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Biden approval rating at 39% amid economic fears; 47% 'strongly disapprove': USA TODAY/Suffolk poll


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7 minutes ago, vandeventer said:

Because America is not producing nearly enough because of the Dems. green policies. So America is taking more than 1 million barrels of oil a day away from other countries. The Dems. know all of this but they just can't open their eyes, nor do they want to.

Again no links? Your claim is unsubstantiated and wrong.


The resulting total net petroleum imports (imports minus exports) were about -0.16 million b/d in 2021, which means that the United States was a net petroleum exporter of 0.16 million b/d in 2021.



Edited by ozimoron
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Just now, Reposed said:

I love how so many members choose the appropriate user name for themselves.

Probably the lowest and least intelligent form of comment in this forum is one based on an avatar name. To have to resort to that means you've got nothing useful to contribute.

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Biden's not solely responsible for the price of fuel in America, he's just not doing ANYTHING to improve the situation except to threaten oil companies who essentially are telling him to pound sand. Now Biden's going to the ME to beg the KSA, whom he referred to as the  the pariah state to help. He's lost in this energy conundrum and his admin ain't pulling their weight. They're all lost as well. It's a mess.




The big predicament is NOT the oil supply, there is enough, it is the US refining capacity that is the culprit now, thanks to NGD forces.


How can anybody at this point in Biden's epic mess of failures be surprised by his slumping polls.


Edited by bocaBob
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19 minutes ago, vandeventer said:

Because America is not producing nearly enough because of the Dems. green policies. So America is taking more than 1 million barrels of oil a day away from other countries. The Dems. know all of this but they just can't open their eyes, nor do they want to.

Exactly how have Green policies affected oil production? Oil companies went on a leasing spree under the Trump adminstration which virtually gave away huge amount of land potentially rich in oil and gas. If they didn't drill for it then that maybe was because it didn't make economic sense. They are still holding on to all those leases. And production is now increasing.

Of course, if you have a problem with green policies reducing demand, could you explain why you think that's a problem? You think reducing demand for oil and gas is a bad thing?

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8 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Price of oil at the end of '21 was the same as it was at the beginning of '20. $61 a barrel.

No it was not but anyway I was talking about the trend, as I described.

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4 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

Who in their right mind would "approve" of what Biden is doing??????? Who are these 40% of ordinary voters that support him and his policies after the total disaster he has made of them? What thoughts go though their minds as they answer the question? Idiots, total idiots. 

I think many people see only A and B. If A is bad then B must be good.

The problem with America is that there is only bad and bad.

Recently my YouTube feed contains videos from the American right and the American left. They both complain about each other. And often I have to agree with them. I agree with the left that the (radical) right is bad. And I agree with the right that the (radical) left is bad. But in both cases that doesn't mean for me that the others are better. They are both bad.

It would be a good idea if they all would think about solving problems and not just pointing at each other and say: Look at those other idiots.

But it doesn't look like many people are interested in working together. So it will get worse, and probably a lot worse.

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2 minutes ago, placeholder said:

I got news for you, the world economy is troubled now. Inflation is far from confined to the USA. And somehow this is Biden's fault?

Can't be Joe's fault can it? After all, he said so himself.

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Just now, bocaBob said:

Yes, and Biden knows he's getting beat up over the chaos he reigns over in America and that's why he's polling worst than Carter and the dems are toast come November. Not a biggie, just the way Biden rolls.

You can say what you will, Biden is disliked, despised, he's inept, and not very popular, it shows in the polls. America is totally sick of Biden's blame game and well, he is in trouble and likely to be voted out. He probably should be impeached for the illegal immigration problem.




Whats pathetic though is how Biden blames everyone and accepts no responsibility.





It's a fact that if a President is in power when economic time are tough, then generally his party suffers during midterms. But just because a President is in power when economic times are tough, doesn't mean that he's the cause of them. And I would remind you that Donald Trump pulled a much more amazing feat by leading his party to midterm disaster when the economy was doing well.

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26 minutes ago, placeholder said:

You mean if he said the world's economic situation was his fault, that would make it so? 

No. But by the topic line I assumed we were talking about the USA and Joe's approval rating there.

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8 minutes ago, bocaBob said:

So what, it's the beginning of the end for the Biden disaster and it can come any sooner. And I would remind you that this is about Biden, not Trump.

You seem to believe that predictions are evidence. I got news for you. They're not.

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5 hours ago, wombat said:

give it a break...i can think of 4 presidents before trump that compounded the stuff ups trump inherited and yet here you are blaming trump?

Yeah the notion that Biden or anyone singlehandedly created the current raft of US and globally interwoven problems is an indication of the unformed, and nihilistic and patent lack of thinking of some posters thats for 'dang sure' (as Yanks say).

To attribute the effects (largely unknown and unpredictable) of a global earth shattering pandemic not on a scale so disruptive the the worlds economy and collective psyche since WWIIl ripped the world apart, led closely by the Russians destabilising ⅓ of the worlds grain production, the huge disruption to fuel supplies (none of which was created by Biden - and which any halfwitted dropout knows), the polarisation in US politics (I'm being very restrained in making just that comment) where the notion of co-operation for the good of the country and its People and thereafter the globe has totally left the building.

It is as plain as a large proboscis that THE most powerful nation economically and militarily on our fragile planet is in extremely deep, nay, Constitutionally life threatening trouble that much can be said for certain, none of which was created directly and solely by Biden. 

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3 hours ago, ozimoron said:

Trump's 2.5 billion dollar tax cut for the rich which mainly found its way into share buybacks and overseas tax havens had nothing to do with inflation which surged soon afterwards. </sarc>.


Additional causes were covid stimulus going to the rich and companies which didn't need it, supply chain disruptions due to covid and Russia's attack on Ukraine. None of this can be sheeted home to Biden. It's also an economic maxim that changes in the economy lag policy by 18 months.

Talking rubbish like Spidey. The inflation of today goes back at least as far as the 2008 GFC, after which the Fed ran successive rounds of insane QE and asset purchases, printing trillions and enabling gross corporate share buybacks but only providing a superficial economic 'recovery' with this insanity. The Covid situation has made things worse at the end of Trump's term and at the start of Biden's.


However Biden's reach for a quick green transformation has not helped anyone because the US and the world is not yet ready for it. Now he wants to build back better with trillions more of the magic dollars but begs for oil from the Saudis etc. If you're going to burn oil anyway, why not burn your own? That would bring down inflation and afford more funds for serious R&D for green tech.



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