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Thai woman in massive rant: Complains about foreign tourists getting better treatment than Thais


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7 hours ago, Joinaman said:

think you mean too many dont want to pay you extra money for just doing the job you are paid and expected to do ?


Too many forget someone has a job, not more and not less, and that comes with borders what is included. 

Going 'above and beyond' is rarely comes with any job, but ppl tend to like that for their experience.

If so, pay for it. Just fair.


For example,

you want a haircut, it doesn't need to come with small talk. Honestly no one really care to listen it. your taxi driver the same. 

or your server need to take take your order and bring you, without really needing to make up your mind how you feel about going vegan last week.

or does your gas station attendant really must wash your window while filling the car? 


SO yeah, I mean too many expect things that is not the job per se.



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