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Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated

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15 hours ago, Catoni said:

Science is never done by “consensus”.  If it’s consensus, it’s not science.  If it’s science, it’s not consensus. 
The late Michael Crichton, MD, author, film producer, put it this way:
“I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.

“Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.

“There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.


Quote: “Consensus: “The process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values, and policies in search of something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead. What great cause would have been fought and won under the banner: ‘I stand for consensus?”

- Lady Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of England


“A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually.”

- Abba Eban

Lol, you're clearly not a trained scientist. As for those quotes, Ebban wasn't a scientist, and while Thatcher and Crichton both had scientific or medical degrees, they'd clearly forgotten a lot about it  by the time the said/wrote such things.

Particularly Thatcher, who was an extremely bigoted, right-wing politician and as such hated the word "consensus" based on its ideological charge alone. And Chrichton enjoyed being a contrarian on issues like climate change and others for the sake of it, or the additional fame it broguht him; not surprisingly as that's why the vast majority of contrarians do what they do. Of course Crichton despised consensus. He had no idea of its role in scientific research, and that ignorance served his purposes.


But without consensus based on solid evidence (goes without saying), there's just no science. I'm not talking about lay people debating things and agreeing on stuff out of thin air or based on ideology or personal preference, but of experts in a field accepting a number of assumptions as valid and a body of evidence as well established, thus providing a solid foundation to build on (i.e. do further research).

  • Like 1
13 hours ago, billd766 said:

They also die or not die in road accidents.

Masks won't help that, but maybe helmets will... going along with the off topic diversion.


14 hours ago, Dalewhatdale said:

Lol, you're clearly not a trained scientist. As for those quotes, Ebban wasn't a scientist, and while Thatcher and Crichton both had scientific or medical degrees, they'd clearly forgotten a lot about it  by the time the said/wrote such things.

Particularly Thatcher, who was an extremely bigoted, right-wing politician and as such hated the word "consensus" based on its ideological charge alone. And Chrichton enjoyed being a contrarian on issues like climate change and others for the sake of it, or the additional fame it broguht him; not surprisingly as that's why the vast majority of contrarians do what they do. Of course Crichton despised consensus. He had no idea of its role in scientific research, and that ignorance served his purposes.


But without consensus based on solid evidence (goes without saying), there's just no science. I'm not talking about lay people debating things and agreeing on stuff out of thin air or based on ideology or personal preference, but of experts in a field accepting a number of assumptions as valid and a body of evidence as well established, thus providing a solid foundation to build on (i.e. do further research).

That’s the way. Mud slinging, ad hominem, attack people because they are Conservatives.  You forgot to call them Nazis and racists…..I expect that to be next. 

20 minutes ago, Catoni said:

And a lot of other people stop wearing masks and don’t get Covid.  And others wear masks religiously and get Covid anyways. 
Your friends getting Covid when they stopped wearing masks is no proof that the masks were preventing them from getting Covid previously. 

You just can not let it go can you. Time to let your mind relax. Sorry this bothers you so much.

On 7/10/2022 at 8:40 PM, jacko45k said:

Being 'dressed respectfully' means wearing a mask where required ...... a consideration for others. So  just try it!

I did try it, wore the mask from the day everyone started wearing them, until the third week of January, 2022, when I got Covid anyways five days after my first booster.  Wearing the mask and getting the shots…got Covid anyways .  
  Don’t you get it?  
      I repeat:      Masking up constantly and with others masked up and constant hand sanitizer, and social distancing, and staying home except to get groceries, did not stop us from getting COVID-19

       I’ve now had two Pfizer shots, a Moderna booster, a second booster, (Pfizer again).   So now I’ve had a total of four shots.


      I thought “How the hell did that happen?  I followed all the rules!”

     So I now also have the natural “super” immunity from having had Covid and recovered.
     So I’m finished with the face condom. It didn’t stop me and many others I know from getting Covid.  
     Keep wearing it if you like. Knock yourself out.  I’m finished with the face condom.

   Back to the normal life our “dear leaders and Fauci” promised us if we faithfully got vaccinated. 

  • Like 2
5 minutes ago, Catoni said:

Masking up constantly and with others masked up and constant hand sanitizer, and social distancing, and staying home except to get groceries, did not stop us from getting COVID-19

No, nothing is perfect. I suspect your precautions and mask wearing waned at some point. We are not dealing with absolutes here.... it is about reducing risk.... don't you think it is a bit dim to expect, nay even insist, on 100% success?

On 7/10/2022 at 2:07 AM, ThailandRyan said:

You are stuck on being controlled when your not.

  I’m not being controlled?    
       Good. Then since I don’t like wearing the mask, and I don’t want to wear the mask,  I refuse to wear the mask.   Very happy nobody is controlling me and insisting I wear one or face penalties. 
  Thank you for pointing out that I am not being controlled. 

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On 7/10/2022 at 4:26 AM, josephbloggs said:

You do understand you can be sick and not know it, right?  Heard of an incubation period?  That's the whole reason Covid spread globally so quickly - people thought they were fine but were highly contagious and the disease spread like wildfire.  But he is showing common sense according to you.  So the other 99.% on that train were idiots?  And he's "breathing free", hilarious.  On a packed train carriage.  Must be loving sucking in all that "free" air.


Okey dokey, thanks.  Rules are bad, rules are imposed, we shouldn't obey any of them, got it.

Quote:  “You do understand you can be sick and not know it, right?”


   So we should always mask up even if we are fully vaccinated and boosted and feel totally fine ?
  “”Sick until proven otherwise”.  “Guilty until proven innocent.” 


How about I take a RAT test every day before leaving the house? 
  Shows negative ….I don’t mask up. 
  Would you be happy with that? 


50 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

No, nothing is perfect. I suspect your precautions and mask wearing waned at some point. We are not dealing with absolutes here.... it is about reducing risk.... don't you think it is a bit dim to expect, nay even insist, on 100% success?

If I wanted to reduce all risks in life, I would never ride a motorbike, never get in a car, never fly, and always carry a loaded pistol and a couple spare full magazines for self defence in case of criminal attack. 
    And for risk…….have you crossed busy streets in Thailand or Cambodia or other countries in the region? 
   Even crossing a big street in Chiang Mai (Huay Kaew Road at Malin Plaza) when I had the light and crossing in my favour, a guy in a pickup blew right through the red light anyways, and almost put me in the hospital or almost killed me. Literally inches from me. Quite an experience. Needless to say, I turned the air blue with lots of choice words when that happened.
     Life is full of risks.   And I still cross streets. 

51 minutes ago, Catoni said:

Quote:  “You do understand you can be sick and not know it, right?”


   So we should always mask up even if we are fully vaccinated and boosted and feel totally fine ?

In crowded conditions with poor airflow where every single other person is masked up, YES!!  Is it really that hard to understand?  In your own home, no, walking in the park, no, but you do see the difference between that and being on a Friday night rush hour train, right??



How about I take a RAT test every day before leaving the house? 
  Shows negative ….I don’t mask up. 
  Would you be happy with that? 

Not unless you walked around with it sellotaped to your forehead for all to see.

Even then you can test negative and still be contagious.  Often you don't show positive until you've already been carrying it - and spreading it - for a few days.

1 hour ago, josephbloggs said:

In crowded conditions with poor airflow where every single other person is masked up, YES!!  Is it really that hard to understand?  In your own home, no, walking in the park, no, but you do see the difference between that and being on a Friday night rush hour train, right??


Not unless you walked around with it sellotaped to your forehead for all to see.

Even then you can test negative and still be contagious.  Often you don't show positive until you've already been carrying it - and spreading it - for a few days.

The way you talk, you seem to be the type of person who loves authoritarianism or a totalitarian type of government.  
    I certainly do not see you as a freedom loving person, except perhaps for yourself.  You would love to enforce and regulate people’s lives to suite your particular proclivities. It’s quite evident in your comments. 
    “Not unless you walked around with it sellotaped to your forehead for all to see.” 

 Really?   Your comment reminds me of a book I once read.  “1984” by an author named George Orwell.

  Ever heard of it? 
     I’ve got news for you. I ‘m back in my home country of Canada, (hoping to return to SE Asia later this year or early next year for good this time) and we don’t mask up on buses or trains or grocery stores or malls anymore ….unless we want to. 
  Only places still insisting on it are some, (not all) doctors and dentists offices. 
     Now out of 20 people, you might see two or three still wearing the mask. 
   What’s really funny is seeing people outside, a long ways away from anyone else, and walking wearing a mask.  Or masked up and driving alone in their vehicle.  I wouldn’t be surprised if there are people living all alone and masked up all by themselves and even sleeping masked up. 
Many countries have dropped mask mandates. For good reason. 
  Some people are so paranoid….  
Perhaps you would find this graph interesting.image.jpeg.61b024b9e990469977874117ed042949.jpeg

States with no mask mandates only saw a slight increase in cases during some months, and less in other months. On the other hand, states with mask mandates saw more cases in some months, and less in others. Over all …not a significant huge difference. 

NY Post Illustration


i hope you have a wonderful day.  Best wishes to you and family.  Take care . 

17 minutes ago, Catoni said:

The way you talk, you seem to be the type of person who loves authoritarianism or a totalitarian type of government.  
    I certainly do not see you as a freedom loving person, except perhaps for yourself.  You would love to enforce and regulate people’s lives to suite your particular proclivities. It’s quite evident in your comments. 
    “Not unless you walked around with it sellotaped to your forehead for all to see.” 

 Really?   Your comment reminds me of a book I once read.  “1984” by an author named George Orwell.

  Ever heard of it? 
     I’ve got news for you. I ‘m back in my home country of Canada, (hoping to return to SE Asia later this year or early next year for good this time) and we don’t mask up on buses or trains or grocery stores or malls anymore ….unless we want to. 
  Only places still insisting on it are some, (not all) doctors and dentists offices. 
     Now out of 20 people, you might see two or three still wearing the mask. 
   What’s really funny is seeing people outside, a long ways away from anyone else, and walking wearing a mask.  Or masked up and driving alone in their vehicle.  I wouldn’t be surprised if there are people living all alone and masked up all by themselves and even sleeping masked up. 
Many countries have dropped mask mandates. For good reason. 
  Some people are so paranoid….  
Perhaps you would find this graph interesting.image.jpeg.61b024b9e990469977874117ed042949.jpeg

States with no mask mandates only saw a slight increase in cases during some months, and less in other months. On the other hand, states with mask mandates saw more cases in some months, and less in others. Over all …not a significant huge difference. 

NY Post Illustration


i hope you have a wonderful day.  Best wishes to you and family.  Take care . 

Well unfortunately, and I am fairly certain, that when you return here you will still be having to wear a mask in government offices and on the MRT or BTS.  Your just so bent out of shape about masks, I feel sorry for the emotional damage this had done to your psyche.

26 minutes ago, Catoni said:

The way you talk, you seem to be the type of person who loves authoritarianism or a totalitarian type of government.  
    I certainly do not see you as a freedom loving person, except perhaps for yourself.  You would love to enforce and regulate people’s lives to suite your particular proclivities. It’s quite evident in your comments. 
    “Not unless you walked around with it sellotaped to your forehead for all to see.” 

 Really?   Your comment reminds me of a book I once read.  “1984” by an author named George Orwell.

  Ever heard of it? 
     I’ve got news for you. I ‘m back in my home country of Canada, (hoping to return to SE Asia later this year or early next year for good this time) and we don’t mask up on buses or trains or grocery stores or malls anymore ….unless we want to. 
  Only places still insisting on it are some, (not all) doctors and dentists offices. 
     Now out of 20 people, you might see two or three still wearing the mask. 
   What’s really funny is seeing people outside, a long ways away from anyone else, and walking wearing a mask.  Or masked up and driving alone in their vehicle.  I wouldn’t be surprised if there are people living all alone and masked up all by themselves and even sleeping masked up. 
Many countries have dropped mask mandates. For good reason. 
  Some people are so paranoid….  
Perhaps you would find this graph interesting.image.jpeg.61b024b9e990469977874117ed042949.jpeg

States with no mask mandates only saw a slight increase in cases during some months, and less in other months. On the other hand, states with mask mandates saw more cases in some months, and less in others. Over all …not a significant huge difference. 

NY Post Illustration


i hope you have a wonderful day.  Best wishes to you and family.  Take care . 

Let's hope you never have to wear false teeth.....????

  • Haha 1
3 minutes ago, SmartyMarty said:

The same quacks that told us sinovac was brilliant?

Yes haha!  Yet some posters on here would blindly follow advise from these 'professionals'.  


Next people will be walking around with shower caps on their heads and feet in plastic bags. 

7 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

Yes haha!  Yet some posters on here would blindly follow advise from these 'professionals'.  


Next people will be walking around with shower caps on their heads and feet in plastic bags. 

You mean you don't? Try it you might like it, might keep your shoes dry and head from getting wet during the rain...

4 hours ago, Catoni said:

The way you talk, you seem to be the type of person who loves authoritarianism or a totalitarian type of government.  
    I certainly do not see you as a freedom loving person, except perhaps for yourself.  You would love to enforce and regulate people’s lives to suite your particular proclivities. It’s quite evident in your comments. 
    “Not unless you walked around with it sellotaped to your forehead for all to see.” 

 Really?   Your comment reminds me of a book I once read.  “1984” by an author named George Orwell.

  Ever heard of it? 

Your comment reminds me of someone who doesn't understand sarcasm.   Ever heard of it?

You actually thought I want people to walk around with ATK results sellotaped to their heads?  I guess now I know the level I am dealing with...



 I’ve got news for you. I ‘m back in my home country of Canada, (hoping to return to SE Asia later this year or early next year for good this time) and we don’t mask up on buses or trains or grocery stores or malls anymore ….unless we want to. 
  Only places still insisting on it are some, (not all) doctors and dentists offices. 
     Now out of 20 people, you might see two or three still wearing the mask. 
   What’s really funny is seeing people outside, a long ways away from anyone else, and walking wearing a mask.  Or masked up and driving alone in their vehicle.  I wouldn’t be surprised if there are people living all alone and masked up all by themselves and even sleeping masked up. 
Many countries have dropped mask mandates.

Wow!!  You are so het up over this and you are not even here!!  Why?  Why does it bother you that Thais wear masks when you are not even living here!!  My God, you mustn't have much going on if this is what you fill your days with - checking what people are doing on the other side of the world and then getting upset by it.   Guess what?  Asia is different than Canada.  The people have different sensibilities, the culture is massively different.

The UK has dropped masks.  When I was there I didn't wear one!  (Incidentally their Covid cases are much much worse than Thailand's and are spiking again).  In Thailand the people have decided - like in much of Asia - that the common good is better than their so called "freedom" (even though freedom has nothing to do with it).    So when in Thailand on a packed train just put your mask on mate, it is not hard.  When at home, or when walking in outdoor space you don't need to.  It is simply common decency and respect for others.  You can't bring Canada to Thailand, nor would we want you to if you could.  And probably best you stay there too where you can embrace the freedom.



For good reason. 
  Some people are so paranoid….  
Perhaps you would find this graph interesting.image.jpeg.61b024b9e990469977874117ed042949.jpeg

States with no mask mandates only saw a slight increase in cases during some months, and less in other months. On the other hand, states with mask mandates saw more cases in some months, and less in others. Over all …not a significant huge difference. 

NY Post Illustration


i hope you have a wonderful day.  Best wishes to you and family.  Take care . 

Brilliant, NY Post, a right wing, anti mask Murdock rag.  No respect for it or its agenda.  Now your true colours are apparent (actually they were before).  



"Covid alarmists" is what they called teachers who wanted masks in schools
"Deranged Covid Clingers" another class description in a recent headline from the NY Post
"Covid Milking" another.

I will say this for one final time.  In countries where no-one wears masks I won't wear one.  In Asia where people still do (out of respect for others) I will do the same - it is common courtesy and respect for the culture, nothing to do with paranoia.  Please try to get that through your head - you seem to be really struggling.

  • Thanks 1
13 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Well unfortunately, and I am fairly certain, that when you return here you will still be having to wear a mask in government offices and on the MRT or BTS.  Your just so bent out of shape about masks, I feel sorry for the emotional damage this had done to your psyche.

The people with emotional damage are the paranoid obedient sheep.  
      I have this thing about freedom.  I love it and I’m addicted to it. 
Strange huh?   My father and grandfather and uncles raised me to love individual freedom and personal responsibility.  
   They taught me to hate authoritarian/totalitarian systems like fascism, Nazism, socialism and Marxist Communism and other types of communism and dictatorships . 
    I do understand these authoritarian totalitarian ideologies are becoming more and more popular among many people these days. 
    But I refuse to join.  

The point is, unless it is an N-95 mask or a highly efficient gas mask, benefit is insignificant. 

  What you are doing is bowing to the orders, acquiescing to whatever the overlords demand. 
   You are wearing a mask not for the science, but for virtue signalling and to “fit in” and make your leader happy. 

  I see you like to mud sling and ad hominem name call to conservative and libertarian freedom loving media and interests.  
   That’s not very nice of you. Very rude. 
  But these days it’s common of statist extremists to condemn freedom loving individualists. 
    You remind me of our present Canadian Prime Minister, who is on record for admiring the Chinese “basic dictatorship”. You can see the video of him making that statement on YouTube. 
  He also idolized Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and went to the funeral in Havana and gave a gushing, admiring eulogy at the funeral.  Trudeau is also an admirer of the Venezuela socialist system. 
    I bet you and Trudeau would get along together just fine. 

Thank you for your hope I never have to wear false teeth

    My teeth are just fine.  Not sure why I would need false teeth. I take good care of them.      Only had to have my wisdom teeth removed many years ago. They came in impacted. 

   But thank you for your kind wishes.
    Have fun and take care.  Best wishes to you and your family. 
    ????????????☸️ 555

  • Like 1
27 minutes ago, Catoni said:

The people with emotional damage are the paranoid obedient sheep.  
      I have this thing about freedom.  I love it and I’m addicted to it. 
Strange huh?   My father and grandfather and uncles raised me to love love individual freedom and personal responsibility.  
   They taught me to hate authoritarian/totalitarian systems like fascism, Nazism, socialism and Marxist Communism and other types of communism and dictatorships . 
    I do understand these authoritarian totalitarian ideologies are becoming more and more popular among many people these days. 
    But I refuse to join.  

Have fun and take care.  Best wishes to you and your family. 

Sheep, hmm let me think about that, nope not sheep, name calling when you dont agree with others is called bad form. However, If you think that you can act contrary to another countries beliefs and regulations, just because of your belief in your freedom, then you might want to stay in Canada.  If you do as you say you risk possibly becoming a statistic based on non conformity and doing as you want. Go ask Brittney Griner trapped in Russia now how her beliefs in her freedoms to do as she wanted helped her..... 

9 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

Your comment reminds me of someone who doesn't understand sarcasm.   Ever heard of it?

You actually thought I want people to walk around with ATK results sellotaped to their heads?  I guess now I know the level I am dealing with...


Wow!!  You are so het up over this and you are not even here!!  Why?  Why does it bother you that Thais wear masks when you are not even living here!!  My God, you mustn't have much going on if this is what you fill your days with - checking what people are doing on the other side of the world and then getting upset by it.   Guess what?  Asia is different than Canada.  The people have different sensibilities, the culture is massively different.

The UK has dropped masks.  When I was there I didn't wear one!  (Incidentally their Covid cases are much much worse than Thailand's and are spiking again).  In Thailand the people have decided - like in much of Asia - that the common good is better than their so called "freedom" (even though freedom has nothing to do with it).    So when in Thailand on a packed train just put your mask on mate, it is not hard.  When at home, or when walking in outdoor space you don't need to.  It is simply common decency and respect for others.  You can't bring Canada to Thailand, nor would we want you to if you could.  And probably best you stay there too where you can embrace the freedom.


Brilliant, NY Post, a right wing, anti mask Murdock rag.  No respect for it or its agenda.  Now your true colours are apparent (actually they were before).  



"Covid alarmists" is what they called teachers who wanted masks in schools
"Deranged Covid Clingers" another class description in a recent headline from the NY Post
"Covid Milking" another.

I will say this for one final time.  In countries where no-one wears masks I won't wear one.  In Asia where people still do (out of respect for others) I will do the same - it is common courtesy and respect for the culture, nothing to do with paranoia.  Please try to get that through your head - you seem to be really struggling.

Quite aware that that part of the world is different.  
    Although I never went to the party cities of Phuket or Pattaya, I did go other places and I lived in Chiang Mai, Thailand and Siem Reap, Cambodia and spent time in the mountains of north Thailand, (experienced living in a Lisu mountain tribe village for a while).

    While living in Cambodia (Siem Reap), I stayed in a very poor village in Cambodia.  To this day I help support two poverty stricken families in that village in Cambodia. 
   Back in Canada to tie up loose ends here, and got caught by quadruple cardiac bypass surgery, (almost died, one time I closed my eyes….I actually believed I was closing them for the last time. Spooky), and then got caught by Covid.
    But now I’ll be returning later this year, or early 2023, to stay permanently for the rest of my life. 
   Take care. 

35 minutes ago, Catoni said:

 I have this thing about freedom.  I love it and I’m addicted to it. 

It sounds like you have built your own personal prison of paranoia. 

3 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

It sounds like you have built your own personal prison of paranoia. 

Paranoia?   Not really. I’m not the one going around masked up anymore or scared about global warming/climate change. 
   If you wish to talk to people who are paranoid, go talk to them. 

  Take care. 

36 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Sheep, hmm let me think about that, nope not sheep, name calling when you dont agree with others is called bad form. However, If you think that you can act contrary to another countries beliefs and regulations, just because of your belief in your freedom, then you might want to stay in Canada.  If you do as you say you risk possibly becoming a statistic based on non conformity and doing as you want. Go ask Brittney Griner trapped in Russia now how her beliefs in her freedoms to do as she wanted helped her..... 

  Leftist/socialist/Marxist mud slinging and ad hominem name calling of conservatives and libertarians and conservative media is very bad form.

  I believe in and I’m fully willing to obey common sense laws and customs. Like stopping at red lights, allowing right of way on the streets and highways, respecting religious customs and temples. Not committing theft, not doing drugs, being charitable to the poor etc., etc, etc,.

   But once I am fully vaccinated (four shots) and had Covid and recovered, the face mask is no longer in that list. 
    Have a wonderful day.  ????????  ☸️  ????????  ????????  ????????  ????????

6 minutes ago, Catoni said:

  Leftist/socialist/Marxist mud slinging and ad hominem name calling of conservatives and libertarians and conservative media is very bad form.

  I believe in and I’m fully willing to obey common sense laws and customs. Like stopping at red lights, allowing right of way on the streets and highways, respecting religious customs and temples. Not committing theft, not doing drugs, being charitable to the poor etc., etc, etc,.

   But once I am fully vaccinated (four shots) and had Covid and recovered, the face mask is no longer in that list. 
    Have a wonderful day.  ????????  ☸️  ????????  ????????  ????????  ????????

Your freedom.s are not u Der attack. What's attacking you is your own beliefs that your freedoms extend to you in other countries that see things differently. Do as you wish I don't care, but stop trying to compare your home country with Thailand.

1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:

Your freedom.s are not u Der attack. What's attacking you is your own beliefs that your freedoms extend to you in other countries that see things differently. Do as you wish I don't care, but stop trying to compare your home country with Thailand.

I look at countries around the world, including Thailand. The mask, is not part of any country’s historical laws or customs. 
  And I know that many Thais are also finished with the mask just from reading all the comments in this tread.
  And the two families I help support in Cambodia are done with the mask.

All the photos and videos they send me now are mask free. 
   Many countries around the world finished with the mask. 
  Time to get back to normal life and stop living paranoid.  
By the way, people compare countries all the time. Welcome to planet Earth. 

   And yes…..in Canada our freedoms are very much under attack. That is one reason that when I return to s.e. Asia…..it’s to stay. Not just a several months visit like the last two times. 
     Take care….. have a great day, 

Kob khun khrap. 
Au kun cheraown ????????????

  • Like 1
23 hours ago, Catoni said:

I look at countries around the world, including Thailand. The mask, is not part of any country’s historical laws or customs. 

Never been to an Islamic countries then....or  a Ball in Vienna?

Don't you think you are getting a bit overly obsessed about this..... a rod for your own back.

3 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Never been to an Islamic countries then....or  a Ball in Vienna?

Don't you think you are getting a bit overly obsessed about this..... a rod for your own back.

You are observant like a few of us, and not blind like some including the poster. Cases the world over are rising again, yet Covid fatigue has started to wear on people's minds much like the poster you responded to. It seems that a depressive state has begun for many and the mask issue is now a "Me too movement"



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