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My First Ever Health Checkup - Do I need to add any extra Tests ?


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 I’m 70 years old male and in good health but now I think its time to undergo my first ever routine health checkup .  The local university Hospital has a health check package that seem to be reasonably price at 4,750 Baht.


The health check package is called ‘’ Health Package 4 ‘’  and includes the following tests shown below …...............


1. Physical examination by a doctor (PE)
2. Chest and heart X-ray (CXR)
3. General urinalysis (UA)
4. Complete blood count (CBC)
5. Blood sugar test Blood (FBS)
6. Lipid Profile
- Cholestrol fat
- Triglyceride fat (Triglyceride)
- Good fat (HDL Cholesterol)
- Bad fat (LDL Cholesterol)
7. Liver function test (LFT)
- Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
8. Kidney function test
- Creatinine
9. Uric acid level test in the blood (Uric acid)
10. Electrocardiogram (EKG)
11. Indications Colon cancer (CEA)
12. Hepatocellular carcinoma test (AFP)
13. Arterial stiffness test (ABI)
14. Bone mass test (BMD)


The price for the above health check package is … 4,750 Baht.


Along with the outlined tests shown above there are several extra tests that can be added to that health check package .


The extra tests available are shown below along with the individual cost …..........

1. . Stool culture   Price 400 baht
2. Diabetes Screening ( Screening for sugar in the urine (urine sugar strip)   Price 10 baht.
3. Body composition examination   Price 70 baht
4. Eye exam ( Examine the retina -  Price 200 baht )
    Measure intraocular pressure  - Price 70 baht
    Eye examination   - Price 70 baht

5. Blood test
     Determination of iron content (Fe) -  Price 310 baht
     Detection of inflammatory response (C-reactive protein (CRP) -   Price 130 baht
     Inflammation detection (ESR)  -  Price 50 baht
     Determination of protein content in the blood (total protein)  -  Price 60 baht
     Liver enzyme detection (Gamma GT)  -  Price 130 baht
    Tissue functional enzyme detection (LDH) -   Price 60 baht
    Thalassemia blood test (Hb typing)  -  Price 315 baht
    Degradation of muscle cells (Creatine Kinase (CPK) -   Price 75 baht
    Blood group  -  Price 100 baht

6. Screening for communicable diseases
    Hepatitis B Antibody (Anti-Hbs) Test   Price - 150 baht
    Syphilis test (CMIA)   Price - 50 baht
    Hepatitis C (Anti-HCV) test   Price - 300 baht
    Hepatitis B Antigen (HBsAg) Test   Price - 130 baht
    Hepatitis A Antigen (HAV) Test   Price - 400 baht
    AIDS virus test (Anti-HIV)   Price - 220 baht


7. Cancer screening

Internal examination (women) and new method of cervical cancer screening (PV+Liquid PAP)    Price - 605 baht

Internal examination (women) and new method of cervical cancer screening and cervical cancer risk screening (PV+Liquid PAP+HPV DNA screening ) Price – 1,135 Baht

Check for indicators Prostate Cancer (Male)(PSA for Prostate Cancer (Male))   Price - 300 baht

Pancreatic cancer (CA199)   Price -  550 baht

Ovarian cancer (CA125)   Price - 550 baht

Breast cancer (CA153)   Price - 200 baht


8. Hormone screening category

Testosterone   Price - 440 baht
Female sex hormones (Progesterone)   Price - 315 baht
Thyroid (TFT (FT3 FT4 TSH))   Price - 490 baht


9. Examination according to occupational health risk factors

Toluene in urine test   Price - 540 baht
Blood lead detection (Lead)   Price - 400 baht
Check hearing performance (Audiogram)   Price - 200 baht
Pulmonary Function Test (PFT)   Price - 375 baht
Occupational health eye examination (Visual screening )   Price - 150 baht


10. Drug and alcohol detection category

Blood alcohol level test (blood alcohol)   Price - 500 baht
Testing for amphetamine in the urine (Urine Amphetamine)   Price - 100 baht



As this is my first ever medical health checkup , I’m not too sure if any of the above extra tests need to be added to the above Health Package 4 . Any one have a thought if any of the extra tests relating to just a normal health checkup , need to be added .









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I would do the eye tests if this is not something you have done recently - they can catch something before it becomes serious.  As for other tests perhaps wait for results and then doctor can recommend any that might be appropriate.  Tests can be very informative but can also lead down the wrong path to more and more tests without proper supervision.

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I would not bother here again, had similar check up 4 years ago in Bkk but a lot more expensive. Several results came up with concerning levels, cholesterol, Uric acid and  Triglyceride being three I remember. Had same tests done at home a few weeks later no abnormalities shown at all. 

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Yea.... about these tests. How good are they?


10 years ago my gf did one at one of those hospitals. They didn't find anything. Then she did it at another hospital (much more expensive and popular with foreign clients) a few days later (because she wasn't feeling well)  and they found stage 1 cancer. 



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35 minutes ago, nigelforbes said:

If the lab is accredited and not some fly by night backstreet outfit, the test results can be relied on to be of an international standard.

Now you have me worried , the hospital is the  Suranaree University of Technology hospital in Korat. 

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12 minutes ago, backstreet said:

Now you have me worried , the hospital is the  Suranaree University of Technology hospital in Korat. 

If you go to their website and look under About Us and scroll down to certification, it appears the hospital is HA certified to level 2. Whether or not that means their lab is certified, is unclear. You should look for two things, one is accreditation of the lab, preferably done to international standards and two, certification of the lab technicians, without both of those things any claim to to quality is not reliable.

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9 minutes ago, nigelforbes said:

If you go to their website and look under About Us and scroll down to certification, it appears the hospital is HA certified to level 2. Whether or not that means their lab is certified, is unclear. You should look for two things, one is accreditation of the lab, preferably done to international standards and two, certification of the lab technicians, without both of those things any claim to to quality is not reliable.

Many thanks , I never really thought about the hospitals accreditation of the lab, its some thing I'm now going to research . I believe that some people may have had  a first medical health checkup at one hospital and then not long after go on to have a second health check at a different second hospital and the test results from both hospitals turned out to be different , that makes me wonder.

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At your age I would add the eye exam, PSA and  C-reactive protein (CRP)


Note that the retina exam will involve drops to dilate your eyes so you cannot drive afterwards


If you have never been screened for HBC (Hepatitis C) then get that, it is recommended that all adults be screened for it once



A digital exam of the prostate would also be advisable but not on their list

Likewise an exercise stress test and HB1Ac


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1 hour ago, Celsius said:

Yea.... about these tests. How good are they?


10 years ago my gf did one at one of those hospitals. They didn't find anything. Then she did it at another hospital (much more expensive and popular with foreign clients) a few days later (because she wasn't feeling well)  and they found stage 1 cancer. 



What is contained in a check up package and the tests done on a consultation for symptoms are 2 very different things. Likely not the same tests that were done.


Exactly what type of test(s) do you refer to? Cancer where?


It is important to note that no check up package checks for everything, and a clean bill of health on a check up package does not mean there is no chance of anything being wrong. It means only that the results of the specific tests done were normal. No more, no less.



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9 minutes ago, backstreet said:

Many thanks , I never really thought about the hospitals accreditation of the lab, its some thing I'm now going to research . I believe that some people may have had  a first medical health checkup at one hospital and then not long after go on to have a second health check at a different second hospital and the test results from both hospitals turned out to be different , that makes me wonder.


Blood test results will not have constant values. Even at the same lab on the same day, there will be some fluctuation. This is normal. Only if the differences were very large would I wonder about accuracy.

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33 minutes ago, backstreet said:

Now you have me worried , the hospital is the  Suranaree University of Technology hospital in Korat. 

I would not worry too much about the quality of a hospital lab. Government hospitals, especially in the provinces, may not bother with international accreditations.


It is the private stand-alone labs that can sometimes be dodgy.


That said, errors can happen anywhere, even at an accredited lab, so results that do not seem to fit the clinical picture should always be repeated.

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It always amazes me how some people want to find the cheapest health check up.  Yet, they will waste their money on booze and sex.

Most of the general blood tests can be done at a local lab for around 1000 b.

What about adding an exercise or nucleaur stress test?

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On 12/9/2022 at 7:29 AM, backstreet said:

I’m 70 years old male and in good health

The first checkup will determine that.


Get all the extra tests posters have suggested here. Add


Body composition examination   Price 70 baht


We dunno your lifestyle. Maybe all the numbers will be within normal range, great. If not, you'll likely consider some changes.




The HbA1c is also of particular importance.


It's not unlikely the doc may suggest a statin. If so you might first read


Amazon.com: The Clot Thickens: The enduring mystery of heart disease eBook  : Kendrick, Malcolm: Books


and instead work on the TG/HDL ratio. You can bring that into line with diet & exercise. You check w/ docs about exercise while you're there, if you're not currently doing anything. A common belief is that you can medicate yourself out of bad health to good health. Meds typically treat symptoms and may do little to lessen the probability of earlier morbidity. I'm not anti-med but rather pro-natural good health if possible.


Let us know how it goes. Inspiration:






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First a big thank you to every one for your comments and suggestions , they are really appreciated .????.


My Heath Checkup is tomorrow at the Suranaree University of Technology hospital in Korat. I have added all the suggested extra tests to my list , To day I can’t eat or drink ( except water ) after 8pm and definitely no alcohol .


One thing I can’t see on the hospital list of tests is the …  HbA1c , So I will be asking about that test when I arrive at the hospital Heath Checkup department. 



As this is my first ever health checkup and being over 70 years of age I’m starting to become a bit paranoid and anxious , thinking that the all test results may be all bad news , and its all downhill from there on ????


I will of course post my Health Checkup results .


Again many thanks to every one ????









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7 minutes ago, backstreet said:

One thing I can’t see on the hospital list of tests is the …  HbA1c

This is a normal blood test for average sugar levels over previous several months - very important for diabetes and pre-diabetes patients so every hospital should have available.  Often called A1C.

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As this is my first ever health checkup and being over 70 years of age I’m starting to become a bit paranoid and anxious , thinking that the all test results may be all bad news , and its all downhill from there on



If it were all bad news, I doubt that you would have reached the good age of 70+ without ever having a health check-up!

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