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Enoch Powell, he wasnt wrong in his forecast !


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1 minute ago, jak2002003 said:

The IRA is to to with immigration.. of English people into Ireland...with a different religion and beliefs / culture etc



In the 60's I worked with many Irish blokes, the UK was full of Irish workers, the IRA were, I thought, after getting Ireland back as a whole....

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5 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

Your whole argument is about Enoch and his myopic views of immigrants. Why don't you tell me what colour the immigrants he was talking about were? 



Powell included a quote allegedly from a constituent that spoke of one day soon "the black man will have the whip hand over the white man." Whether it actually was a quote or Powell's invention, including it in his speech was a clear appeal to racist sentiments.

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5 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Powell included a quote allegedly from a constituent that spoke of one day soon "the black man will have the whip hand over the white man." Whether it actually was a quote or Powell's invention, including it in his speech was a clear appeal to racist sentiments.

It was also a disgraceful example of reversing the historical facts that across the British empire it was the British wielding the whip.


Utterly disgraceful, even for a racist like Powell.

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25 minutes ago, transam said:

"All to see", so are anti-British Brits..........????


Again, you drift off with your assumptions.


Who admires Enoch Powell....?


You say Enoch never used the word terrorism, so what, you are using that as an excuse to cover up terrorism by foreign rooted folk in the UK, blood is blood, UK streets are UK streets.


You avoid my 7/7/2005 terrorist attack as if it wasn't committed by foreign rooted folk, of foreign rooted ideologies and religion, all stemming from immigration. Why is that...?


You wonder off into white-mans's terrorism by the likes of the IRA, which has sod all to do with immigration .....????

So EXACTLY what is your point as you are confusing the hell out of all of us here? 
You talk about terrorism but not all terrorists. You talk about Muslims, Sharia Law and immigration but it’s not about people of colour as you’re definitely not racist. You obscure, deflect and pull the nationalist card ALL the time when someone criticizes your viewpoint.   
So again, what exactly is your point?

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I think the point is that back when Powell talked about things many agreed with him. 

It was a view point of the future of Powell and others. 


So point is now they would be called racist when back in that time many would not called themselves racist they just had another view of the future of immigration. 

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2 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

So EXACTLY what is your point as you are confusing the hell out of all of us here? 
You talk about terrorism but not all terrorists. You talk about Muslims, Sharia Law and immigration but it’s not about people of colour as you’re definitely not racist. You obscure, deflect and pull the nationalist card ALL the time when someone criticizes your viewpoint.   
So again, what exactly is your point?

Enoch's thoughts and visions for the UK if immigration wasn't tackled...This thread, remember......


You can call it what you like, but foreign rooted trouble is in the UK, the UK prisons are filling up with them, people plotting atrocities on UK streets, thankfully UK and others tech are weeding them out, weeding out trouble that Enoch envisaged.


The 7/7/2005 bombs were proof of it, and it is STILL in the UK woodwork.....Tell me it's not....

But you deniers probably would want the Secret Service disbanded regarding immigrant rooted folk, as it is racist, that is until one of your own is murdered by them, as has already happened...????

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6 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

It’s precisely that.


Powell ignored the ‘white’ terrorism that was already an issue at the time if he spoke.


He instead turned his hate speech on the mainly Caribbean immigrants, who in the late fifties and early sixties were exemplary members of the community, renowned for hard work, good manners and their adherence to their Christian values.


But there was hate, and the racist Enoch Powell played to that hate.

His reference to black people (it was black people he was “stalking about) wielding the whip hand over native white Britons is arguably the most disgraceful statement ever made by a British politician.


Then, as now, he had his admirers.





Are these the same black people who were resposable for the Brixton riots,yes lovely people

Edited by bert bloggs
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20 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

I think the point is that back when Powell talked about things many agreed with him. 

It was a view point of the future of Powell and others. 


So point is now they would be called racist when back in that time many would not called themselves racist they just had another view of the future of immigration. 

I think we already know, then as now, many racists don’t call themselves racists.


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21 minutes ago, transam said:

Enoch's thoughts and visions for the UK if immigration wasn't tackled...This thread, remember......


You can call it what you like, but foreign rooted trouble is in the UK, the UK prisons are filling up with them, people plotting atrocities on UK streets, thankfully UK and others tech are weeding them out, weeding out trouble that Enoch envisaged.


The 7/7/2005 bombs were proof of it, and it is STILL in the UK woodwork.....Tell me it's not....

But you deniers probably would want the Secret Service disbanded regarding immigrant rooted folk, as it is racist, that is until one of your own is murdered by them, as has already happened...????

No you can’t call it what you like’.


Powell made some predictions, ‘civil war’, ‘whip hand’.


He was wrong.


Millions of law abiding immigrants living peaceably in the UK, striving for a better life, outperforming in education and business, contributing to the betterment of the nation.


That’s the big, mainstream reality Powell missed, he, were not/are not interested in good news about immigrants, he was a racist. 

Oddly his latter day admirers and defenders aren’t interested in the positive contribution made by the vast majority of immigrants. 

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Well listening to news today the Black community have to interrupt the passing of the Queen and news of her and King Charles l'll about a black man running away from the police and calling police racists. 

Definitely a Powell's example of the future. 

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21 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

It’s precisely that.


Powell ignored the ‘white’ terrorism that was already an issue at the time if he spoke.


He instead turned his hate speech on the mainly Caribbean immigrants, who in the late fifties and early sixties were exemplary members of the community, renowned for hard work, good manners and their adherence to their Christian values.


But there was hate, and the racist Enoch Powell played to that hate.

His reference to black people (it was black people he was “stalking about) wielding the whip hand over native white Britons is arguably the most disgraceful statement ever made by a British politician.


Then, as now, he had his admirers.





Are these the same black people who were tesposable for the Brixton riots,yes lovely people

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I know we had white terrorists with the IRA but thats gone ,now we have Muslim terrorists who hate us and make rivers of blood,we let them in,also constantl we se riotng  stabbing and killings,when you see the pictures its invariable black youths,but sgain there are those who do not want to see 

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31 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

Are these the same black people who were tesposable for the Brixton riots,yes lovely people

Probably not, given the decades separation between Powell’s racist remarks and the Brixton riots.


But since you mention the Brixton riots again (you mention them often), perhaps you’d like to spend some time reading up on what gave rise to those riots.

Learning a bit about the history of the Brixton riots will make you better informed the next time you bring the subject up.

You will of course bring the subject up again, and again…


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28 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

I know we had white terrorists with the IRA but thats gone ,now we have Muslim terrorists who hate us and make rivers of blood,we let them in,also constantl we se riotng  stabbing and killings,when you see the pictures its invariable black youths,but sgain there are those who do not want to see 

There are those who are deciding what images and messages to feed you.


There are lots of other images and messages those same people choose not to feed you.

Like the fact millions of immigrants, including Muslims and Black people, live peaceably in the UK, obeying the law, striving for a better life for themselves and their family, contributing to the betterment of the nation.


Millions of immigrants do this.


That’s not ‘cherry picking’ that’s the truth of the vast majority of immigrants.


Away with you and your secondhand messages of fear and hatred.

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4 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Probably not, given the decades separation between Powell’s racist remarks and the Brixton riots.


But since you mention the Brixton riots again (you mention them often), perhaps you’d like to spend some time reading up on what gave rise to those riots.

Learning a bit about the history of the Brixton riots will make you better informed the next time you bring the subject up.

You will of course bring the subject up again, and again…


Brixton was a ghetto of a lot of foreign rooted folk, if trouble there, the mob, looting mentality prevailed...But not only Brixton...

Enoch envisaged this stuff.....




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15 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

Well listening to news today the Black community have to interrupt the passing of the Queen and news of her and King Charles l'll about a black man running away from the police and calling police racists. 

Definitely a Powell's example of the future. 



People from all backgrounds in the UK are mourning and paying respect to Queen Elizabeth 2, regardless of age, class, race, religion, place of birth.


One black man running away from the police and calling them racist is not a detraction from the grief of the nation and it is certainly not a interruption of anything by the ‘Black Community’.


Your post is, however, a perfect example of blaming a whole racial community for the actions and words of one individual.


There’s a word for that.




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18 minutes ago, transam said:

You are avoiding what is going on by covering with numbers...Why not face up to facts....



Yes, I am referring to numbers.


Millions of immigrants living peaceably in the UK, obeying the law, striving for a better life for themselves and their families and contributing to the betterment of the nation.


I’m not replying on ripped videos fed to me by somebody who wants me to see a very narrow view of the actions of a tiny minority, and certainly not from someone with zero recent experience of life in the UK.



Numbers matter, and when the numbers are millions of good, honest, law abiding people versus a tiny minority, I’ll go with the millions.


Especially given that the millions of hard working immigrants are raising children who are doing fantastically in school, college and university, moving into and up through the professions.


New Britons, studious, hard working, entrepreneurial, law abiding and contributing to the betterment of the UK.

Away with you and your ripped videos. 

Somebody chose them for you to see, I have no desire for you to select my viewing material.


I much prefer direct observation by visiting the UK.



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13 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Yes, I am referring to numbers.


Millions of immigrants living peaceably in the UK, obeying the law, striving for a better life for themselves and their families and contributing to the betterment of the nation.


I’m not replying on ripped videos fed to me by somebody who wants me to see a very narrow view of the actions of a tiny minority, and certainly not from someone with zero recent experience of life in the UK.



Numbers matter, and when the numbers are millions of good, honest, law abiding people versus a tiny minority, I’ll go with the millions.


Especially given that the millions of hard working immigrants are raising children who are doing fantastically in school, college and university, moving into and up through the professions.


New Britons, studious, hard working, entrepreneurial, law abiding and contributing to the betterment of the UK.

Away with you and your ripped videos. 

Somebody chose them for you to see, I have no desire for you to select my viewing material.


I much prefer direct observation by visiting the UK.



Yes there were peacefully immigrants as well with there kids filling up schools I expect you didn't experience anything like that having hundreds of immigrants coming where you lived as we did in Rayners lane, Harrow, UK. and having to move to get our daughter educated. 

If you don't know what I'm talking about what you know means nowt.

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4 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:


Yes there were peacefully immigrants as well with there kids filling up schools I expect you didn't experience anything like that having hundreds of immigrants coming where you lived as we did in Rayners lane, Harrow, UK. and having to move to get our daughter educated. 

If you don't know what I'm talking about what you know means nowt.

Now you are back to funding of public services and of course blaming immigrants 


Over twelve years ago the Tory government came to power promising to do something about immigration.


They’ve done nothing that can be considered anywhere near effective.


The complaint you make here was made then, and yet here we are over twelve years later, nothing done about immigration and nothing done about providing funding to meet the population needs.


12 years of failure.


So let’s do an Enoch Powell and blame the immigrants.

Edited by Chomper Higgot
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