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Thai Health Minister Joins Forces with UK to Develop Genomic Testing To Better Diagnose Cancers


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5 hours ago, Soikhaonoiken said:

For God's sake, he's a construction guy, and doesn't know anything about health, obviously it was a free trip to the UK..

If public health is one of his responsibilities his visit is entirely justified.  By the way he's a multi-millionaire who certainly doesn't need to grub around for free trips. 

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20 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

to research better diagnostic tests

Which include extracts THC and CBD from marijuana???

Such extracts for medicinal purposes are now allowed in the UK but under license from the UK Home Office - otherwise ILLEGAL.



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From the linked article:

"Genomic tests can aid in the diagnosis of difficult diseases such as cancers. Genomics is the study of an organism’s entire genetic makeup, including all of its DNA sequences. By analyzing an individual’s genome, scientists can identify genetic variations that may be associated with a particular disease, leading to a precise diagnosis."


This is modern medicine. Cancers may arise through genetic pathways in certain individuals, so analyzing a patient's genome may indicate which treatment is appropriate. Furthermore, immunological approaches to cancer treatment depend on sequencing the cancerous cells to produce a tailored upgrade to that patient's immune system. Moderna and BioNTech are working on cancer vaccines as well, which presumably would deal with more common cancers. 



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On 1/21/2023 at 4:50 AM, Soikhaonoiken said:

For God's sake, he's a construction guy, and doesn't know anything about health, obviously it was a free trip to the UK..

For a young man, (at least from my perspective) Lord Markam seems to have had an extremely varied career, utilizing a wide variety of talents, little of which has anything to do with construction.

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Does thailand have scientists in this field, already established laboratories?

or thai population will serve as guinea pig in medical experiments? Nothing wrong with thot, but it should be spelled. 
genetic tests for cancer and the other illnesses already exist and are used. I have never heard thiland was pionier in this field

Edited by internationalism
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