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Is TIKTOK about to be banned ?

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Ban TikTok?!

Nooooooooooooooooo, cuz then how would Biden win over his key demographic?!

C'mon man! Focusing exclusively on January 6th. namely how the violent rioters represent all protesters present at the rally who themselves represent all  "MAGA" supporters who are really the same thing as the Republican party which also is the same thing as anyone who voted Republican....

....gets tiring after a few days or weeks or months or so.

Gotta interview those intelligent, articulate, hopefully liberal-leaning young folk on TikTok to mix it up a little!

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TikTok Should Be Banned, Says US FCC Commissioner

TikTok could be facing a ban in the United States after a commissioner at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) raised concerns over national security.

The app’s growing popularity in the US is concerning because ByteDance, a Chinese company, owns it.

That means there’s potential for data on US citizens to flow back to China.




There's a little more here:



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It would have served the humanity if social media would be banned. Each and one of them is information collectors for the big cooperatives and governments. If you like that, then fine, if not, well deleted, it's to late, we are captured 

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Worries Grow That TikTok Is New Home for Manipulated Video and Photos


Misleading edits, fake news stories and deepfake images of politicians are starting to warp reality on the popular video platform



In recent weeks, TikTok users have shared a fake screenshot of a nonexistent CNN story claiming that climate change is seasonal. One video was edited to imply that the White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, ignored a question from the Fox News reporter Peter Doocy. Another video, from 2021, resurfaced this fall with the audio altered so that Vice President Kamala Harris seemed to say virtually all people hospitalized with Covid-19 were vaccinated. (She had said “unvaccinated.”)






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