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Appreciated or Revalued?

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Amazing how this Government seems to manipulate to try & achieve the "chicken & the egg"

Let the Baht go & if interest rates do not rise then the Central Bank is still in contral

by devious means & in cahoots with the 120 "super rich"

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Just now, morrobay said:

Would you folks stop saying baht up and down. It confuses context. Instead say baht  appreciated or baht devalued 

Any amount of baht to the British Pound in excess of 50 would be "appreciated" by me! ???? 

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6 hours ago, ThailandGuy said:

after all these years that everybody was complaining about the strong baht currency they now suddenly see the light because tourist stayed away?  They are not coming because of the ThailandPass requirements. Not because of the (poor) baht exchange. But then again weakening the baht would enable people to come more then once and invest more into the Thai economy. When the baht was 50 to a euro i came twice a year to Thailand. At 35 i will most certainly not. What took them so long to figure this out?

You think it's in the power of the Thai govt to get the baht down to 50 to 1? The only way to do that would be to inflict pretty severe damage to the economy and make it weaker in relation to others. The thing is Thailand  has passed from being a developing nation to being lower middle income nation and is now an upper middle income nation. That means that its currency will naturally have gotten stronger. As nations pass from developing status on upwards their growth rate tends to be a light higher than fully developed nations. So their currency gets stronger in relation to them That's pretty much a universal rule.

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5 hours ago, placeholder said:

The thing is Thailand  has passed from being a developing nation to being lower middle income nation and is now an upper middle income nation. That means that its currency will naturally have gotten stronger. 

Upper middle income class for about 10% of the Thai population. The rest of the population sure would be doing better with a weaker baht. Services,exports/tourism.

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1 hour ago, morrobay said:

Upper middle income class for about 10% of the Thai population. The rest of the population sure would be doing better with a weaker baht. Services,exports/tourism.

The definition for upper middle income nation has nothing at all to do with wealth distribution or whether or not an individual is a member of a particular economic class. It's about the gross amount of income earned by residents of a nation divided by the number of residents of that nation. And before you start going on about how unjust the Thai economic system is, my reply had nothing to do with that at all. It was about explaining why the value of the baht has generally risen. At least once the dust settled after  Thailand stopped supporting a fixed exchange rate about 24 years ago. 

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On 3/30/2022 at 5:42 AM, zaZa9 said:

The baht is certainly down.

I got 25 baht for an Australian dollar over the counter  at an exchange yesterday for the first time since late 2017 !

 But of course I still yearn for the days I got a casual 28 to 29 when I I first arrived in 2008 !

When I first started visiting in 1998 I was getting 33 Baht to then A$. Gone are those days but anything over 25 is good

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18 hours ago, placeholder said:

The thing is Thailand  has passed from being a developing nation to being lower middle income nation and is now an upper middle income nation.

Then why did other countries have to donate covid 19 vaccines to Thailand?  There was and is enough money to buy them. Apparently Thailand chooses to be a developing country when it has advantages for them.

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9 minutes ago, ThailandGuy said:

Then why did other countries have to donate covid 19 vaccines to Thailand?  There was and is enough money to buy them. Apparently Thailand chooses to be a developing country when it has advantages for them.

Your comment is ridiculous. As you note, it wasn't a question of money. For mysterious reasons best not gotten into, Thailand refused to try to  buy adequate amounts of vaccine until it was too late. So they were well behind in the queue. Hence the donations.

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On 3/30/2022 at 5:02 AM, smedly said:

as a primary exporter which also includes tourism even though tourism happens in Thailand it is still an export because it involves foreign currency paying for goods


The hiso's the rich the theives want a strong baht because they invest and launder money abroad which is not good for Thailand which relies on export and tourism, there is a sniff of very serious domestic issues going forward, perhaps extreme social unrest and violence, the OP to me seems like a last ditch attempt to boost the baht before the doo doo hits the fan, this country IMO has been on the boil for a long time, it won't take much to set it off, there is anger which has been building for months - maybe Prayuth will write and sing a new ballad for the poor people who could never ever understand all those 000,000,000,000,00 if he actually had to show his bank balance and how it has grown since he was in office - Roman Abramovich would be proud........and the rest

Finally,  you and I agree!  I guess  it's time and now they have no choice but to stop the manipulation  of the THB!

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17 hours ago, ThailandGuy said:

Then why did other countries have to donate covid 19 vaccines to Thailand?  There was and is enough money to buy them. Apparently Thailand chooses to be a developing country when it has advantages for them.

Because  Thai culture is founded on people just giving them money, and material  things for nothing.  It's the great Con.  They teach their young to say, Krup Khun, before they can even  walk.  Of course I am over stating that,  but I am not far off. They are taught to Wai, and say Thank you, for any small measure someone  does for them.  This is not a terrible thing, as one should be humble and grateful when someone  gives another anything.   Some cultures  could learn from this, but Thais make it an art form. As they know if they, the recipient act very thankful to the giver, that they feel the giver will feel over joyed, knowing the Thai is so thankful!  It is true that most in Thailand are poor and lack manners, and Hygiene,  becuse they arent taught, and just dont know any better, nor do they care to be taught or corrected as it's a loss of face to them.  But one things for sure, many will have money in their pocket, or bank, but they are pros at spending anothers money, not just in Thailand,  India too, and other S.E.Asoan countries,  but rest assured from the top to the bottom they know how to play the, "Woe is me card",  and will sit and wait to see who will give them if they act helpless enough.  

So, that's why they waited for the world to give them at little to no cost the vaccine, and shut the borders to try and mitigate the virus getting in, and it almost worked, until last October  2021, when they decided  to start letting types like mongers, back in, that even if they the monger had covid symptoms, and knew they had only symptoms,  or tested positive,  once in country and no one was the wiser, they didnt stay in to keep it from others or protect others from getting it from them.  They only thought of their pleasure and stored need as being deprived of Tgais fruits for almost two years, was too much for them.  How do I know for sure?  More tgan once I would be at a restaurant eating a meal, and some sorry Character would sit down at a stool or seat close to me, and tell me that the lady they were with the day or night before tested positive.  I would be shocked as my first thought was, "You Ahole!" "Why are you here sitting here telling me this?"  "You should already be in quarantine,  or at tge hospital getting checked!"  This happened more than once and after Oct 2021, when the numbers really started to climb.  They went to other bars, or through Social Media called in "Company," knowing they had covid, and tgey passed it on to their temporary  partners.  In turn the "workers" caught it, and knew they had it, but didnt stop working, and spread to other customers, Then the authorities  started the test,ATK on the streets, or bars, yes bars, as fake restaurant was just tgat fake in name only they were still just bars, would test customers before they entered bars.  I seen it with my own Eyes, these mongers would test and the ATK would show a positive  result, so, the bar would refuse them entry.  So, the monger would simply walk a little ways down the Soi and attempt  and often successfully  enter another bar knowing they tested positive,  but they didnt care.  The country wasnt ready to let people in safely, but they did.  Many of you will say, the country needed the money, and we have to lrarn to live with it.  But Thailand  went from having less tgan 10 dearhs a day from it to the record high cases recorded yesterday, with 89 deaths. Thats now an average 60 to 80 deaths a day, because  greed and pleasure  was put ahead of safety. so their plan of sitting on the fence  with their hand out as usual backfired again.  

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