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Emergency passort problem - Australian Embassy

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A family friend's child's passport has expired and was refused boarding to return to Oz. Embassy in BKK doesn't accept calls which are diverted to Australia. He has been to the Embassy who will not interview until this Thursday and so far unable to expedite as need to return to Oz for work. Does anyone have constructive advise to expedite the matter?

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Did he tell the Embassy the passport was expired or was it 'lost'?

Cause expired passport that had been used to enter Thailand for months doesn't constitute an emergency on the Embassy's part

The embassy might have expedite it if the passport was 'lost' 

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On that note and just to say that the Aust embassy in Thailand persumebly in other countries are NOT helpful at all in all matters and for them you're a bother and a nuisance, it wasn't used to be like this, but it is now...

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A bit more info if possible.


I assume the adult was trying to return to Oz for work and their child was refused because of an expired passport?

If that's the case, that's unusual.


Who actually refused the boarding?

Was an Airport Liaision Officer called?


If he has been to the Embassy already, why didn't they provide an emergency passport then?

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6 hours ago, Will27 said:

A bit more info if possible.


I assume the adult was trying to return to Oz for work and their child was refused because of an expired passport?

If that's the case, that's unusual.


Who actually refused the boarding?

Was an Airport Liaision Officer called?


If he has been to the Embassy already, why didn't they provide an emergency passport then?

I don't know the role of the official who refused boarding. Both adult and child are dual Thai / Oz citizens. Person went to Embassy and was refused entry, could talf to someone via phone from the secuity entrance. Insisted he could only enter with an appointment, scheduled for this coming Thursday. I also called the Embassy and one is routed to someone in Oz, again insisted Embassy only avaiable via appointment. Even though the parent is at fault for not checking passport validity, I have to say extremely poor response for someone seeking assistance for their child. Infact, IMO, disgraceful behaviour. I'll be writing to Home Affairs, will be interesting to see what they have to say for themselves.

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4 minutes ago, simple1 said:

I don't know the role of the official who refused boarding. Both adult and child are dual Thai / Oz citizens. Person went to Embassy and was refused entry, could talf to someone via phone from the secuity entrance. Insisted he could only enter with an appointment, scheduled for this coming Thursday. I also called the Embassy and one is routed to someone in Oz, again insisted Embassy only avaiable via appointment. Even though the parent is at fault for not checking passport validity, I have to say extremely poor response for someone seeking assistance for their child. Infact, IMO, disgraceful behaviour. I'll be writing to Home Affairs, will be interesting to see what they have to say for themselves.

QUOTE: "Both adult and child are dual Thai / Oz citizens."


So do they have both Thai and Australian Passports?


Could the child not leave Thailand on the Thai passport then enter Australia on the expired OZ passport? 

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34 minutes ago, simple1 said:

I don't know the role of the official who refused boarding. Both adult and child are dual Thai / Oz citizens. Person went to Embassy and was refused entry, could talf to someone via phone from the secuity entrance. Insisted he could only enter with an appointment, scheduled for this coming Thursday. I also called the Embassy and one is routed to someone in Oz, again insisted Embassy only avaiable via appointment. Even though the parent is at fault for not checking passport validity, I have to say extremely poor response for someone seeking assistance for their child. Infact, IMO, disgraceful behaviour. I'll be writing to Home Affairs, will be interesting to see what they have to say for themselves.

Would be interested to know if the ALO was called.


In these situations, if the person is a minor and is travelling with an adult,

they're usually given permission to board.


In some cases,  the Entry Operations Centre in Canberra is usually called for uplift approval.


Very untidy methinks, both by the airport officer and the Embassy.


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1 hour ago, scorecard said:

QUOTE: "Both adult and child are dual Thai / Oz citizens."


So do they have both Thai and Australian Passports?


Could the child not leave Thailand on the Thai passport then enter Australia on the expired OZ passport? 

Both have Thai / Oz passports. Child Refused permission to depart with expired Oz passport

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