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I'm So Sad. I'm So Sad.: My Friends. Don't Feel Sad. Instead, please watch this April's Musk interview on TED Talks.

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Please let me add:


For our young people, and for us, as well, waking up each morning and feeling sad about our future is a debilitating thing.


This interview done by the TED founder, interviewing Musk in one of his most eloquent moments, is an hour of time that you might enjoy.


In other words, maybe there is hope, even though hope is useless.


Hope is useless.

Action counts for something.


The challenges ahead, due to our past follies, are humongous.


See you in the year 2121, maybe.

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So, anyway...


I mentioned, in my last topic, something about....have you ever read "Don Quixote".


And what do you think, after reading this Cervantes novel?


Do you believe that Elon Musk is a modern-day Don Quixote de la Mancha, a brave and chivalrous knight, bent on saving our world, even though we might worry that he is just chasing at windmills, or wind turbines?


One man cannot save the world from itself.


Don Quixote does not see the world for what it is and prefers to imagine that he is living out his knightly story.


Personally, I would love to believe in Elon Musk.


Elon is an example of someone who is living his life to the fullest.


Maslow might even deign to agree that Elon is self-actuated, in the sense of Maslow's idea of self-actualization.


I have only great things to say and think about Elon Musk.


Musk is one of the most entertaining and wonderful people I can imagine in this century.


I truly wish him well.


And, I hope he finds peace and contentment in years to come.


GO Musk!



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If I were to interview Musk, I would ask him about the Thylacinus cynocephalus.




For example:  If, say, One Million humans were to eventually colonize Mars, then how many other mammals might bite the dust, in the interim, before we could move all of Earth's living organisms, including mosquitoes, to Mars?  Maybe Musk's vision is sort of like another Noah's Ark experiment.


As you will notice, if you watch the TED interview with Musk which I linked above, then you will understand that Musk states he wishes to protect "CONCIOUSNESS".


Presumably, he is referring to some sort of precious consciousness such as that which can be found here on the Farang Pub.


Obviously, here on the Farang Pub, we do not need any interaction with other living creatures, just in order to feel happy.


Few of us, I guess, ever visit the zoo, being mostly engaged with typing on our keyboards.


Maybe this is the same with Musk.


He has become so focused on getting to Mars, maybe, that he might have forgotten the blessed fruits here on Earth.


For sure, life on Mars, for Humans, would not be a bowl of cherries, even if you might be able to grow a few, on Mars, which, in itself, would be a major achievement.


I love Elon!


He cracks me up.

And, his achievements are out of this world.



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One aspect of this question worries me:


How do we teach our children in such a way that we can be both honest about the state of the world and yet provide our children with enough optimism, sufficient to allow them to live meaningful lives, not filled with overwhelming nihilistic thoughts.


In other words, how can we help our children to see the reality of our collective world predicament, and yet be resilient enough to still carry on.


In my opinion, which is not worth even two satang, is that you cannot fool children.


Although children are not old enough to have completely perfected the art of denial, no matter how useful this defense mechanism might prove to be during the present years and also in the next few decades.


This is a quandary of import for the future.


How do we protect children from the truth, what we might mistakenly believe to be the truth.


How do we help them to live happier lives, particularly when many of them are smarter than we?


Maybe, the answer might be to divert their attention through such things as Musk-type technology visions of a future on Mars.


One thing we do know, and this is that none of us live in reality.


Reality is a concept which we do not know.


There is always a lens between us and reality.


If we were to break this lens, and see reality as it actually is, then doing so would blow our minds.



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You know, besides Thylacines, boy,  in the near future...


It seems to be more about the USSR.




We are sure to hear much more from the CCP,  very soon.


Better to get it over with now, than later, maybe...


Dear Prudence...




Everything seems to be turning white....

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2 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

So, anyway...


I mentioned, in my last topic, something about....have you ever read "Don Quixote".


And what do you think, after reading this Cervantes novel?


Do you believe that Elon Musk is a modern-day Don Quixote de la Mancha, a brave and chivalrous knight, bent on saving our world, even though we might worry that he is just chasing at windmills, or wind turbines?


One man cannot save the world from itself.


Don Quixote does not see the world for what it is and prefers to imagine that he is living out his knightly story.


Personally, I would love to believe in Elon Musk.


Elon is an example of someone who is living his life to the fullest.


Maslow might even deign to agree that Elon is self-actuated, in the sense of Maslow's idea of self-actualization.


I have only great things to say and think about Elon Musk.


Musk is one of the most entertaining and wonderful people I can imagine in this century.


I truly wish him well.


And, I hope he finds peace and contentment in years to come.


GO Musk!



Everyone that thinks that Mars could be a "Noa's-Ark" is a scientifically uneducated moron that has been absent during basic "physics" in school. Period, full stop. 

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16 minutes ago, swissie said:

Everyone that thinks that Mars could be a "Noa's-Ark" is a scientifically uneducated moron that has been absent during basic "physics" in school. Period, full stop. 

I agree.



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Once upon a time there was a "frequent poster". He spent his days sucking up "wisdom" from Social-Media. Then dispursing his newly found (daily) wisdom here. Always in form of a question mark, but hardly ever participating in the ensuing discussion of the topic that he  created.

- Lonelyness and isolation in old age is a terrible thing. To "click around" and pounding the keyboard full time is no subsitute for leaving the house and make the effort of just "talk to people" in a completely "analog" fashion. I highly recommend this to "the frequent poster" here. This more so, as I feel that "the frequent poster" is distancing himself more and more from what I would consider "the real world".

I venture to say, that softly spoken words of a Thai Lady:  "You Think Too Much" would do a lot of good for the "frequent poster". Possibly bringing him back to a marvelloues "analog" world. In the best of cases, otherwise........?


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Regarding Musk's vision of relocation to Mars:


In my humble opinion, this might be OK for people from some lesser countries and villages.


However, I just worry that guys from Scotland might not be able to adapt to Mars, and might miss home, not to mention planet Earth.








Scotland is such a bonnie place that guys from Scotland could never adapt to life on Mars.


Even Hong Kong, these days, is not so suitable for guys from Scotland, not to mention life in Shanghai, obviously.


Can you imagine guys from Scotland living happily and contentedly on the planet Mars?


Personally, I cannot.

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If we were to relocate our CONSCIOUSNESS to Mars, then...


Would we have lakes and rivers for kayaking?


Would we have the sound of leaves rustling in the wind?


Would we have Thai myna birds?


I would never blast off for Mars if I were not able to take with me a few Thai myna birds.


Is Musk giving us a false hope?


Is Musk a distraction from our true reality?


Maybe Rocket Man should rethink his reality.


Musk deserves great respect for what he has accomplished.


However, he has accomplished a piddling amount compared to what Nature has accomplished, here on Earth, during the past 4.5 billion years. 

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9 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Regarding Musk's vision of relocation to Mars:


In my humble opinion, this might be OK for people from some lessor countries and villages.


However, I just worry that guys from Scotland might not be able to adapt to Mars, and might miss home, not to mention planet Earth.








Scotland is such a bonnie place that guys from Scotland could never adapt to life on Mars.


Even Hong Kong, these days, is not so suitable for guys from Scotland, not to mention life in Shanghai, obviously.

By disregarding my post above ( adressing you between the lines), serving up a "Fish-Story" from Scottland instead?

You need help. A kind of help that you will not find here.

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All that I can say is this, and little else:


Regarding the Future of Life....


Here is the very best book cover I have ever seen, a book by E.O. Wilson.


I regret that this book cover can not be found in a larger format on this limited network which we call the Internet.


A beauty, for sure.


Presumably, Musk will not be able to duplicate this Web of Life which we are familiar with on Earth, after landing on Mars. When, not if, Musk reaches the fourth planet, just staying alive will be a challenge, due to radiation and toxic dust from the megalith.  Musk has stated that his Starship rocket is capable of going to Venus, even..  Therefore, habitation on Mars will be easy, by comparison.


Perhaps you might enjoy this image of a famous book cover.


Who knows.  Many of you might have already read it, back in the day.



Best to you, my friends.


Speaking of planets, undoubtedly, most of you agree that I am headed for Neptune, one of our most beautiful planetary orbs.


"Planet Neptune"....just the sound of it is enough to make one drool.  And, the sight of it is truly out of this world.  Neptune is my favorite planet.  Who would not sell their soul to visit such a beautiful blue place!





Plenty of gas on Neptune, for sure.

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Here on Earth, with 8 billion people, the individual is just, basically, a nobody.

We are one in 8 billion:  1/8,000,000,000 of the population here on planet Earth.

We, as individuals, have minimal significance.

We come and we go, and no one cares.


Yet, if one were to go to Mars, then one could be a Somebody.


Nobody likes to be a nobody.


Everybody likes a somebody.



We love Musk.


He is not a nowhere man.


He is going somewhere.


No matter, where.


Meanwhile, the extinction rate is rising rapidly.


Some say there might be a total crash.


And then, we will all be sorry....







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The topic was:  "I'm so sad, I'm so sad. I'm sad, I'm sad, I'm sad...."


You know...sort of like: "I'm so glad, I'm so glad, I'm glad, I'm glad, I'm glad..."


Except, replacing the "gl" with an "s".



Oh Well, never mind.


Maye Savoy Brown can fix things.




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9 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

18 comments on your post----and 11 of them were from you................................:omfg:

He has a drinking problem I believe.


Good that he keeps his nonsense binge postings to only the one thread and not pollute the whole forum though.

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1 hour ago, Ralf001 said:

He has a drinking problem I believe.


Good that he keeps his nonsense binge postings to only the one thread and not pollute the whole forum though.

I believe not.


Instead, I believe that I have both a CO2 problem as well as a CH4 problem.


No doubt, you have the same problem as I.


We are addicted to producing CO2 pollution, just because our economy has been linked to consumption of fossil fuel energy sources. 


Maybe there will be a decoupling of growth linked to fossil fuel consumption.  Yet, this is still a known unknown.


Yes, progress is being made, and further progress is predicted, as you can see.....


Perhaps, someday soon, economic growth will be completely decoupled from the the use of fossil fuels...




Still, so far, this is just a prognostication, and also a pipe dream.


We are smokin' baby.


We are burning fossil fuels like there is no tomorrow.




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On 4/28/2022 at 2:24 PM, Sparktrader said:

Whats this topic about?

My Dear and Thoughtful Friend, Sparktrader:


What is the topic about?

This topic is a serious topic, for sure, and...here is why.


aa.  First, please allow me to sincerely thank you for your question which provides me with opportunity to explain this topic, the meaning of which I think would have been far more evident to everyone if the original topic title had not been altered by me, inadvertently, multiple times.


bb. Not that most people might care, one supposes, however, this topic was inspired by JACK BRUCE and ELON MUSK, as well as US (US, meaning all of us here on planet Earth).


cc.  Here is the thing...


1.  Jack Bruce, both back in the 1960s and later in 2005, sang at Albert Hall.  He sang what?  He sang, "I'm glad, I'm glad, I'm glad."


I love Jack Bruce.  I also love guys from Scotland who have flair, such as, maybe, Ian Anderson, and many others. But, my love of Scotland is not the key to this serious topic.


2.  Elon Musk, most recently, provided an amazing interview which I linked above.  If one were to view the entire video, there is a point in this video during which Elon Musk becomes quite a bit more introspective than his normally ebullient spaced-out self.  


The interview asks Musk:  Do you ever feel sad.  Meaning, here, do you ever feel sad about the future of Humanity on Earth.


I will not spoil the video for you by adding spoilers here.


Let us just say this:  Musk states that we, the collective we, and especially young people, should NEVER feel consistently sad about our future, or the future of humanity.


Watch the video for confirmation about this point, if you like.


3.  So, here we have rather a very SERIOUS question.


Should we be sad, or should we be glad.


I am very sorry, in fact, that the title of this topic was distorted in such a way that it made no sense.  This was my fault, and I apologize. 


The original post topic title should have been:  "I'm So Sad. I'm So Sad. I'm Say, I'm Sad, I'm Sad. Don't Feel Sad. Instead, watch this April's Musk Interview on TED Talks."


So, I recall that that was the original title.


dd.  Here is the SERIOUS point of this topic:


Back in 1968, or even back in the early post-world-war-2 years, most people could feel GLAD, simply because the war had ended, and everyone was kissing everyone...



And then, even in 2005, when Cream played in Albert Hall, Jack Bruce belted out I'm So Glad, one last time.


But then, after the long-predicted global warming effects began to become more evident, people young and old gradually became sad, and sadder and sadder about the future of humanity's future on planet Earth.


And then....Along Came Musk.


Musk, as you note from his video linked here, provides a totally different vision, one which is not so sad.


This is a SERIOUS topic, and just about as serious as you might imagine.


It has been over 50 years since Jack Bruce sang his song.


Nothing has changed.

It is business as usual, and it is now even business as usual but on steroids for CO2 emissions and methane outgassing, in fact.




Jack Bruce sang...  I am so glad.

Elon Musk is singing.... "I sometimes feel sad."


And, what are we singing, about our future?



Or, Glad?




Thank you, Sparktrader, for begging the question.

Take care, please,

Just as we all must, these day.


Best to you.



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And so, Sparktrader, the topic, in actuality, is a serious topic:


How do we teach our children well.


In other words, how might it be possible to teach our children about the so-called "real world", while still helping our young people to not be sad about the future, and yet remain optimistic enough about the future, in order to live productive lives.


Can anyone do THIS????


Doing this is not easy.


Escaping into fantasy is not an option.


And so, how do we inform our precious younger generation BOTH about the state of the world and ALSO about ways that might help them to deal with what lies ahead for them???


Do you have any helpful insights?


People on this forum, presumably, mistakenly believe that I am posting nonsense.


Some people believe, even, that I might be a troll.


Nothing could be further from the truth.


Sure, I admit that I invariably post in somewhat of a jocular way.  Is this form of posting no longer welcomed on our Farang Pub forum, one of fun and entertainment, not to mention occasional enlightenment? 


Fie, I say!


Let's have fun while the party lasts.


And, meanwhile, please think of some ways to encourage our young people in positive ways which will help them to Keep Their Heads UP, in coming years.




Please, let no man/woman here opine that this topic is not one of the most serious that has ever been posted on the Farang Pub.






And....My best to everyone who reads these words.



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