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Boris Johnson rules out immediate cost-of-living measures


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18 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Can please provide a quote of Johnson stating he is resigning.


He is still PM - Fact!

I didn't realise that . 

Two years until the next General Election in the U.K .

Do you think that Boris will win the U.K election in 2024 ?

I think that Boris will win the next General Election and be the PM for ten years and Boris will stop being UK PM in 2029 IMO

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37 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

I didn't realise that . 

Two years until the next General Election in the U.K .

Do you think that Boris will win the U.K election in 2024 ?

I think that Boris will win the next General Election and be the PM for ten years and Boris will stop being UK PM in 2029 IMO

Churlishness becomes you.

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11 hours ago, baboon said:

What "successful, proud and content majority" are you talking about? The ones in Thailand on their index linked pensions? 

And explain how I am a traitor, unless you wish to clarify your implication that I am such a traitor. Or that the Scots or Irish are?

I'm talking about the people who love their country, have done well as a result of being born there and being afforded the many benefits of being a citizen of the UK, and who wish it to prosper. As opposed to the bitter people who hate the UK and blame it for their own personal failures.


Not sure about index linked pensions, I stopped paying into my pension before I was 30. I'm mainly in UK property and have personal investment managers to look after my liquid assets.


Anyone who openly wishes or encourages the UK to fail, to break up, to cease to exist is in my opinion betraying their country. That's my opinion, you are welcome to yours also.

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3 minutes ago, baboon said:

People who were born to the right people in the right place and at the right time of the economic cycle, in other words.

And voted to collapse the Pound and antagonise the biggest trading bloc in the world. To erect borders on the island of Ireland. To treat the Scots with such contempt, they want the hell away from the UK. 

And that is 'loving your country', whatever that means? What does it mean, by the way?

Quite the rant. Although inaccurate. Many things such as an education, healthcare, freedom of speech (if the Wokies don't remove it) are universally available in the UK to this very day. Things that other countries could only dream of.


We voted to leave the EU. There was no option for collapsing the pound on the voting slip, that came later due to many factors which would lead us off topic. We didn't antagonize the EU, they got upset when we decided to go our own way. A huge lack of maturity on their part.


There is no border in Ireland, it's down the Irish sea. This was due to the EU's spite during negotiations (there's a secretly recorded video of Barnier talking about it on YouTube), but will probably be gone once Truss gets in. 


The Scots comprehensively voted to stay when given the choice at the ballot box. The right choice IMO. 


Loving your country, to me, means being proud of the great things about it. And forgiving of it's failures. Hating it and trying to destroy it would be the opposite of that. 

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Come back Boris pleeese. 
Our country needs you. 
The party membership and majority of voters want you. 
The alternatives on both sides have no idea. 
The anti-Boris anti-Tory anti-UK anti-pasti posters here won’t have anyone to demonise anymore. 

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9 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Come back Boris pleeese. 
Our country needs you. 
The party membership and majority of voters want you. 
The alternatives on both sides have no idea. 
The anti-Boris anti-Tory anti-UK anti-pasti posters here won’t have anyone to demonise anymore. 

Have you been at the the disco biscuits...?

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3 hours ago, baboon said:

"The Scots comprehensively voted to stay when given the choice at the ballot box."


Let's see how they feel next time around. Next year, I think it is.

I wasn't going to respond to that dross but the final part but was so amusing I simply had to.


Indyref2 next year? That's hilarious. ???? Truss will put Wee nicola on top of the doll shelf in the spare room and leave her there for a few years. The best way to deal with narcissists like her is to simply ignore them. The Scots voted to stay and stay they will. Their choice, not mine.

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44 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

I wasn't going to respond to that dross but the final part but was so amusing I simply had to.


Indyref2 next year? That's hilarious. ???? Truss will put Wee nicola on top of the doll shelf in the spare room and leave her there for a few years. The best way to deal with narcissists like her is to simply ignore them. The Scots voted to stay and stay they will. Their choice, not mine.

They voted to stay before Brexit was even an issue. 

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Looks like other cabinet members have decided to act even if johnson won’t. 

Looks like they are going with sunak’s planned windfall tax plans. 

No sign of johnson getting involved though and I doubt truss will be happy her opponents plans are being dusted off…



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1 hour ago, baboon said:

They also voted to stay in the EU. Why is their choice not being respected? Your choice, not theirs.

It was a uk wide vote. London probably voted Remain in isolation. It's irrelevant.

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6 hours ago, baboon said:

"Quite the rant. Although inaccurate. Many things such as an education, healthcare, freedom of speech (if the Wokies don't remove it) are universally available in the UK to this very day. Things that other countries could only dream of."


If you are talking about Afghanistan or Zimbabwe in relation to education, health care and free speech, I'll give you that. But clearly you haven't been following the news about the NHS crisis. You haven't been following the news about a potential teachers' strike. You haven't been following the news about Truss wanting to abolish the said right to strike. You haven't seen the crime and policing bill.

The UK is woeful when compared to similar countries.


"We voted to leave the EU. There was no option for collapsing the pound on the voting slip, that came later due to many factors which would lead us off topic."


Nonsense. The Pound collapsed on the night of the referendum. You voted for it.


"There is no border in Ireland, it's down the Irish sea. This was due to the EU's spite during negotiations"


Always somebody else's fault.


"The Scots comprehensively voted to stay when given the choice at the ballot box."


Let's see how they feel next time around. Next year, I think it is.

The Uk would have  stayed in the EU if it wasn't for the leaver voters of Scotland and Northern Ireland

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50 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

It was a uk wide vote. London probably voted Remain in isolation. It's irrelevant.

Definitely irrelevant to the Brexit situation, but actually very relevant to the situation the same Remainers Leftists and MSM are wailing about now. They were so intent on their Boris witch-hunt that they ignored all the economic and world political situation going on around us. While there were important matters for the government to attend to, the London centric mob was still baying for Boris’s blood. 
Only now they have his head on a stick do they realise that their engineering of the undemocratic ousting of the PM has left the country rudderless. Let’s hope London freezes this winter while the rest of the county has to suffer also for the Southern Remainers folly. 

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1 hour ago, vinny41 said:

The Uk would have  stayed in the EU if it wasn't for the leaver voters of Scotland and Northern Ireland

Is this some silly hypothetical situation you're positing in which had all the leave voters of Scotland and Northern Ireland not voted but all the Remainers there did, then the Remain votes would have outnumbered the Leave votes in the UK?

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9 minutes ago, baboon said:

Which exists only in your imagination. He was ousted by his own party, due to his lies, corruption and incompetence. It's all on him. Quit attempting to canonise him. He is a repellent human being. 

You maybe missed the news over the past two years.  
Now you collectively have your prize. What are you going to do? There’s nothing you can you because the government is still Tory. Speculation about who will be the next PM, while there has been a crisis brewing. Now you can see the crisis, you are still trying to pin it on Boris for not being here. 
Sorry but he’s gone. Are you leaving for warmer winter climes? It’s gonna be a cold cold Christmas without Boris. 

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3 minutes ago, baboon said:

More people voted for other parties than voted CON. That's First Past The Post for you...

We had a referendum about that too. We have kept first past the post because more people voted for it. 

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8 minutes ago, baboon said:

why the taxpayer is stumping up 13 Grand this month to pay him to sit around and scratch his balls, well, yes, that does vex me. He should hand over to Raab now and stop squatting in No. 10.

They are all on recess. Those of you in the baying mob should have thought about that. 

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