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I am a REAL person. I was not created by GPT-3. What about you? How do we know, for sure?

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My Dear Friends, 

(if you are real)


We now live in uncertain times.

For example, we cannot be certain who is a BOT and who is NOT.


For example, I was just this morning reading in the NYT about the Google engineer who was put on leave of absence for revealing that bots now have feelings, and that computers are sentient, and that computers can even cry over the reading of Hugo’s great novel Les Misérables.


Just a decade ago, who would have thought that this state of affairs would so quickly come to pass?


Before anyone might be inclined to read further, I strongly recommend referring to the following two links:








(I know I said “two links”, but what I really meant was three links.  “It ups to you”, as they say in Pattaya, if you want to read all three.)


Therefore, we can accurately predict that in the very near future, maybe within the next five years, the performance of GPT-3-type machines will continue to improve, at lightning speed, as is always the case with computer technology.  And then….


Will we soon be unable to discriminate a bot from a human, or, in Jimi's parlance, “if a SIX turned out to be NINE”….dig…





Now, what might we use this technology for?


I am thinking that if I were not dedicated to celibacy, then I might be able to have 15 GFs, and then Love Bomb all 15 with Bot-written Poetry, simultaneously, effortlessly.


Or, I could sit comfortably at my computer, while posting many more posts, almost thoughtlessly, to my favorite forums.


HOWEVER, my friends, you can rest assured that I would never sink this low as to have my posts on TV ghostwritten by a sentient bot.


ALSO, there is no way in this world that a BOT could write like ME.

Move on, Mr. Bot, you can’t write like me!

Nobody writes like me….


But, what about you?


If Google, which has probably read everything you have ever written, were to share this info with it’s AI bot, and thusly your writing style, then….for sure…Google’s bot would, or will, be able to imitate your writing style well enough to pass off for being you.


What do you think the implications of this present-day technology might be for you?


It is truly a Brave New World in which we live…


Wave on!

Wave on!


(I wrote all of the above words myself, using Google Docs. No bots or other writing aids assisted me in this.)


Best regards,


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13 minutes ago, fdsa said:

google:// the dead internet theory

So, I used to enjoy "The Atlantic Monthly", ...until...the quality of the writing deteriorated two decades ago.




BUT...NO...of course, I do not enjoy conspiracy theories.


Neither do I enjoy little minds....


Except.... What about ..... Simple Minds.....?






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20 minutes ago, fdsa said:

google:// the dead internet theory

In all fairness, it is correct that some of Wikipedia is written by a bot, with a man behind the bot.


Google it....


But, this is not a conspiracy theory.

The bot-writing and the bot-contributions to Wikipedia are out in the open, and this is no secret....

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