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How Much Do Give Your Wive $


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Trying to work out a set budget for the wive while I am at work as I work 35 days on and 35 off. my wives parents also live with us and I have a 4 month old daugter. How much do you guys give your wives per month including power, water, UBC

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Trying to work out a set budget for the wive while I am at work as I work 35 days on and 35 off. my wives parents also live with us and I have a 4 month old daugter. How much do you guys give your wives per month including power, water, UBC


Rigger just wonedering why you need to set limit or system for your wife? I mean i have been married now around 8yrs and me and my wife have bank account what we both can use if and when needed, you should able to trust your own wife and her judgement of money?

regarding our monthly budget while im not home, is one 3rd while im home so my wife actually spend less money while im not home to compare while im home..

We have, if you count elec.(1700),water(150),UBC(1700),cell phones(30000), home tel lines(1000) and fuel for car(4000\Mth)=38550Thb(while im home)

We actually have our own house and family live in they own house other side of the street, like normal European style, where marriged cpl do not live with they parent's...

Hope that you can solve your issue some how...

all the best


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THANKS for the imput The reason I was asking was that I just started a thai bank account and was plaining set up a automatic transfur to this account witch is one less hassle I have to worry about. As for my wive she is Quite good with money and saves every penny see can un like me spending every cent I can but its time now for me to start saving for the future. Living with with my wives parents for the last 3 years itis a pretty good set up for me as my wive is still young and with me working away it handy having another bloke around otherwise the wolves would be circling. just three weeks ago a 60 year old women was rape not far from the village. Not sure if he was on yabba or just plain mentaly retarded but they got him


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I give mine about 15000 a month which is not much but I opened a hair saloon for her from which she pays for our rental, food, electrical consumption, cable, drinks etc.

Very comfortable living we enjoy. The Saloon was ridiculously cheap to set up in the first place, gives her something to do as well. :o

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We have, if you count elec.(1700),water(150),UBC(1700),cell phones(30000), home tel lines(1000) and fuel for car(4000\Mth)=38550Thb(while im home)

Just my two penneth:

Electricity, bht 1,100; water (pumped), nil; UBC, bht 1,550; handphones (2), bht 800; home telephone, bht 450; internet access, bht 700; diesel, bht 1,000; truck insurance, bht 1,500; FG's allowance, bht 4,000; gardener, bht 600; = bht 11,700.

The rest I fritter away.

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Cell phones 30000 baht pcm.......................................


I just fell off the chair.

As my sig line says: U2Y.


you know some of us still working,,,, :o

hopefully you have Soft floor

-Take care and sit safe-

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I can imagine He fell from his chair.

The topic was;How much do you give your wifes.... and not how much are your business phonecalls costing. :o

No hard feelings.

btw my wife doesn't get anything.She takes what she needs.

She is my financial director :D

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  • 1 year later...

I am new to this forum but not new to Thailand, I work out of country so I do the money sending thing likeh alot of other folks.. I send around 9,000 baht a month 3,000 baht goes to my father-in-law to take care of my hobby(gaichone). We have 2 children of our own and since we are the oldest i think we take care of a family of about 11 or so that are close family. I don't mind a bit about that....... what they do for me in return is priceless. I have heard some real horrible stories though. Since I come from a farmers life myself i fit right in. best wishes to all...

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I give my wife 20,000 a month. She pays for everything including UBC and my pathetic Ipstar Internet. She normally has about 5,000 baht left to put in her bank account. I pay my health insurance and the vehicle insurance premiums. There are only the two of us.

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Rigger when I went to Kuwait I gave he wife 7K a week, she didn't use half of it and saved a lot of money. I'm what runs expenses up around here. No rent ect it would seem to me that 3k a week would give her extra if she needed it. Perhaps making sure you have a good amount in the bank when you leave would cover any emergency's that may come up.

What I do now is give her 60 K a month, but she has to make a house payment, and car payment from that, plus the insurance. She pays for everything through the month, entertainment everything. I use the aircon everyday, we have UBC and a DSL phone line, eat farrang foods at least 50% of the time. Most of the time the little turkey still saves money.

So you can see with me not in the picture expenses are far less.

I really believe it is imporatant to let your wife participate in the budget, how else can they learn. Also most of the girls I have seen are a lot more frugal when they see it is there money.

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I just give her everything I own and let her take care of me. It works for me and we are both happy. It was difficult in the beginning to teach her how to work according to a budget but well worth the effort now. She saves money every month and we can have a holiday every three months. Living expenses in our neck of the woods runs to about 20000 Baht a month and we have a 12y/o son and take care of mama. The only fixed expenses are water and electricity and the telephones. We recently bought a car but that should not influence your decision on how much to budget for living in LOS. Be very patient and teach your wife what a budget is all about. It bears fruit in the end. Chok dee Krap.

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80K a month


Spot on!!!

Snotty 80K a month


In my outfit there were only to Can'ts if you can't hack it you can't stay

Obviously the Eruo Trash can't stay.

Thai Ranger

Giving a woman all your money is just bullshit I wouldn,t care where she comes from. For one why would you keep all your money in a Thai bank what you got rocks in your head.

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80K a month


Spot on!!!

Snotty 80K a month


In my outfit there were only to Can'ts if you can't hack it you can't stay

Obviously the Eruo Trash can't stay.

Thai Ranger

Giving a woman all your money is just bullshit I wouldn,t care where she comes from. For one why would you keep all your money in a Thai bank what you got rocks in your head.

Snotty (love that name)

I am not given "a woman" all of my money but rather my wife of 35 years control of "our " money. Not all of our money is in a Thai Bank. That's the difference between people who know in love Thailand and Thai people and people who only come here for a cheap holiday. Do you hide your wallet in your sock at night when sleeping with your woman or in the lock box in the hotel lobby. If you can't afford to live here go home. :o

Thai Ranger

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15K per month. I pay for my beer, UBC, nights out and car expenses. She pays for the rest eg. utilities, daughters private education, farm expenses, phones, clothes etc. I like to think it’s more like house keeping money rather than me giving her an allowance.

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80K a month


Spot on!!!

Snotty 80K a month


In my outfit there were only to Can'ts if you can't hack it you can't stay

Obviously the Eruo Trash can't stay.

Thai Ranger

Giving a woman all your money is just bullshit I wouldn,t care where she comes from. For one why would you keep all your money in a Thai bank what you got rocks in your head.

Snotty (love that name)

I am not given "a woman" all of my money but rather my wife of 35 years control of "our " money. Not all of our money is in a Thai Bank. That's the difference between people who know in love Thailand and Thai people and people who only come here for a cheap holiday. Do you hide your wallet in your sock at night when sleeping with your woman or in the lock box in the hotel lobby. If you can't afford to live here go home. :o

Thai Ranger

I to have lived here many years and I am all ready set up with home married, land ,kids, Big bikes cars all owned buy my wife and I am still young so I dont see the need to bring more money into Thailand than I have to. How old where you before you were set up in Thailand and own every thing out right.

. I make large sums of money every month and dont see the point of bring it all into Thailand I also live in Isaan where the cost of living is cheap it may be OK for you old farts to give every cent of your little pension to your wife but I would not be doing :D

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OK impartial observer :o

Since when does it take 80 K a month to live in Issan I thought pretty upscale living on the part of Snotty.

Sorry guys after the house. a new pickup in her name and a motocy, yes I want to buy myself some goodies as well.

Now that being said whatever I save becomes hers anyway, so why not have a budget, why not let her control that budget, cause she is going to have deal with all this upon your death. If she does not learn while she has someone to teach her about that aspect of life, she more then likley be in big trouble down line.

These numbers that we are talking about her are not the average Thai earners income. My wife would for example had to work a year to obtain what is now her monthly budget. Now to she at first that was a huge amount of money. Why she had never had that, not had she ever paid bill in her life, she nows has bills and excellent creedit, which I will not let her abuse, a part of learning. After she has seen what it takes for this new life she has, she has much more respect for that money. She has learned that along with wealth comes resposibilities, that she had never even imagined before.

For me I have complete trust in her abilities, but I'm not a child and I control money that is labled for me as well. Operative word is labled, since many times I will buy something for the house that she might want that is beyond her budget. Why not I enjoy the fruits of that as well. But I can tell you right now my wife sees no need for me to own a new 750CC motorcycle. But I do and that is why I control a portion if the income as well. I worked a lot of years for the money that I share with her and I should have control as much as she does, simply because I don't treat her like a child nor do I want to be treated that way. We are partners in life, some goals we share others we don't, I never say no to what she wants to spend her money on, a long as she meets the families obligations.

There are times that we go beyond the budget, usually because of soemthing I do. I never hesitatate to give her the addiotional money she needs to accomplish her goals. To be honest that is rare, simply because she has really learned to be more reasonsible with money then I am and I recognize it.

I don't believe there really are any magic numbers for budgets, there are to many variables in each individuals a taste. The budget we use works for us, but that may be a drop in the bucket or very extravigant to someone else.

Now the truth is with all the bills paid and my spending out of the pictuer my wife could do very well on 20K a month and keep her housekeeper and still enjoy the things she enjoys for entertaiment and more then likey save 30% of her income. But thats no air, no UBC, cut down on phone usage, no internet, She would be very content to watch all that go bye bye, but not I. :D

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It's obviously different strokes for different folks. I asked my wife to handle all the household expenses and I would pay the annual insurance premiums. She told me she needed 15,000 baht per month. I give her 20,000 so she has some money for herself too. It works well for me.

As far as my finances, that is my business. My main bank account is in the US as well as my pension plans. She has NO access and never will have. The house was hers before we married. I did buy some farm land for her future in her name. The condo and vehicle I had before we married are in my name. I have been here too long to make the mistakes I see some fools make. It's your money so it's up to you how you spend it and who controls it. As for me, I remain a cynic. :o

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my girl friend pays me. usually a couple hundred bahts every few days.

Well since we are in questions now I had a few for you, lets see 600 baht a week, I assume for services rendered :o

How do you live on that :D

Are you under paid or overpaid :D

Have you considered a different career :D

Just joking :D:D:D

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hey snooty how do you define young?

Well put it this way if you play any of these games you are no longer young

Hide and Go Pee

Simon Says Something Incoherent

Red Rover, Red Rover, the Nurse Says Bend Over

Kick the Bucket

20 Questions Shouted into your Good Ear

Pin the Toupee on the Bald Guy

Sag, You're It!

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