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Thaksin’s Homecoming Bid May Fall Through Without Help From Kingmaker


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29 minutes ago, edwinchester said:

So you know all about events of 14 years ago but nothing about the current Govt? Just to enlighten you, in Thailand staging a coup is illegal.



Deary me, the other 17 must have also been illegal.........................arrest everybody concerned.

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11 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

I'm not familiar with the current situation, therefore I can't speak on that. In my opinion he needs to stand trial for what he did regardless of what someone else did or didn't do! 

Since that "situation" is essentially front and centre of the whole debate that rather makes your comments pointless, doesn't it?


Thaksin and Yingluck were not exactly deposed, tried, sentenced and allowed into exile in a political vacuum! In both cases they were on the cusp of re-election when a coup was staged to stop the election.

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The guy is as bad as the current MOB. But he is convicted so send to him to jail. Its unfair for normal people that these government crooks escape justice all the time. Now i rather see all the other corrupt government officials in jail too. 


But sending him to jail is at least one, if Thailand always excuses corruption then it will never change. So he needs to do his time. Hopefully more will follow. But letting him go would send a wrong signal.

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

The guy is as bad as the current MOB. But he is convicted so send to him to jail. Its unfair for normal people that these government crooks escape justice all the time. Now i rather see all the other corrupt government officials in jail too. 


But sending him to jail is at least one, if Thailand always excuses corruption then it will never change. So he needs to do his time. Hopefully more will follow. But letting him go would send a wrong signal.

Anyone who believes the Thai courts are either fair or impartial, especially in relation to political matters, is an utter fool.

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7 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

My personal favourite was him approving a low interest government loan to the oppressive (and globally sanctioned) military dictatorship in Burma to buy Shin Corp satellites and services.

Yep, a great leader who should be welcomed back.  

I have lived here 27 years and he is the most corrupt self serving one of all of them (and he has some competition).  Not sure why some people have rose tinted specs, my guess is they didn't live through the Thaksin years and didn't see it first hand.

Perhaps it is you, with the (yellow) tinted glasses?


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37 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Anyone who believes the Thai courts are either fair or impartial, especially in relation to political matters, is an utter fool.

They are not but the alternative is let them all go free. I prefer that some are at least punished. If they all get off it would only get worse.

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4 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

How on earth could you reach such an inane conclusion - it defies logic.


Isn't the alternative to fix the judiciary?


How could sending people from one side of politics either to jail or into exile whilst those on the other side continue to be as corrupt and anti democratic as they please without consequence.


It does not get worse than it is right now.

A Prime Minister was once removed from office for appearing on a cooking show whilst a convicted international drug dealer currently occupies a lead role in the current government.


Baffling, truly baffling.

Good luck i just work with what I have. Unless you see the fix of the judiciary any time soon. So right now the best is that some of the corrupt crooks get caught. Or do you prefer for them all to be set free so its FAIR.


They committed a crime and got caught so they should be punished not let off because the other side gets let off.


I agree with fixing the judiciary but in the meantime some jailtime for some of the crooks is better then nothing.

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3 minutes ago, robblok said:

Good luck i just work with what I have. Unless you see the fix of the judiciary any time soon. So right now the best is that some of the corrupt crooks get caught. Or do you prefer for them all to be set free so its FAIR.


They committed a crime and got caught so they should be punished not let off because the other side gets let off.


I agree with fixing the judiciary but in the meantime some jailtime for some of the crooks is better than nothing.

Again, incredibly illogical.


You are supporting the very method used to force Thanathorn out of politics.


Using the judiciary to eliminate political opponents only perpetuates the nonsense.





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4 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Again, incredibly illogical.


You are supporting the very method used to force Thanathorn out of politics.


Using the judiciary to eliminate political opponents only perpetuates the nonsense.





To compare Thanathorn with Thaksin is illogical. (comparing a crook with a good guy like Thanathorn)  Shows that you have no clue you just want to see Thaksin come back even though we known he is a corrupt crook and its been proven. I am ok with him going in jail as i said at least some are punished. I prefer that over none.


Until of course they change the judiciary like you said. But seems you want all the corrupt crooks to go free just so Thaksin can be free.


Now instead of being obstinate, what do you suggest to do in the time that the judiciary gets fixed let them all go free even though they are proven corrupt ?


Tell me your solution as its easy to shoot at other peoples solutions of a difficult topic.

Edited by robblok
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26 minutes ago, robblok said:

To compare Thanathorn with Thaksin is illogical. (comparing a crook with a good guy like Thanathorn)  Shows that you have no clue you just want to see Thaksin come back even though we known he is a corrupt crook and its been proven. I am ok with him going in jail as i said at least some are punished. I prefer that over none.


Until of course they change the judiciary like you said. But seems you want all the corrupt crooks to go free just so Thaksin can be free.


Now instead of being obstinate, what do you suggest to do in the time that the judiciary gets fixed let them all go free even though they are proven corrupt ?


Tell me your solution as its easy to shoot at other peoples solutions of a difficult topic.

Wait, what… Thanathorn’s a good guy?


Then why has his party been disbanded?


Why was he charged under the computer crimes act?


Why was he kicked out of parliament?


How can you not see the problem here?


Bad guys using the legal system to destroy good guys in order to maintain the status quo - you agree with this as long as at least someone (even good guys) still get punished.







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1 hour ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Perhaps it is you, with the (yellow) tinted glasses?


Absolutely ridiculous (and childish) thing to say. I dislike Thaksin therefore I must like the junta.  It's a very weak thing to say.

You do realise you can dislike one without liking the other?  My opinion on Thaksin is based on living here through his reign and it has nothing to do with any other political allegiance.  

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11 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

Absolutely ridiculous (and childish) thing to say. I dislike Thaksin therefore I must like the junta.  It's a very weak thing to say.

You do realise you can dislike one without liking the other?  My opinion on Thaksin is based on living here through his reign and it has nothing to do with any other political allegiance.  

The mature response, is to identify the lesser of two evils, particularly by deciding which option is most likely to lead to the best long term outcome.


It really is as simple as choosing between democracy and dictatorship.


What impact did Thaksin “reign” have on you and how is it different now under an unelected reign?

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Thailand needs fresh blood in politics and not the ancient dinosaurs without any future visions for their country and their people. Like the current power clique, Taksin belongs to this generation of dinosaurs whose only concern is to fill the overseas accounts personally, 

of their familys and close friends with taxpayers money.


The current systems are designed only to maintain power for a small privileged clique. Corruption, nepotism, monopolys, new constitutions, poor education, low wages, lack of transparency, rights to have a say, dismantling democracy, dual jurisdiction, limited freedom rights, media synchronization, stupid laws, dictated agricultural prices, etc. are the instruments used to keep the people stupid and down.

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On 12/6/2022 at 3:00 AM, webfact said:

THE LONG-COVETED DESIGN OF de facto Pheu Thai Party boss Thaksin Shinawatra to return home after years in self-exile overseas alongside his sister Yingluck Shinawatra, both having been previously deposed as prime ministers in separate coups

Yingluck was not deposed in a coup, she as removed from office by the Constitutional Court before the coup.   

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On 12/6/2022 at 3:00 AM, webfact said:

THE LONG-COVETED DESIGN OF de facto Pheu Thai Party boss Thaksin Shinawatra to return home after years in self-exile overseas alongside his sister Yingluck Shinawatra, both having been previously deposed as prime ministers in separate coups


On 12/6/2022 at 3:00 AM, webfact said:

following the 2006 and 2014 coups which had overthrown them as head of an elected government respectively

Yingluck was not deposed in a coup, she was removed from office by the Constitutional Court before the 2014 coup. 

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On 12/6/2022 at 7:01 AM, wombat said:

I was going g to ask if the statute of limitations had run out on the alleged crimes?

Not for any outstanding charges and he's already been given 12 years for the existing guilty verdicts that he's on the run from which he'd have to serve if he landed back here.

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On 12/6/2022 at 9:20 AM, Purdey said:

I too am interested to know if there is a statute of limitations on any of the charges. Yingluck was charged with transferring an official. 

No, apparently there isn't but he's already got a 12-year sentence hanging over him for existing convictions.   Yingluck was accused, and found guilty of, abuse of power.

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On 12/6/2022 at 2:05 PM, billd766 said:

He was illegally overthrown by a military coup who then became the judge and jury of what they had charged him with.


The same happened to his sister Yingluck.

"The same happened to his sister Yingluck".

Nonsense, she was removed from office for abuse of power by the Constitutional Court before the coup.  She was not PM at the time of the coup.

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On 12/6/2022 at 8:38 PM, pacovl46 said:

I'm not familiar with the current situation, therefore I can't speak on that. In my opinion he needs to stand trial for what he did regardless of what someone else did or didn't do! 

In a nutshell 'nobody is above the law' however unfortunately the law doesn't work as a smooth balanced machine and it should never be tit for tat process. The main principle remains 'nobody is above the laws'.

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18 hours ago, edwinchester said:

So you know all about events of 14 years ago but nothing about the current Govt? Just to enlighten you, in Thailand staging a coup is illegal.

I lived in Thailand from 2003 until 2014 and therefore was in Thailand while the Thaksin episode went down and I didn't follow up on the situation after I've left. 


In regards to coups being illegal, that's obviously not how it works, regardless of what the law says. 


Nonetheless, he's a convicted criminal and should pay for it! 

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On 12/6/2022 at 3:43 PM, billd766 said:

Please tell us all how many generals have been charged with treason for overthrowing any legally elected government?


Then I might consider what you say about Thaksin is valid.

The one has absolutely nothing to do with the other! 

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17 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Since that "situation" is essentially front and centre of the whole debate that rather makes your comments pointless, doesn't it?


Thaksin and Yingluck were not exactly deposed, tried, sentenced and allowed into exile in a political vacuum! In both cases they were on the cusp of re-election when a coup was staged to stop the election.

Well, just because the current situation is essentially front and center doesn't mean that my comments about Thaksin are pointless, since he is also front and center of the debate! And especially because it is about him coming back to Thailand  which makes my comments more than relevant to the current situation! 


The reason of Thaksin being ousted had absolutely nothing to do with an election coming up. He went up against someone publicly and paid the price, whether that was legal is not for me to decide and besides the point!


The point is, Thaksin is a convicted criminal on the run and he needs to go to prison and that's all there is to it from my point of view.

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11 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:



You've made a complete mess of the Ratchadapisek land deal.


Every single thing you mention is wrong.


This is a classic example of “alternative facts” from “true believers”.


How embarrassing for you.





Have you even read the article in the link you provided?


Everything I've stated is in that article. 


I got the 100 million wrong. It's been awhile since I've read that article in the Bangkok post.


So the land went for 2.3 billion Baht initially when it was sold by the previous owner. Then the value got reevaluated and brought down the price to 1.3 billion and Thaksin's wife bought it at "auction" for 772 million, nonetheless as the only bidder in the second round because to be eligible to bid on the land they had to pay a fee, or something along the lines of a fee, of 100 million Baht, which the two other bidders of the first round didn't have or didnt want to spend otherwise she wouldn't have been the only bidder. That's 600 million less than what the agency of the Bank of Thailand paid for it and Thaksin did sign a letter of consent to make the deal go through and since he was the defacto leader of the agency this was illegal and therefore he caught 2 years! It's all in the link you provided.


But I got it completely wrong! 

Edited by pacovl46
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