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Penang Tourist Visa Run

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Hello. I got one as well. was in Penang about 2 months ago. agent was indian bookshop (AJ's I think). I ahve used him 2 times bofore without any problems.

Anyone have anything further to add? Any problems with more tourist visas from Penang after having this stamp?


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...and seven weeks on from the initial report, it would still be interesting to see a scan of this stamp.

Im a Singaporean and I have been applying for tourist visa to Thailand one after another ( about 4-5 ) in Singapore

Today, the lady working at the Singapore Thai embassy told me the same thing too

She told me this is my last one, if not I have to stay in Singapore for 3 months before I can re enter Thailand again

I have checked this with the Thai Immigration officer back in Thailand, they told me that theres no limitation on applying Tourist visa

All I need to do is to leave the country when the visa expire and apply for a new one before I reenter

Btw,I will be getting my passport on this coming Friday, Hope I will not get the stamp!! will let you guys know


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...and seven weeks on from the initial report, it would still be interesting to see a scan of this stamp.

I've contacted one of the major agents in Penang about these stamps (one that I use - Banana guesthouse), and they mentioned that they (stamps) have been given. I have no reason to believe they were lying about it.

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...and seven weeks on from the initial report, it would still be interesting to see a scan of this stamp.

I've contacted one of the major agents in Penang about these stamps (one that I use - Banana guesthouse), and they mentioned that they (stamps) have been given. I have no reason to believe they were lying about it.

Did your agent give any reason as to why the stamps are given? Judging by reports posted here, it certainly does not seem to be the case that every long-staying visa applicant receives one. (Bad) Luck of the draw?

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...and seven weeks on from the initial report, it would still be interesting to see a scan of this stamp.

I've contacted one of the major agents in Penang about these stamps (one that I use - Banana guesthouse), and they mentioned that they (stamps) have been given. I have no reason to believe they were lying about it.

Did your agent give any reason as to why the stamps are given? Judging by reports posted here, it certainly does not seem to be the case that every long-staying visa applicant receives one. (Bad) Luck of the draw?

Here was my question to the agent in Penang:

Hi Visa Agent,


> I was reading on a forum that some people applying for

> tourist visas in Penang are getting remarks in their

> passports as follows:


> "About the back to back tourist visa you were asking.

> Since 15th June we have notice that all applicants

> with 3 tourist visa back to back are being stamp a

> remark : The holder of this passport travels in

> Thailand under a tourist visa several times which may

> result in the refusal of a visa in the future"


> Is this true?


> Kind regards,


and here is their reply:

Dear Tropo,

Yes, it true. These was my answer to a customer. However, it's not


that the Penang Consulate

will not give anymore tourist visa to applicants with this remark in


This week the person signing and

approving the applications has changed . So, nobody knows what's going


change again. We will keep you

inform of any changes.

If you are planning to stay in Thailand for long, you are advised to


and apply for a non-immigrant B visa.

First time application will be given 3mths and 2nd time once you get


work permit, we can apply for 1 year

visa with multiple entry for you.


Your friendly Penang Visa Agent.

This correspondence took place on 28 June and I've since read on this forum that a person applying for a 4th consequetive visa did not receive a stamp, so maybe the new officer has stopped doing it.

Soon I shall contact my agent again to get the latest details.

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But !? How much is long this future ? For how much time I'll not to be elegible to get furter tourist visas ?

It seems to me very strange that who got that stamp not asked that to itself.

It seems to me strange that he not worried to ask some clarifications about that. Because it does not seems me a thing of secondary importance.

What is it ? A suspension ? And if yes ;how much last ?

I can't stay in Thailand as a tourist for long time ? Why?

At the discretion of who they give me that stamp?

I can't believe of that ,as long as I'll not have an answer about these questions.

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But !? How much is long this future ? For how much time I'll not to be elegible to get furter tourist visas ?

It seems to me very strange that who got that stamp not asked that to itself.

It seems to me strange that he not worried to ask some clarifications about that. Because it does not seems me a thing of secondary importance.

What is it ? A suspension ? And if yes ;how much last ?

I can't stay in Thailand as a tourist for long time ? Why?

At the discretion of who they give me that stamp?

I can't believe of that ,as long as I'll not have an answer about these questions.

They introduced new restrictions on tourists staying in Thailand in October last year. No one can tell you about what will happen in the future and not enough time has elapsed since October 1 last year to get a good idea on enforcement procedures that seem to vary a lot.

Most people who stay in Thailand on tourist visas are living with the same uncertaintly as to how long they will be able to stay...it's certainly not a cheap solution anymore.

If you need certainty, another type of visa may be the only solution.

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The October restrictions were for those using visa exempt entry only. There was no change for those using tourist visas. But as said nobody has a crystal ball.

In addition to the 90 rule, I was also referring to the non-issuance 2 and 3-entry tourist visas from neighboring consulates and embassies since October 06 which is a huge restriction.

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I was not aware that these Consulates would normally issue two and three entry visas to non residents even prior to then. In any case it is not a problem for most tourists as they obtain there visas in home country prior to travel.

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I was not aware that these Consulates would normally issue two and three entry visas to non residents even prior to then. In any case it is not a problem for most tourists as they obtain there visas in home country prior to travel.

Yes, last year (August) I got a 3-entry and my girl (Philippines) got a 2-entry TV from Penang.

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But !? How much is long this future ? For how much time I'll not to be elegible to get furter tourist visas ?

It seems to me very strange that who got that stamp not asked that to itself.

It seems to me strange that he not worried to ask some clarifications about that. Because it does not seems me a thing of secondary importance.

What is it ? A suspension ? And if yes ;how much last ?

I can't stay in Thailand as a tourist for long time ? Why?

At the discretion of who they give me that stamp?

I can't believe of that ,as long as I'll not have an answer about these questions.

They introduced new restrictions on tourists staying in Thailand in October last year. No one can tell you about what will happen in the future

Is there a stamp? Is it written : the older of this passport cannot get furter t.v. in the future ?

Ok! I want just know ,for how much time I'll not to be able to get furter t.v.

It does not seems me a difficult question.

If you give me a limitation ,you must say me also; how much is long that limitation.

and not enough time has elapsed since October 1 last year to get a good idea on enforcement procedures that seem to vary a lot.

Most people who stay in Thailand on tourist visas are living with the same uncertaintly as to how long they will be able to stay...it's certainly not a cheap solution anymore.

Why you call it a cheap solution ?

Are you be sure that who stay with a t.v spend less than who stay with a non immigrant visa ?

If you need certainty, another type of visa may be the only solution.

I'm sorry, there are no definite answers to your simple questions.

Doing tourist visa runs combined with border runs will amount (conservatively) to around 35K a year. You can decide whether that is within your budget or not.

We don't know what the future will bring because that is the nature of Thai Immigration law...it's always changing, and so are the governments.

Staying permanently on tourist visas/border runs is still a loophole and should be seen as such. This loophole may close in the future so let's enjoy it while it lasts. Some consulates and embassies in neighboring countries are already starting to take a dim view on the issue of back-to-back tourist visas and that's after introducing the policy of no longer issuing multiple entry TVs last October.

As I said, if you require certainty then look at other visa options.

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i'm sorry, but i do not consider back to back tourist visa's a loophole. not yet anyways. what possible difference could there be between a first time visa holder and a multiple visa holder. the type of visa designates the restrictions. those working illegally in thailand should be held liable along with the employer. the employer being the first line of defense, and therefore most at fault.

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i'm sorry, but i do not consider back to back tourist visa's a loophole. not yet anyways. what possible difference could there be between a first time visa holder and a multiple visa holder. the type of visa designates the restrictions. those working illegally in thailand should be held liable along with the employer. the employer being the first line of defense, and therefore most at fault.

Obviously it is a loophole because it allows tourists to stay in Thailand on a permanent basis which is contrary to their intent i.e. tourist

I'm not saying it's illegal, only a loophole which is slowly closing via 3 major changes since October 1, 06:

1. Only 3 visa exempt entries allowed for tourists in a 6 month period.

2. 2 and 3 entry tourist visas are no longer available from SE Asian Thai Consulates and Embassies.

3. Certain embassies and consulates in SE Asia have started remarking that certain applicants have had too many tourist visas and either

a. maybe be refused in the future (Penang, Laos)

b. don't come back to this embassy for another visa (Singapore)

c. don't come here for tourist visas (Cambodia)

Add this to the tighter control at border and airport entries points and you can see that times are indeed changing for perpetual tourists.

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i'm sorry, but i do not consider back to back tourist visa's a loophole. not yet anyways. what possible difference could there be between a first time visa holder and a multiple visa holder. the type of visa designates the restrictions. those working illegally in thailand should be held liable along with the employer. the employer being the first line of defense, and therefore most at fault.

Obviously it is a loophole because it allows tourists to stay in Thailand on a permanent basis which is contrary to their intent i.e. tourist

I'm not saying it's illegal, only a loophole which is slowly closing via 3 major changes since October 1, 06:

1. Only 3 visa exempt entries allowed for tourists in a 6 month period.

2. 2 and 3 entry tourist visas are no longer available from SE Asian Thai Consulates and Embassies.

3. Certain embassies and consulates in SE Asia have started remarking that certain applicants have had too many tourist visas and either

a. maybe be refused in the future (Penang, Laos)

b. don't come back to this embassy for another visa (Singapore)

iAdd this to the tighter control at border and airport entries points and you can see that times are indeed changing for perpetual tourists.

agreed, that things seem to be changing. but why? do they feel that those who have been staying here"long term" are somehow less law abiding and/or less likely to spend as much cash as a first time visa arrival? as far permanency goes, since i am out of the country to apply and receive said visa, i would not call that permanent.

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agreed, that things seem to be changing. but why? do they feel that those who have been staying here"long term" are somehow less law abiding and/or less likely to spend as much cash as a first time visa arrival? as far permanency goes, since i am out of the country to apply and receive said visa, i would not call that permanent.

They probably assume that anyone under retirement age who is staying permanently on a tourist visa must be working illegally and they're probably right for a large percentage of them - it's the conclusion most would come to.

It's unfortunate for the independently wealthy tourists and others who make their money on investments back at home or on the stock market.

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agreed, that things seem to be changing. but why? do they feel that those who have been staying here"long term" are somehow less law abiding and/or less likely to spend as much cash as a first time visa arrival? as far permanency goes, since i am out of the country to apply and receive said visa, i would not call that permanent.

They probably assume that anyone under retirement age who is staying permanently on a tourist visa must be working illegally and they're probably right for a large percentage of them - it's the conclusion most would come to.

It's unfortunate for the independently wealthy tourists and others who make their money on investments back at home or on the stock market.

appreciate your very civil response. i would hope that in the future "reason" wins out somehow. and risking the wrath of many, i see no detriment to the Thai economy by "permitting" a foreign leaseholder to "manage" the small bar or restaurant catering to other foreigners that he may have "invested" in with his Thai lady. same logic when discussing "english" teachers out in the provinces, particularly when the work permit is not offered, and salary so obscenely low that the village is more than fortunate to have anyone their to speak.

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Maybe is my fault, maybe I can't express me well in english language.

My question is very simple one.

If the embassy, consulate etc... give me a remark , they must also give me some clarifications.

If the remark say: the holder of this passport travel to Thailand under a tourist visa several times wich may result in the refusal of a visa up to 1-2-5 or 10 years . Is ok. I can understand.

But instead says : the holder of this passport travel to Thailand under a tourist visa several times wich may result in the refusal of a visa in the future.

Saying in this way it means that I cannot get any kind of visa for the rest of life .

For what? In order which crime ?

It seems me a madness

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Last week I went on a visa run to Penang for a new tourist Visa.I have 2 previous tourist visas both from the embassy in Los angeles. When I picked up my passport they had stamped my new tourist visa REMARK: THE HOLDER OF THIS PASSPORT TRAVELS TO THAILAND UNDER A TOURIST VISA SEVERAL TIMES WHICH MAY RESULT IN THE REFUSAL OF A VISA IN THE FUTURE. Pretty Vague??? May??? Is there a limit to the number of tourist visas one can get??? Anyone else have this experience or I am I just that unlucky??? :o

I got the same remark added to my passport after I had been to Laos for a TV on the third occasion..

This was a fair few months ago and I haven't been back and not going to. I decided that I'm not wasting my time and money if I'm not guaranteed a TV. Move onto the next place

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Maybe is my fault, maybe I can't express me well in english language.

My question is very simple one.

If the embassy, consulate etc... give me a remark , they must also give me some clarifications.

If the remark say: the holder of this passport travel to Thailand under a tourist visa several times wich may result in the refusal of a visa up to 1-2-5 or 10 years . Is ok. I can understand.

But instead says : the holder of this passport travel to Thailand under a tourist visa several times wich may result in the refusal of a visa in the future.

Saying in this way it means that I cannot get any kind of visa for the rest of life .

For what? In order which crime ?

It seems me a madness

To give you a tourist visa the Visa Officer at the embassy or Consulate must be satisified that you intend to enter Thailand as a tourist and not far some other purpose. There are guidelines about the information required but these are only guidelines not firm rules. If you are entering Thailand as a tourist then your normal place of residence must be outside Thailand. What the stamp appears to be staying is that you spend such a large proportion of your time in Thailand it looks like you lare planning to live in Thailand rather than plannng to come as a tourist. I think that part of the problem is that historically Thailand has been so easy in giving tourist visas to people who clearly are not tourists, I small move towards normal international standard is a big shock.

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But instead says : the holder of this passport travel to Thailand under a tourist visa several times wich may result in the refusal of a visa in the future.

Saying in this way it means that I cannot get any kind of visa for the rest of life .

For what? In order which crime ?

It seems me a madness

There are not many certainties with regard to Thailand's visa rule enforcement, it's just the way things are....you'll have to learn to live with it.

So Thai immigration choose to use vague and ambiguous language - it's their prerogative. It's the raison d'etre of ThaiVisa.com. Did you ever wonder why an extremely busy forum exists with the name "ThaiVisa"?

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