep Russian culture is, historically. I am referring to Russia since Stalin's time. Yes, the Bolshoi and the Kirov. World class ballet. Chagall, Rodchenko, Kandinsky, Popova, Rothko. Great artists. But all earlier or having defected from someplace they were thrilled to leave in the rear view. 


And lately? 

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6 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Whilst I agree with you and applaud members of Ukraine's civillian population who have taken up arms to defend their country - that just gives Putin the perfect excuse for aiming at apartment blocks.  He will simply say that his forces were being fired upon from those buildings.  In his mind, anyone left in Ukraine now is a target. What Putin is doing in Ukraine is exactly the same as he did in Aleppo, Syria - surround a city, cut off all its supplies and bomb it into submission.


He's a total liar, this is not about Ukraine's wish to join NATO - Russia already has 2 Nato countries on its borders. If he takes Ukraine, there will be more.  Lunatics and liars often slip up and say more than they really should - on more than one occasion he's admitted he simply wants Ukraine back within Russia's control. He doesn't believe it has any right to exist, never mind any rights to sovereignty.  However, he knows he will never conquer the minds of the Ukrainian people - that's clear from the 2013/14 revolution. Perhaps that's why he has no problems slaughtering them now?


To my mind, and I know this is not a widely held viewpoint - I'd rather defend Ukraine and risk WW3 than let this bully keep on slaughtering people for no good reason.  We've put up with enough from him, its time he was stopped - at the moment the West is letting Ukraine fight its war for them. Ukraine is being thrown to to wolves in the hope that it ends there.  A foolish attitude in my opinion - the free world is going to have to fight Putin at some point - I'm convinced of that.


Then Thailand will probably have no choice on who it aligns with because they have to consider China's position.  Its entirely possible that at some point in the (maybe not too far distant) future, that those of you living in Thailand may either have to leave or face a whole new regime. After WW2 there was a big world shake up, borders were re-drawn and alliances formed.  If, heaven forbid, we are facing WW3 and there's anything left afterwards, the same thing will happen again.  China's intentions are clear, they want all of Asia within their control or at the very least, their sphere of influence. Thailand is close enough and has a large coast - I believe it will be one of the areas they will want to control.


Pleasing to see Singapore start imposing sactions yesterday.

West will fight Russia when Russia down to army of 20,000 conscripts armed with ak47s & rusty old tanks in 2035 after wars, sanctions & demographics have imploded Russia to level of Georgia today.

China want ASEAN & NE Asia.

Pitin wants Ukraine as Neutral or Pro- Russia Buffer State possibly Partitioned West / East. 

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42 minutes ago, TropicalGuy said:


Pitin wants Ukraine as Neutral or Pro- Russia Buffer State possibly Partitioned West / East. 

No. Vlad has recently said that Ukraine can be deprived of statehood. e.g. it will be a part of Russia. Vlad's appetite is increasing.

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Just now, friendofthai said:

No. Vlad has recently said that Ukraine can be deprived of statehood. e.g. it will be a part of Russia. Vlad's appetite is increasing.

The Putin villain has said multiple times that he doesn't consider Ukraine a legitimate country.

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as a parallel (perhaps) to this discussion I saw  a feed yesterday (from UK TV - sorry I can't find the feed n link - Facebook) and I found it (if there is any truth in it) t be very disturbing even with what is actually proven to be going on for us all to se. I speak of a few UK defence folks and reporter talking about Russian systematic preparations for a wider war for some years now.

They spoke of Russian warships around the UK scoping out submarine cables and pipelines a year or so ago. The importing of 500km range missiles (not sure if nukes) into Kaliningrad to target the entire north western part of Europe (UK included), and incursions with all manner of planes, and other ships probing and testing responses both in the UK and north western Europe for the last 6 years. They described this as a deliberately planned, and systematic, pre-war manoeuvring. They might have ben talking BS and sensationalising trivial and non-nefarious things but it sounded like they knew what they were talking about and were deadly serious. 

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3 hours ago, Raphael54 said:

Shame, shame, shame on those countries that are NOT on Putin's list of "unfriendly countries". 
They are friendly with a lying, thieving and murdering gangster.   
They are on the wrong side of history and they will find that out. 
The spineless clowns who call themselves the government of Thailand will have to come with some serious acrobatics to wiggle themselves out of it, in due course.

You forget this country is being run by a bunch of Gangsters calling themselves 'Generals'; who are also liars and thieves.   In many ways they are no better than the Evil Putin.

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

If the murderous dictator had any influence before, he does not now. Who cares what he thinks? Who cares what Russia thinks? If it were not for their oil, gas and nukes, they would be highly irrelevant on the world stage. 


What are their contributions to the world, since the 2nd half of the 20th century, anyway? Buckwheat? Vodka? What else? 

Woah there, easy easy easy Mike. Don't fall for this bait.


Not everyone in Russia agrees with Putin's statement shows polls. In fact it's quite the contrary, most Russians aspire to freedom and peace.


Putin does not represent what the entire Russian population thinks and vice versa.


Don't fall for the easy trap, don't paint them all with the same brush please Mike.


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1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

I'd rather defend Ukraine and risk WW3 than let this bully keep on slaughtering people for no good reason.  We've put up with enough from him, its time he was stopped - at the moment the West is letting Ukraine fight its war for them. Ukraine is being thrown to to wolves in the hope that it ends there.  A foolish attitude in my opinion - the free world is going to have to fight Putin at some point - I'm convinced of that.

I'm convinced as well. Same goes for XI. In fact one could argue that the US and China war has already been going on for years, albeit an economic one.


1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

Then Thailand will probably have no choice on who it aligns with because they have to consider China's position. 

Be careful who you are laying down in bed with, a shark with a wig, lipstick on and a nice looking Prada dress is still a shark.


Thailand and China are probably too far linked, tangled and intertwined now in that weird "bromance" ongoing relationship for anything positive to come out of it.


1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

Its entirely possible that at some point in the (maybe not too far distant) future, that those of you living in Thailand may either have to leave or face a whole new regime.

Which is why I've already sold everything and left. My only regrets is not having done sooner than that.


Welcome to Chailand.

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1 hour ago, TropicalGuy said:

China want ASEAN & NE Asia.

Pitin wants Ukraine as Neutral or Pro- Russia Buffer State possibly Partitioned West / East. 

- China wants the whole ASEAN region to itself+Tibet. (No one's talking about China has been doing to Tibet for decades yet it is... disgusting).

- Russia wants to regain control of the former Visegràd block, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia under their (economic) control.

- Erdogan wants the remaining half of Cyprus, Syria, Georgia and Armenia (to massacre them all) under their control all that while joining the European Union.

- The civilized Western occidental European Union wants the whole of England and Scotland back in the European Union (rightfully so).

- Israel wants the entire Gaza strip for them, eradicate Palestinians until the very last one.

- North Korea leadership dreams of reuniting with South Korea under their terms, their communist biased views of what a society should look like.

- The USA sees their Canadian friendly neighbor to the North as the 52nd state. They often jokingly label Canada as their 52nd state but make no mistakes.


Nothing new under the sun.

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