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Thai Expats celebrate Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in style


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5 minutes ago, TropicalGuy said:

A national record at least !  ????????Yes he was so incredibly popular that the people he has shot or hung were singing his praises to the last ! On pain of their entire families getting garroted no doubt ….????????

Reminds me of that Italian Dictator chappie who kept the trains running on time (in order to overthrow a king?) but ended his life hanging upside down from a lamppost!
Very popular (after death!)

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6 hours ago, scorecard said:

Queen who?


The writer doesn't even once mention her name. 


Queen Madge? Queen of the Nile? Queen Barbie? Queen Mercedes? Who?

It’s a cool Brit “thing”. Like “ Royal Navy” or “ Royal Air Force”. NOBODY dares to say “ which one? ”. Incredibly Uncool. One just KNOWS. There can be only one ! You either get that …or you don’t. ????????

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18 minutes ago, TropicalGuy said:

If you have to ask these questions you wouldn’t understand or accept the answers. ????????????????????you either “get” the unique wonder of Britain???? …. or you don’t. ????

Wait now! Not knowing the answers and just believe. That´s many time called delusion. But, on the other hand, maybe you got another 7 emoji´s to cover up with.

Edited by Gottfrid
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Just now, TropicalGuy said:

It’s a cool Brit “thing”. Like “ Royal Navy” or “ Royal Air Force”. NOBODY dares to say “ which one? ”. Incredibly Uncool. One just KNOWS. There can be only one ! You either get that …or you don’t. ????????

Just like the UK postage stamps which do not have UK on them!

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43 minutes ago, TropicalGuy said:

Very few non-British understand how the oldest most mature democracy works or why UK is so successful. ????


All Western Europe grateful for our WW1 & WW2 successful endeavors.

Except embarrassed surrendering French of course who pretend USA alone liberated them.????????????

We can say like this. France have to give in to the occupation of all from Germans to Americans and brits. What would the brits have done without the Americans? Taken on Germany alone? Somehow I do not think that would have delivered the same result. That is also why UK still pays USA money for their help.

So, I guess that all sums it up! Great Big Britain.


Edited by Gottfrid
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3 minutes ago, DezLez said:

Just like the UK postage stamps which do not have UK on them!

There you go ! That’s the spirit ! ????????Cool Britannia.

This British “coolness” really pisses off the Frogs & Krauts though ????????

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51 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Why are you so vehemently anti-British ?


Without knowing the reason, I can only assume that something has happened at some point in time to make you like this.


Any chance of enlightening me, and others, on your reason for this hatred  …. thanks

Actually, you can not be more wrong. Nothing happened at all to make me respond like this. That will say, I f you do not consider history, things that happened.

In that case, brits have all through history, tried to show themselves like something extra. Something I do not like. It also goes together with the world known arrogance. The second thing I do not like.  Just a bunch of people that are media and photo crazy, and must put the nose in everything.

Edited by Gottfrid
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7 minutes ago, Gottfrid said:

That is also why UK still pays USA money for their help.


The final payment of $83.3 million (£42.5 million), was made by Britain on December 29, 2006 (the last working day of the year). After this final payment, Britain's Economic Secretary to the Treasury formally issued thanks to the U.S. for its wartime support

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59 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

What an absolutely ridiculous comment; did you not even bother to read the thread to which Bkk Brian was responding to ?


…… what he actually said was “I really don't understand why anyone criticises these events when people attend voluntarily to enjoy their own cultural heritage”  he did not simply say “I do not understand”


You should read comments carefully before making such puerile comments

Yeah, I should, but I still don´t understand what you are posting

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3 minutes ago, Gottfrid said:

We can say like this. France have to give in to the occupation of all from Germans to Americans and brits. What would the brits have done without the Americans? Taken on Germany alone? Somehow I do not think that would have delivered the same result. That is also why UK still pays USA money for their help.

So, I guess that all sums it up! Great Big Britain.


British Empire then could not be Beaten by Anybody. Too Vast. Too Populous. Too Much Ocean. Unlike Germany of course……UK Empire DID Beat Germany & Japan ALONE in many sea / air/ land battles 1940-42 with USA Production help. UK Empire also did most of the invading / fighting /planning on Western Front 1944-45. 

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Troll posts and replies removed.   The discussion is about the celebration of the Queen's Jubilee.  Off-topic posts about the monarchy have been removed.  Please keep in mind that the Les Majeste laws do extend beyond just the Thai Monarchy.  


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2 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

Wait now! Not knowing the answers and just believe. That´s many time called delusion. But, on the other hand, maybe you got another 7 emoji´s to cover up with.

It’s called” not wasting my time with ignorant anti-UK types”. It’s you not knowing the answers. I ain’t your teacher. ????????????

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3 hours ago, TropicalGuy said:

It’s called” not wasting my time with ignorant anti-UK types”. It’s you not knowing the answers. I ain’t your teacher. ????????????

And still, here you are replying. No, I don´t know the answers. That´s why I asked a set of questions. I know, you are not my teacher, but It really looks like you are avoiding them, by actually wasting time.

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11 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

It only cost 30 Million Pounds , we save more than that per day by not having to give the money to the E.U. anymore  

Irrelevant and the country could have spent that 30 million on it's own poor rather than a knees-up for a bunch of pretentious, self-important people who help nobody but themselves.

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15 hours ago, scorecard said:

Queen who?


The writer doesn't even once mention her name. 


Queen Madge? Queen of the Nile? Queen Barbie? Queen Mercedes? Who?

Perhaps the other one that has been on the throne for 70 years?

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38 minutes ago, Excel said:

Irrelevant and the country could have spent that 30 million on it's own poor rather than a knees-up for a bunch of pretentious, self-important people who help nobody but themselves.

The U.K Government  has spent about 400 Billion Pounds on the poor in the last few years during the Covid pandemic , and another 30 Million would be an insignificant amount 

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16 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

My celebration consisted of a total news blackout for 4 days and missed all the endless slobbering I suspect 

Unfortunately for me perhaps I do listen to the news a lot, Sky News in particular. There didn't appear to be any news every time I looked at it other then highlighting the  disgusting waste of taxpayers money

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5 minutes ago, Excel said:

Pathetic response and to support your argument post the breakdown how you got to that fanciful 400 billion.  You are talking complete and utter hogwash. And any additional amount whether it be 30 million or 3 million is better than nothing and wasting it on a glorified party for pompous, wealthy, self important plonkers that convince themselves that they add worth to the nation.


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15 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Wow! Is it difficult  taking that stance?

Not really, i dont give it much thought - i believe in democracy and freedom of speech - You cant fart in the UK now without someone trying to bubble you up to your manager - I saw 1st hand what the UK has become, that's why i left.


I got tired of being treated like a 2nd class citezen in my own country & have no desire to ever return.

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2 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

You said 400 million for the poor and I asked for supporting evidence. All you have done is cut and pasted a total irrelevance. The poor are those living below the poverty line  but obviously you have no understanding or any care about what that is as what you posted just above contains 150 billion of support for business, they are the UK's poor are they in your delusional world ? ????, but obviously you either never bothered to read or else you couldn't understand what that pie chart was actually illustrating.


Now go back and supply supporting data for your claim that 400 billion was spent on the poor or else simply shut up and stop spouting Boris waffle.



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3 hours ago, RedArmy said:

Not really, i dont give it much thought - i believe in democracy and freedom of speech - You cant fart in the UK now without someone trying to bubble you up to your manager - I saw 1st hand what the UK has become, that's why i left.


I got tired of being treated like a 2nd class citezen in my own country & have no desire to ever return.

And you blame that on the royals?

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14 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

We can say like this. France have to give in to the occupation of all from Germans to Americans and brits. What would the brits have done without the Americans? Taken on Germany alone? Somehow I do not think that would have delivered the same result. That is also why UK still pays USA money for their help.

So, I guess that all sums it up! Great Big Britain.


You may not have realised that the UK was fighting WW2 from September 1939. The US only officially joined the war in December 1941, over 2 years later.


Can you explain what you mean by this?


quote "That is also why UK still pays USA money for their help."

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10 minutes ago, billd766 said:

You may not have realised that the UK was fighting WW2 from September 1939. The US only officially joined the war in December 1941, over 2 years later.


Can you explain what you mean by this?


quote "That is also why UK still pays USA money for their help."

Everyone was fighting the war, except some countries, and without help from US, Britain would have lost as well.

Explanation: wrong info.

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