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NATO to put 300,000 troops on high alert in response to Russia threat, up from 40,000


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2 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

If the bear drops a nuclear poo then it'll be the last one he ever drops

Yes, no need for more after a first big poo and he has leveled a couple of war mongering Western capitals. China and the US are safe.

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9 hours ago, wombat said:

The 30 Country alliance are going to do collective little bits in their panty when the Bear drops a nuclear poo.

Think that you and with you many other seem to have forgotten the lessons learned from the cold war. As well from the nuclear testing around the 1950’s as well the lesson learned for the nuclear power plant accident back in 1986. The lessons learned is that whatever Putin or Russia does with tactical nuclear attacks it is  Russia who will suffer the most. All to do with how nature made the earth, the air exchange between the northern and southern hemisphere as well how the wind blows.

Putin and Russia know this very well too. Only the pacifists in the west have forgotten and can be scared easy due to the lack of knowledge. Beside the terrible events in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, as well the nuclear accident in the Ukraine in 1986 shown that life adapts.


War does not solve anything, still the agreements put on paper not can protect. Why are the former easter European countries so afraid of ‘Russian influence’ and not want to be liberated from the western influence? They are preparing to defend and  are totally not afraid to fight with all means if needed?

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7 hours ago, Rob W said:

And the last time I looked countries like Japan aren't classed as "The West" so you might want to expand  just a little bit to include the rest of the 141 countries that condemned Russia

With the UN being basically useless due to Russia and China having veto power over any substantive motions, expect NATO to start expansion into the sea of China. Initial members will be S.Korea, japan maybe Vietnam. Later additions will be the Philippines after much cleaning up of the corrupt government there. Taiwan? Hmmm.

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2 minutes ago, jayceenik said:

Obviously you never heard of the Minsk agreements violated by US Marionette Zelensky.

And the US planning to make Ukraine a Nuclear-armed hostile to Russia state.

You also ignore that Ukraine has been attacking the Russophone Donbass region for 8 years.

Does speaking Russian mean that the are should be part of Russia?

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4 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Does speaking Russian mean that the are should be part of Russia?

They want to keep on speaking Russian but Zelensky has forbidden the use of that language.

So, the Donbass wanted some sort of autonomy.

Anyway, they're now independent and can join Russia if they want to.

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Nice headliner .... ????


But,  lucky if they could even rustle up 30k, IMHO

300k ... guess ganga has been legal at NATO a lot longer than it has been here.


Do all politicians have stocks in oil, energy & defense contractors.

Edited by KhunLA
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16 hours ago, Rob W said:

Nope we're just not going to let Putin push his luck any further
And the last time I looked countries like Japan aren't classed as "The West" so you might want to expand  just a little bit to include the rest of the 141 countries that condemned Russia

To condemn Russia is one thing; lets see how things look in say, six months from now when Western Europe starts freezing their God-only-knows-what off. 

Declassified documents show security assurances against NATO expansion to Soviet leaders from Baker, Bush, Genscher, Kohl, Gates, Mitterrand, Thatcher, Hurd, Major, and Woerner. Woerner was Secy General of NATO at the time; the Yeltsin notes as well as the treaty of Minsk all refer to the same - NO expansion to the East. 

“Woerner stressed that the NATO Council and he are against the expansion of NATO (13 of 16 NATO members support this point of view).” https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/document/16144-document-30-memorandum-boris-yeltsin)

Under the guided baton of the US, inched its way across the East and by 2009 all former Warsaw Pact members ...... were NATO members. This was totally contrary to what was agreed. Based on what else would Gorbachev and Shevardnadze have agreed to the unification of Germany?  

I disagree Putin's action and I feel more than sorry for Ukraine but it is, once more again, a pristine example of US gunned foreign policy creating disaster wherever they put their big nose in. Unlike some previous, rather costly, cokc-ups, the US can put all the bills onto Stoltenberg's desk in Brussels; the massive bills of the Vietnam disaster, footed by the US taxpayer, taught Washington a lesson .......

The media, then already, and now even worse, is a product which needs sales - nobody visits Pattaya for its orchid orchards. What you hear, see, read is not essentially, what really happens these days in Kiev, Brussels or Washington. 

US war map.jpg

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39 minutes ago, jayceenik said:

Obviously you never heard of the Minsk agreements violated by US Marionette Zelensky.

And the US planning to make Ukraine a Nuclear-armed hostile to Russia state.

You also ignore that Ukraine has been attacking the Russophone Donbass region for 8 years.

Obviously you are unaware that Russia has violated the Minsk agreements from the beginning by having Russian troops in Ukraine. 


You also are in denial of reality; Ukraine voluntarily gave up nuclear weapons and there are no plans by anyone to put such weapons in Ukraine.  Ukraine has been attacking hostile forces in Donbass seeking to expand their territory, and those forces have been attacking those parts of Ukraine not under their control.


Got anything that didn't come from Russia Today?

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36 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

I beg to differ:


List of wars involving Russia


As said, Sir, the Russians are no choirboys either but the canvassing of Europe under the umbrella of NATO; latter securing whatever in this North Atlantic alliance, is a different thing.
If such an umbrella keeps inching East despite having engraved 30 years earlier NOT to do so ....... 

I also query the UN with its Blue Helmets peace force; the structure of the UN with Russia in the security council vetoing everything (like Israel throwing all Palestine resolutions into the shredder) with 25% of the funds from the US ....... another seriously failed organization. 

Maybe it is time for WW3 to clean up this tremendous mess all over the planet; I always hoped, that it could be done differently though .......... 

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