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Many Republicans Want Trump Convicted and 'Out of Their Way': Attorney


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9 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I hope he destroys the GOP. They deserve it after their spineless behavior for all these years.

They had two chances to impeach him and get rid of him for good reasons. In both cases they somehow thought it is more important to lie for their leader instead of being truthful and doing their best for their country. 


"Upon taking office, senators-elect must swear or affirm that they will "support and defend the Constitution." The president of the Senate or a surrogate administers the oath to newly elected or re-elected senators. The oath is required by the Constitution; the wording is prescribed by law."



You hope he destroys the GOP? Sounds like you want a single Political Party Rule...or do you an alternative in mind?

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11 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

You hope he destroys the GOP? Sounds like you want a single Political Party Rule...or do you an alternative in mind?

There are more than just two Political parties in the US, sure the Dems and Republicans are the major players there are many many more


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7 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

There are more than just two Political parties in the US, sure the Dems and Republicans are the major players there are many many more


Yes I realise that but are they as powerful? Presumably the number of Republican voters would suggest not. The other minority parties would then be an easy target to be 'ingested'.

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9 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

You hope he destroys the GOP? Sounds like you want a single Political Party Rule...or do you an alternative in mind?

I think people should have choices. Choices between different policies and choices between different politicians.

IMHO all politicians/people who are repeatedly and deliberately dishonest should be excluded from any government position - independent from their politics.


Trump is lying all the time, there is no doubt about that. And almost all GOP politicians and a huge part of the GOP members still support him. Why? They could select another candidate who has the same or similar politics and support that person. I think that would be reasonable. But that is not what they do.


Look at the two impeachments from Trump. Imagine a DEM politician would have done the same. Do you have any doubt that all GOP politicians would have voted to impeach him? Sure, they would have done that, and rightfully so.

Why didn't the GOP impeach Trump? They could have made a statement like: We supported Trump's politics, but we don't support his lying and his corrupt behavior. We will select another leader who is honest and represents us and you.

Personally, I would have respect for any party and their members who would do that.


So, coming back to this situation: Dissolve the GOP or throw any politician out of the party who does not clearly do their job and work according to the US constitution.







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4 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

Yes I realise that but are they as powerful? Presumably the number of Republican voters would suggest not.

Who do you think swung this Mid-term election to the Democrats running for offices against republicans. Here you go: It was a large contingent of folks from Independent parties, of which one is trying to create a Third major party.



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4 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I think people should have choices. Choices between different policies and choices between different politicians.

IMHO all politicians/people who are repeatedly and deliberately dishonest should be excluded from any government position - independent from their politics.


Trump is lying all the time, there is no doubt about that. And almost all GOP politicians and a huge part of the GOP members still support him. Why? They could select another candidate who has the same or similar politics and support that person. I think that would be reasonable. But that is not what they do.


Look at the two impeachments from Trump. Imagine a DEM politician would have done the same. Do you have any doubt that all GOP politicians would have voted to impeach him? Sure, they would have done that, and rightfully so.

Why didn't the GOP impeach Trump? They could have made a statement like: We supported Trump's politics, but we don't support his lying and his corrupt behavior. We will select another leader who is honest and represents us and you.

Personally, I would have respect for any party and their members who would do that.


So, coming back to this situation: Dissolve the GOP or throw any politician out of the party who does not clearly do their job and work according to the US constitution.







I think my comment to ThailandRyan might also be suitable for me to repeat here because if the GOP were dissolved what party would replace them? I am not American so I'm really speaking of a general case or in the case that Americans want to the USA to remain a Republic. It may be, of course, that the USA as a Republic will cease to be and be governed differently as happened to other countries in the past. When I ask the question about the USA having single Party Rule and you affirmed, I would accept that as your political preference and leave it at that (whether it be on the Left or the Right).

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20 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Who do you think swung this Mid-term election to the Democrats running for offices against republicans. Here you go: It was a large contingent of folks from Independent parties, of which one is trying to create a Third major party.



Okay, that is a point but if the third Party was anything like the UK Liberal Party then they would remain just 'a bargaining Party' to whoever got majority vote. However, as I have just mentioned on another comment, maybe the USA of the future may have a different structure than it has today and that in itself could be an exciting prospect to the younger generation.

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1 minute ago, TKDfella said:

When I ask the question about the USA having single Party Rule and you affirmed, I would accept that as your political preference and leave it at that (whether it be on the Left or the Right).

Your reply is to my comment so let me reply.

I don't think single party rule is a good long-term idea. There should be choices. That is good for everybody.

And in a prefect scenario there should only be valid choices from politicians who tell the truth.

I.e. they could discuss immigration and the pros and cons. And maybe one party stands for more immigration and another party for less immigration. There is not one answer what is correct. It is a choice for the people.


And, as far as I know, people can establish a new political party and that party could get many votes in the next election. They could even win. One of the problems with many voters all over the world is that they always vote for the same party. It would be best if they analyze the current situation and then decide what to vote for. Obviously they should keep in mind what parties did in the past. But they should also consider alternatives.

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4 hours ago, Paul Henry said:

Forgetting about politics. Talking only "TRUMP"

A liar                                                                         Insurrectionist

A cheat                                                                     Thief

An adulterer                                                             Traitor

Racist                                                                        Oathbreaker                                                              


Bad businessman 

Doesn't pay people he owes money too

Multiple bankrupt


Failed Scholar

Not opinions "Facts"


And still some Americans want him to be President again. Thank God most Americans have a brain

I would have given you a thumbs up. And then I read the last line... 

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1 minute ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Your reply is to my comment so let me reply.

I don't think single party rule is a good long-term idea. There should be choices. That is good for everybody.

And in a prefect scenario there should only be valid choices from politicians who tell the truth.

I.e. they could discuss immigration and the pros and cons. And maybe one party stands for more immigration and another party for less immigration. There is not one answer what is correct. It is a choice for the people.


And, as far as I know, people can establish a new political party and that party could get many votes in the next election. They could even win. One of the problems with many voters all over the world is that they always vote for the same party. It would be best if they analyze the current situation and then decide what to vote for. Obviously they should keep in mind what parties did in the past. But they should also consider alternatives.

Fair enough, you prefer a two (or perhaps more) Party system. The USA to me, seems to entering a different phase but I hope it remains in tact. (For many years I voted Left (Labour Party) but when I was voted onto a Council things happened which changed my mind and voted Conservative thereafter...but only just, ????)

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Just found this article and about spit my evening drink out the end of my nose.....ludicrous, that people think of this feces.


Here's how Donald Trump could theoretically run for president in 2024 and govern the US from prison, according to 9 legal scholars (msn.com)


Picture this: It's 9 p.m. on January 13, 2026 — a Tuesday — and you tune in to your favorite cable-news network to watch the president's annual State of the Union address.

But this year, the president doesn't take a bulletproof limo from the White House to the US Capitol. Gone are the hundreds of members of Congress traditionally in attendance. Instead, the commander in chief is wearing an orange jumpsuit, his message streamed to lawmakers and into your living room via Zoom from his prison cell. 

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15 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

It just helps kill Trumps momentum he thinks he is building for a new run at office. More fuel to the fire to show Trumps lack of respect for others.

If anyone thinks Trump is still the future, they haven't been paying attention to the disastrous result for the GOP in the recent election.

I doubt he will have enough financial support to continue ( unless he wants to use his own money ), but I could be wrong.

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14 hours ago, Lacessit said:

The Republicans are between a rock and a hard place. Support Trump, they will lose yet again. The mid-terms proved that. Oppose him, he will destroy the GOP out of spite. He adds an extra dimension to vindictive.

Their best hope is for him to be convicted.

For all his faults, Biden represents normalcy to the majority of voters. Trump is a return to chaos.

Indeed Biden is "normal"

Business as usual in Washington


Deals in back rooms

Election bribes



Has everyone forgotten that Trump was elected as a protest against "Washington normalcy"?

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Indeed Biden is "normal"

Business as usual in Washington


Deals in back rooms

Election bribes



Has everyone forgotten that Trump was elected as a protest against "Washington 

Well, at least Biden did not put his name on the checks...

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18 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If anyone thinks Trump is still the future, they haven't been paying attention to the disastrous result for the GOP in the recent election.

I doubt he will have enough financial support to continue ( unless he wants to use his own money ), but I could be wrong.

But how will his fanbase react? They have already believed crazy conspiracy theories such as pizzagate or the big lie. They may well be ready to believe a new RINO conspiracy theory. He has no chance to be elected, but he's able to make such a mess that any other GOP candidate would lose elections.

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18 minutes ago, candide said:

But how will his fanbase react? They have already believed crazy conspiracy theories such as pizzagate or the big lie. They may well be ready to believe a new RINO conspiracy theory. He has no chance to be elected, but he's able to make such a mess that any other GOP candidate would lose elections.

If millions despise Washington enough to elect a tv game show host as POTUS, they will certainly believe that Washington is capable of sabotaging their guy by any means possible.

Washington and the shenanigans that go on there are responsible, IMO, for making citizens despise them enough to believe they'd cheat, regardless of the truth.

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8 minutes ago, fusion58 said:

The Rethugs in Congress are only turning on Hair Fuhrer now because the midterm election results have shown tRump’s ability to help them maintain their hold on power has been diminished. Prior to these midterms, there was no fraud, felony, high crime or misdemeanor Republicans weren’t willing to overlook in their efforts to shield him from accountability. There’s nothing principled about these self-serving GOP jackals.

It doesn't sound nice for jackals! ????

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8 hours ago, TKDfella said:

Okay, that is a point but if the third Party was anything like the UK Liberal Party then they would remain just 'a bargaining Party' to whoever got majority vote. However, as I have just mentioned on another comment, maybe the USA of the future may have a different structure than it has today and that in itself could be an exciting prospect to the younger generation.

Given by the "younger generation" I see around me, I'm happy that I won't be around to see that "brave new world".

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

DeSantis will IMO benefit from their transferred allegiance should he decide to stand for POTUS in 24.

You are assuming they would make the most rational choice. It's not what we've been used to observe......

Anyway, we'll see.

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15 minutes ago, candide said:

You are assuming they would make the most rational choice. It's not what we've been used to observe......

Anyway, we'll see.

If, as I believe, Trump is done, they will flock to the next person that will promote Trump policies eg immigration, border, fracking, Keystone etc. If not DeSantis, the next, more acceptable version of Trump.

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16 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Pence is now railing on Trump for his Jan 6th actions.

He's priming up for the 2024 run, I think he has until July to throw his hat in the ring.  With the hanging business he outdistances all others trying to shed DT affiliations. 

My own prognostications at this point:  there's something unimpressive about DeSantis, I don't think he'll make it to the primaries.  Pence will be the "your father's Oldsmobile" GOP candidate, he's at his best when he's not speaking and doing that sagely dad head-shake.  I think he can emerge as the "back to normal" Republican candidate -- by normal I mean pre-Tea Party and all the charlatans that rode in on it. 

The disrupter will be Flynn, who is currently touring the US with a bunch of preachers and MAGA boosters (Pillow Guy, Overstock guy, et al), all about Jesus and America and racial destiny.  It seems his preachers of color are turning a blind eye to the white supremacy aspects.  I think this will be a little too far for even church-going voters.  I'm waiting to see if Flynn tries to run himself, as third party, or anoints DT as the messiah.

There will be the usual GOP clown car with the likes of Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Marco, Lindsey, and some new "talent" like Youngkin (DT already taking shots at him), maybe those Georgia white guys like Kemp.  Pompeo has long been known to have grand political ambitions, and he's trying desperately to get the stench of orange spray-tan off of himself.

These are but my opinions and are subject to change.  Soon.



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18 minutes ago, bendejo said:

He's priming up for the 2024 run, I think he has until July to throw his hat in the ring.  With the hanging business he outdistances all others trying to shed DT affiliations. 

My own prognostications at this point:  there's something unimpressive about DeSantis, I don't think he'll make it to the primaries.  Pence will be the "your father's Oldsmobile" GOP candidate, he's at his best when he's not speaking and doing that sagely dad head-shake.  I think he can emerge as the "back to normal" Republican candidate -- by normal I mean pre-Tea Party and all the charlatans that rode in on it. 

The disrupter will be Flynn, who is currently touring the US with a bunch of preachers and MAGA boosters (Pillow Guy, Overstock guy, et al), all about Jesus and America and racial destiny.  It seems his preachers of color are turning a blind eye to the white supremacy aspects.  I think this will be a little too far for even church-going voters.  I'm waiting to see if Flynn tries to run himself, as third party, or anoints DT as the messiah.

There will be the usual GOP clown car with the likes of Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Marco, Lindsey, and some new "talent" like Youngkin (DT already taking shots at him), maybe those Georgia white guys like Kemp.  Pompeo has long been known to have grand political ambitions, and he's trying desperately to get the stench of orange spray-tan off of himself.

These are but my opinions and are subject to change.  Soon.



Whatever happens in the next two years, IMO if the GOP can't unite they are doomed to minority in congress for at least the remainder of my life on this planet.

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25 minutes ago, bendejo said:

He's priming up for the 2024 run, I think he has until July to throw his hat in the ring.  With the hanging business he outdistances all others trying to shed DT affiliations. 

My own prognostications at this point:  there's something unimpressive about DeSantis, I don't think he'll make it to the primaries.  Pence will be the "your father's Oldsmobile" GOP candidate, he's at his best when he's not speaking and doing that sagely dad head-shake.  I think he can emerge as the "back to normal" Republican candidate -- by normal I mean pre-Tea Party and all the charlatans that rode in on it. 

The disrupter will be Flynn, who is currently touring the US with a bunch of preachers and MAGA boosters (Pillow Guy, Overstock guy, et al), all about Jesus and America and racial destiny.  It seems his preachers of color are turning a blind eye to the white supremacy aspects.  I think this will be a little too far for even church-going voters.  I'm waiting to see if Flynn tries to run himself, as third party, or anoints DT as the messiah.

There will be the usual GOP clown car with the likes of Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Marco, Lindsey, and some new "talent" like Youngkin (DT already taking shots at him), maybe those Georgia white guys like Kemp.  Pompeo has long been known to have grand political ambitions, and he's trying desperately to get the stench of orange spray-tan off of himself.

These are but my opinions and are subject to change.  Soon.



None of those especially not Pence. 


Larry Hogan


Popular, very likeable, and very successful ex governor of a blue state.


Chris Christie also known for obesity had his peak time and he didn't grab and also he's very rude which Americans are sick of.


Make America have a very fat moderate republican president again. 

Well I don't want him, but I think he would be a winning choice for the republicans, but they're probably too dumb to go with him.

Edited by Jingthing
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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Indeed Biden is "normal"

Business as usual in Washington


Deals in back rooms

Election bribes



Has everyone forgotten that Trump was elected as a protest against "Washington normalcy"?

Rubbish, you have no evidence. The Trump apologists' best defence is "both sides do it".

Edited by ozimoron
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