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Alex Jones told to pay $965m damages to Sandy Hook victims' families

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You can be sure there are some slimy characters out there watching all this, doing cost/benefit analysis.  With the cost reaching over $1 billion this sort of influencing does not come off as lucrative.


Give him Time Magazine's Most Odious Man of the Year award.  He should have everything of value he owns taken away and made a ward of the state, made to live in a public housing project* on a stipend, with strict policing on his spending, as in some areas of the US where people on public welfare have to deal with drop-in inspectors going through their closets etc.  "Oh ho, what's this, a new jacket?  How did you pay for it?" and so on. 

I don't think he has what it takes to go into exile, but I would suspect he has a honey pot somewhere.



*preferably one with a high crime rate



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