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UK Prime Minister Fined For Breaking Covid Regulations

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So what? Boris has been fined and no doubt he will pay the penalty in due course. Case closed. On the scale of 'crimes' that all the greedy Parliamentarians get up to, having a drink in an illegal party has got to be right at the bottom of the scale. 


Now he has bigger fish to fry with Russia threatening to nuke Britain in 5 minutes. So he better get on with the job.


Edited by Chris.B
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3 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Will he resign? Or will he just do what he always did? Rules are for the others, he can do whatever he wants.

Clearly, as I think you know, he will do as he always does.

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An online petition on change.org, asking that people support a proposition that both Johnson and the chancellor Rishi Sunak should resign has received over 300,000 signatures in less than 24 hours.



Edited by KhaoYai
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On 4/13/2022 at 12:25 PM, Chris.B said:

You people are unbelievable! Woke, liberal or what? Russia has invaded Ukraine. It has also threatened Finland, Poland Sweden, Denmark and Germany. It has threatened the UK with nuclear annihilation and all you are concerned with is that Boris had a drink at a party! There are women and children being raped and murdered in the Ukraine, old people being brutalised and killed, the country being systematically being destroyed and your prime concern is Boris having a drink? Laughable!


It was you who claimed posting a picture of the Queen in morning to get at Boris was low, and yet here you are arguing that the fact Russia is committing war crimes and atrocities somehow disallows criticism of the PM for breaking the law and lying through his teeth to Parliament.


A bigger question is, with the threat Russia is why hasn’t Johnson recalled Parliament?


There is unanimity across all parties for a robust response to Russia, and the very clear fact that the UK giving assistance to Ukraine places the UK in opposition to Russia (for which Putin threatens consequences).


It is Parliament’s duty to decide such issues.


But of course, once recalled it is also Parliament’s duty to hold the PM to account for his lies to the House.


Johnson’s fear of being held to account is preventing him recalling parliament in the face of the most serious threat to peace since WW2.





Edited by Chomper Higgot
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9 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Strange isn't it that Johnson decides to announce what he knows will be a contraversial new immigration policy at this time. A pathetic attempt at deflection that nobody has been fooled by.

People are quite capable of thinking about more than one issue at the time .

Did you expect for politics in the UK to come to a standstill just because of these fines ?

Like the Government shouldn't announce any more policies until these fines have got more scrutiny and publicity  .

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5 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

People are quite capable of thinking about more than one issue at the time .

Did you expect for politics in the UK to come to a standstill just because of these fines ?

Like the Government shouldn't announce any more policies until these fines have got more scrutiny and publicity  .

Come on, its clear deflection and many people have noted it as such. He simply wanted the 'Partygate' affair out of the headlines - it hasn't worked though.


This is getting like Trump - no matter what he does, people try to defend him. The man is a proven liar, I cannot remember a UK Premier that has been so constantly embroiled in controversy and scandal like this one.


The man is also unfit to govern the country due to his lack of knowledge about what is going on in the country.  Example - just a few years ago he went on TV and tried to blame the EU for introducing a costly packaging policy for fish as a way of illustrating their 'crazy laws' that were costing UK producers money.  That policy it turned out, was introduced by the UK!! That is just one example of the gaffs he's made.  He tries to tell he didn't realise he broke the rules on Covid - rules he introduced on TV and you defend him?


He doesn't know what day it is, never mind run a country but lying to Parliament and the country is a step too far.


"Oh, but don't forget my vaccine policy" - vaccine, vaccine, vaccine - his answer to everything. Anyone would think he personally invented the covid vaccine.

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2 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Come on, its clear deflection and many people have noted it as such. He simply wanted the 'Partygate' affair out of the headlines - it hasn't worked though.


This is getting like Trump - no matter what he does, people try to defend him. The man is a proven liar, I cannot remember a UK Premier that has been so constantly embroiled in controversy and scandal like this one.


The man is also unfit to govern the country due to his lack of knowledge about what is going on in the country.  Example - just a few years ago he went on TV and tried to blame the EU for introducing a costly packaging policy for fish as a way of illustrating their 'crazy laws' that were costing UK producers money.  That policy it turned out, was introduced by the UK!! That is just one example of the gaffs he's made.  He tries to tell he didn't realise he broke the rules on Covid - rules he introduced on TV and you defend him?


He doesn't know what day it is, never mind run a country but lying to Parliament and the country is a step too far.


"Oh, but don't forget my vaccine policy" - vaccine, vaccine, vaccine - his answer to everything. Anyone would think he personally invented the covid vaccine.

IMO , the new immigration policy's have nothing to do with his  fines , they are two separate unconnected issues .

  Also, I am not "defending" him , I think that its rather ludicrous to suggest that Boris announced a new controversial immigration policy for the sole purpose of attempting to get the public to forget about the party fines .

   Going to a party is quite a minor issue anyway  , like who did strictly keep to all the lock down rules ?

   Its a minor issue and its been dealt with and he's been fined .

Labour supporters will try and keep this story going as long as possible , keep it in the news for as long as they can , try to get as many  different angles for as long as possible , just so they can have their daily rant about Boris .

   You don't seem to b able to understand the difference between giving an impartial opinion and defending someone .

  Like , if I were to say something like "I think that Keir Starmer comes from Mars" and if you were to disagree with me , that would be you defending him 

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59 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

IMO , the new immigration policy's have nothing to do with his  fines , they are two separate unconnected issues .

Then you are at odds with a great many people - even his own MP's


Of course they are two separate issues - its the timing of the announcement that's in question. No consultations, no discussion, just a highly controversial policy, that he hasn't got a hope in hell of getting through the courts, intoduced at a time when the 'Partygate' affair was theatening to cause his downfall.  And that's coincidence? Get real.

59 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Going to a party is quite a minor issue anyway  , like who did strictly keep to all the lock down rules ?

   Its a minor issue and its been dealt with and he's been fined .

As I've tried to be clear on - its not the parties that are causing the problem, its his lies. Yes he should have complied with his own rules but he is in the ultimate position of trust and lying in Parliament is just too much. Johnson knows very well that he will be expected to resign if its proved he misled Parliament and that's the reason for his attempts at deflection. His lies to Parliament and to the public on TV are quite clear to me but he is clearly receiving advice on what to say now. If you listen to what he said to the BBC after he was fined - he's being very careful.  He says he 'respects' the police's decision to fine him and that he's sorry if he misunderstood the rules. That is very different to an admission of breaking the law and lying......why?  Because if he was to apologise on both counts, he'd be out of a job.


59 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Labour supporters will try and keep this story going as long as possible , keep it in the news for as long as they can , try to get as many  different angles for as long as possible , just so they can have their daily rant about Boris .

Let me make it clear - just so you know, I'm not a labour supporter. Far from it.


59 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

 You don't seem to b able to understand the difference between giving an impartial opinion and defending someone .

I understand that very well and your entitled to your own opinon but if you believe this new immigration policy was announced at this time was simply a coincidence - you are out of line with mainstream thinking.  I'm not about to take us off topic but Johnson is famous for deflection - as was his buddy Trump. Prior to this he has been asked many important questions by the media and he usually replies "my vaccine" - no matter what the question is.  Maybe even he's realised that he's played that one to death now.

Edited by KhaoYai
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1 minute ago, KhaoYai said:

Then you are at odds with a great many people - even his own MP's


Of course they are two separate issues - its the timing of the announcement that's in question. No consultations, no discussion, just a highly controversial policy, that he hasn't got a hope in hell of getting through the courts, intoduced at a time when the 'Partygate' affair was theatening to cause his downfall.  And that's coincidence? Get real.

As I've tried to be clear on - its not the parties that are causing the problem, its his lies. Yes he should have complied with his own rules but he is in the ultimate position of trust and lying in Parliament is just too much.


Let me make it clear - just so you know, I'm not a labour supporter. Far from it.


I understand that very well and your entitled to your own opinon but if you believe this new immigration policy was announced at this time was simply a coincidence - you are out of line with the mainstream thinking.  I'm not about to take us off topic but Johnson is famous for deflection - as was his buddy Trump. Prior to this he has been asked many important questions by the media and he usually replies "my vaccine" - no matter what the topic is.  Maybe even he's realised that he's played that one to death now.

Could you clarify ; how do you know that there was no consolations and no discussions ?

How do you know what Boris has  been discussing and with whim ?

And you can say with certainty that this bill will be stopped in a Court of law ?

100 % guaranteed ?

  This new immigration policy seemed to coincide with the Ukrainian refugees  arrivals in the U.K and the surging numbers of refugees from Calais , many who are suspected of being bogus refugees .

   With the increase in Calais refugees coming across the Channel , all the places were refugees stay are full and there is nowhere for the Ukrainian refugees to stay .

   The new immigration laws were quickly put in place to make room for Ukraine refugees and to stop bogus refugees coming from Calais . 

   Could even be to convince Ukrainian's not to go to  Calais and try to get a boat across to the UK

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16 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Could you clarify ; how do you know that there was no consolations and no discussions ?

How do you know what Boris has  been discussing and with whim ?

One of his own ministers has been on TV saying he had no idea that this policy was even being considered.


17 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

And you can say with certainty that this bill will be stopped in a Court of law ?

100 % guaranteed ?

No I cannot but the UN's lawyers have said its illegal, as have several prominent UK immigration lawyers.  Johnson doesn't care if its thrown out - as long as it get's him through the next few months.  Why do you think Patel has had to force the issue through with a Ministerial Direction?


22 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

The new immigration laws were quickly put in place to make room for Ukraine refugees and to stop bogus refugees coming from Calais . 

They were not - this is an entirely different issue and has been dealt with by an already introduced emergency policy aimed at Ukranian refugees (that's not doing too well).  Refugees already have a different method by which to claim their status.  The proposals Johnson has put forward are in relation to Asylum Seekers - the two are not the same. Furthermore - these proposals are only aimed at one section of Asylum seekers - young men seen as potential economic migrants.  If Johnson's aim is really to put the people traffickers out of business and stop people dying in sinking small boats, why only target young men?  Is it OK for women and children to die then.


Its quite clear why the policy is as it is - designed to gain popular support because Johnson knows that much of the British electorate are against economic migration.

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8 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

One of his own ministers has been on TV saying he had no idea that this policy was even being considered.


No I cannot but the UN's lawyers have said its illegal, as have several prominent UK immigration lawyers.  Johnson doesn't care if its thrown out - as long as it get's him through the next few months.  Why do you think Patel has had to force the issue through with a Ministerial Direction?


They were not - this is an entirely different issue and has been dealt with by an already introduced emergency policy aimed at Ukranian refugees (that's not doing too well).  Refugees already have a different method by which to claim their status.  The proposals Johnson has put forward are in relation to Asylum Seekers - the two are not the same. Furthermore - these proposals are only aimed at one section of Asylum seekers - young men seen as potential economic migrants.  If Johnson's aim is really to put the people traffickers out of business and stop people dying in sinking small boats, why only target young men?  Is it OK for women and children to die then.


Its quite clear why the policy is as it is - designed to gain popular support because Johnson knows that much of the British electorate are against economic migration.

One of his own ministers may have not discussed it with Boris , but that's not to say that it wasn't discussed with anyone anywhere . 

   One particular person didn't discuss it with him , maybe others did .

Some Lawyers have said its illegal , the UK Gov says its legal .

Its now down to a Judge to give a ruling as to its legality .

   You think that this policy is just to get public support . 

That is just what you think , just like you think the policy is illegal , and thus you make the false claim that its illegal , but you dont know whether its legal or not and you dont know whether its just a publicity stunt or not 

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8 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

One of his own ministers may have not discussed it with Boris , but that's not to say that it wasn't discussed with anyone anywhere . 

   One particular person didn't discuss it with him , maybe others did .

Some Lawyers have said its illegal , the UK Gov says its legal .

Its now down to a Judge to give a ruling as to its legality .

   You think that this policy is just to get public support . 

That is just what you think , just like you think the policy is illegal , and thus you make the false claim that its illegal , but you dont know whether its legal or not and you dont know whether its just a publicity stunt or not 

You can lead a horse to water..........................................................


I form my opinions based on evidence and the professional opinions of those more informed than I am. If I am making a 'false claim' that the new policy is illegal then surely Johnson's claim that it is legal is also false?  Would you care to place a bet on this proposed new policy getting through Parliament as it stands by April/May as planned?  Johnson knows very well there isn't a cat in hell's chance of it doing so but that's not why he's brought it forward now.


I think its implicit that anyone posting here without concrete evidence of their claims is stating their own opinion.  However, opinion has more credence if its is backed up by facts.  Note: I have given you facts whereas you have given what is purely your own opinion.  I have not however, provided links to the sources of my information - they are readily available as this is a 'hot topic' at the moment.


Your opinion is also confused as you have mixed two separate new immigration policies together - one in place for Refugees, the other proposed for Asylum seekers.  I futher note that you failed to address that point - selective replying??


In the interests of fairness, I will make an admission - a little research shows that the proposed new laws have actually been travelling through both houses of Parliament for quite some time so I fail to understand why a government minister said he knew nothing of them.  However, this fact could be said to make it even more questionable why the matter has been made public now.

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