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Britain sees a record number of migrant crossings in the English Channel, according to report


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23 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Were those irregular immigrants given a chance to be granted legal status. They are escaping poverty and seeking a living. Doubt they know enough to risk life and death to scam. 

Very funny, so half the world can come and set up shop in the UK and be funded, in your opinion......?   ????

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24 minutes ago, baboon said:

Do these rules state that they have to apply for asylum FOR that first safe country or WHILE IN that first safe country?

So if they are in Turkey, say, but have family / connections in the UK, how can they apply for UK asylum while in Turkey?

Try Google, you seem to have a problem....????

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8 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Think how much worse it would be if Britain hadn’t taken back control of its borders.


And thank goodness that the Government, in power for over 12 years, has been able to deal with this so effectively.



Oh wait…… it’s always somebody else’s fault.





You are complaining about inflation in the UK on another thread, and the POOR suffering, so how do you think the UK can afford to take in folk with nothing that don't belong in the UK.....? 

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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Sorry, I don’t get your drift.


I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about migrants (other than my own migration of course), I, perhaps rashly, took you fellows at your word when you were telling us ‘taking back control’ and ‘the Government’ are the answer to this particular problem.


I seem to remember posters with migrants, references to ‘hoards’ and the promise to ‘take back control’.


Didn’t it work out as promised?



That is not what I asked, try again....

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Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

Sorry I’m sticking to the topic under discussion.

Of course, avoid the question, you're screaming about the UK poor yet want skint foreign folk taken care of with money from the poor...Oh dear, that will really upset your poor....????

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18 minutes ago, transam said:


You told us here you work in a soup kitchen feeding the down and out poor, you complain about UK inflation, yet you want the boat people taken in, which will be at the tax payers expense, which actually stinks of hypocrisy.


Next time you go to work, shout out you want the illegal immigrants taken care of with the poor and pensioners money, see what happens...????

As much as you try neither I, not the work I did to help people in the UK suffering poverty are the topic of discussion.


Now back on topic please.



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1 hour ago, baboon said:

Correct, that is for asylum support, however, if they are accepted as a refugee that jumps considerably, by the governments own figures that can be as much as 22,000 pounds a year around the London area. a considerable hike from the 6500 pounds a fully paid up pensioner gets.

While I agree that there may be some legitimate claimants of persecution etc. the vast majority are economic migrants, neither poor or in danger. 

I find it disgusting that these people are treated better than our own ex servicemen and women.

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23 minutes ago, OnTheLash said:

Albanians seem to be the current flavour of the month. Mostly men in their 20's and 30's.


They will be teaming up with their friends already in the UK.


Going forward these people will contribute nothing to the UK. They have no intention of finding ''real'' work.


Game over! The UK is ruined and there is no way back.


I am glad to be out of it. I will never live there again.

+1, exactly right Sir.

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1 hour ago, Scott said:

They are advised to seek asylum in the first country that follows the protocols on granting asylum but they are not required to seek asylum in any country.   In countries that do not resettle those granted refugee status, once they are deemed to be a refugee they are referred to a 3rd country.  If they have family connections in a particular country, they are referred to that country for consideration first.  


I worked with refugees in both SE Asia as well as in Turkey.   Thailand, for example, does not accept immigrants for asylum.  They are not a signatory to the UN protocols and most screening was done by the UN and resettlement countries (the US being the main one).   If a person was granted refugee status, they were referred to a country with close family ties.  


I am less well informed on the overall picture in Turkey because I worked primarily with those who were referred for resettlement to the US.  


Family unification is a the goal in refugee resettlement.  

Turkey was just a country I plucked from my a$$.

Millions of desperate people out there because of worldwide war, famine and poverty. But what do we hear from our (mainly British) baby boomers on this thread? The ones who prospered with their free education, dental and healthcare? They are alright, and the hell with anyone else.

I hope for a rude awakening for them.

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4 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Oh you want to make the topic about me again.


Please refer to topic under discussion, it’s at the top of thread.



I have never ever wanted to make a topic about you ol' chap, if you don't like my advice, then I am sorry....????

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21 hours ago, OnTheLash said:

Albanians seem to be the current flavour of the month. Mostly men in their 20's and 30's.


They will be teaming up with their friends already in the UK.


Going forward these people will contribute nothing to the UK. They have no intention of finding ''real'' work.


Game over! The UK is ruined and there is no way back.


I am glad to be out of it. I will never live there again.

They almost certainly come to join the growing Albanian mafia operating in the UK drug trade.




It's the job of any government, in any country to protect its borders. Miserable failure from Boris Johnson

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2 minutes ago, Seppius said:

They almost certainly come to join the growing Albanian mafia operating in the UK drug trade.




It's the job of any government, in any country to protect its borders. Miserable failure from Boris Johnson

So you dismiss the French who let them all set up camp in France, so they could make the crossing.....?  ????

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Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

Why would the French want to prevent people in transit passing through?



Because they were illegal entering France and not turned away, I would have thought that was obvious, even to an ant-Brit, Brit........????

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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I’m not sure on what basis you claim they entered France illegally, but regardless if they are just passing through why waste resources detaining them?!


I think blaming the French is a distraction, focus on the people who told you they were going to sort this mess out.



Well you would say that, as an anti-Brit, Brit, well done........:clap2:


Oh, aren't the Brits paying France a lot of money to stop it, in France...?

Haven't the Brits set up stations in France, manned by Brits, to stop smuggling and capture illegals....?

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1 minute ago, transam said:

Well you would say that, as an anti-Brit, Brit, well done........:clap2:


Oh, aren't the Brits paying France a lot of money to stop it, in France...?

Haven't the Brits set up stations in France, manned by Brits, to stop smuggling and capture illegals....?

Please stop with these repeated attempts to insert your assumptions about my nationality into the discussion.


For second time, I am not the topic of discussion.




Whatever it is the British Government say they are doing, it’s clearly not working.

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