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Thai people not confident to remove their masks - better to wear them to protect yourself, Thai media


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I live in Chiang Mai where we are seeing a return of quite a few tourists mainly all Uni age  NONE of them wear masks and all seem to walk around with no problem with locals who all wear them. I agree time to make them optional for a while then people will slowly forget them. As for not getting Covid I've had 3 vaccs but got but got invected about six weeks back two days of fever & a cough gone in four days!


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2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

"there  should be nothing to fear"


No, that's not correct.. The vaccines, especially  if you've been boosted, do a pretty good job at reducing your likelihood of serious illness and death from COVID, but they're not 100%... And their protections do tend to wane after 4-5 months post vaccination.


So yes, definitely get vaccinated and boosted in accord with the public health guidelines. But even for those who have already been vaccinated and boosted, wearing a quality face mask when around others in public places not only helps protect you but also protects those around you should you come down with the virus.



I’m fully vaccinated but had Covid a few weeks ago, just felt I’d been over training at the gym with a headache after six days I was fine.

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3 hours ago, Moonlover said:

Is it that funny? What a strange sense of humour you have. ????

Yes, it is, as funny as it is sad.   Too many examples that I see everyday, people in situations, that being being masked looks so silly.   Nobody around them for 100 meters, or worst, doing the chin thing.  Why bother.


If any good to all this silliness, it did highlight that older, vulnerable folks are susceptible and die from respiratory diseases.  Also does beg to ask why, pre-covid, same precautions weren't highlighted, as so many die every year for respiratory disease.   I know why, but can't be discussed on open forum.


Once covid is declared endemic, and people aren't paranoid of it, will they stop wearing mask around their older, still high risk to all other respiratory diseases, or simply go back to pre-covid, and just have faith in that amulet.

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

So will YOU remove YOUR mask if the regulations permit?

Yes indeed as here in Cambodia the wearing of masks is no longer mandatory (with a few specific exceptions). The choice is yours - some people still do but many do not (including foreigners - ex pats and tourists). I no longer wear mine in open spaces or when shopping in Makro and other supermarkets.

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Many Thais seem convinced that not only do all foreigners have covid, but carry some strain that is far more harmful than the one Thais might have.  I can only imagine their attitude to masks will get more cautious as the country fully opens up and tourism slowly returns to normal.

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3 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

How about just make wearing a face mask optional. Then everyone has to right to choose whether they wear one.

Yet, isn't that how it's all being practiced the world over today with the broad loosening of protocol and restrictions here and there. Some are opting to continue to wear masks [in public situations], regardless of local situations and many more aren't - whatever one chooses, shouldn't be looked upon as wrong or right or any such proposed political motive...it just is. 


Asians have been voluntarily donning facial masks for decades, usually during the so called cold/flu "season" just as a matter of course......without the ideals of being political, some universal authoritarian mandate or fabricate fear. 


Why should such a subject matter be breeched or debated in such a fine and convoluted manner - COVID or not? 

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ok, here are my 2 cents.

First, the Thai government and the media kind of dramatized the dangers of Covid as they knew without this many if not most Thai people will not follow the rules set in place. This was necessary at times when the disease was not well known, health providers did not know how to deal with it, and even sick people did not know how to deal with it. Now everyone is scared and while I agree there are less reasons these days to be scared, this emotion is not easy to go away. Why has nobody in this country been scared about other diseases before, be it Dengue fever, Malaria, flu, etc., it's because government, media, and everyone else just took it as "if it happens it happens".

Let's look at another example. In the country where I'm from mask wearing in public places was abandoned March 1 this year. From that very day, nobody was wearing a mask anywhere including the super market we were shopping at, except - me and my wife. We were scheduled to travel back to Thailand a few days later and definitely did not want to catch the virus before the trip as we would have not been allowed on the plane. When all of a sudden nobody wears a mask certainly the risk to catch the virus increases. If you don't need to go anywhere that's not a big deal (if you are vaccinated), just wait it out at home.

So, give those scared people a break and let them wear their mask. It will eventually become part of live like other diseases, and people will eventually live with it and not be scared, and then they will leave their masks in the drawer.

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For your information. I'm in France atm. The compulsory mask wearing law was dropped just over a month ago except for in medical facilities. Very very few wear them now. Including me. I went to a medical clinic today for an out patients appointment.  All patients were wearing masks. The consultant I saw and her receptionist were not!

Round these parts infection rates are still dropping but that may well now be because far fewer tests are being done.

I now qualify here for a second booster shot and will be getting it on 1 July at my local pharmacy. Back in Thailand my wife and her family have still only had the first 2 shots.


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I asked my wife the other day her opinion about the idea of not wearing her mask, She told me she would like to continue to wear it. I explained to her that covid in Thailand right now is experiencing a dramatic fall in positive infections to the point that statistically, the chance of catching it was extremely improbable and for myself, I could accept on this basis, I could easily give up my mask.


With this in mind I asked if she thought there was a hint of paranoia and she agreed.


I would like to make this point though, We have been wearing masks for more than two years and while agreeing that in the early times in 2020 it took quite a while to adjust to wearing them but that after two years, it has become routine and one might also think of it as a habit. Now the "habit" is a little difficult to break and a new adjustment in reverse is the matter to ponder.


It isn't entirely rational, I think, but in Lampang where I live, just about everyone still wears their mask and going anywhere without it, might elicit the death look. 


It isn't a big deal for me either way but I DO wonder when it will all end!

Edited by ChrisKC
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Good on Miss Siri, do wear your mask forever and enjoy Madame!

I will continue to wear one in heavy BKK traffic while on my bike, as they do block some of the exhaust fumes as I did in years past BEFORE COVID!

BUT once the general law is changed that's it for everywhere else, nada, alto, YUT, NO MAS!

Albeit some Gov puppet declared in February that there was no legal requirement to wear one!

But we are all used to the Gov geniuses changing their minds daily along with the laws.



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12 minutes ago, heist said:

Thai people not confident to remove their masks

Thankfully I'm not Thai people then

It appears from the report that one Thai person was not confident about removing their mask. Not very representative is it.

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7 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

A lot of them will never stop wearing their masks. 

It's became a cultural thing over the last century due to various forms of bird flu and others. And now in Japan & Beijing air quality. They will always wear them.

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