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Facts largely ineffective in countering conspiracy theorists, research says


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April 5 (UPI) -- Conspiracy theories have become more prevalent than ever, and according to researchers, combatting conspiracies with factual evidence is largely ineffective in quashing conspiracy beliefs.


Researchers from University College Cork studied the effectiveness of several intervention methods, including presenting rational arguments, and found most methods do not work once conspiracies take hold.


The findings were published in the peer-reviewed journal PLOS One.






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12 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Conspiracy Theorists tend to be fully loaded with them, not just one. I reckon they've lost a sense of reality, maybe indoors too much

Not sure it's a loss of reality but a want and need to believe in the stories they are being fed not only through the real media but the false media as well.  Not too many years back parents would instill fear in there children by telling them that the boogeyman was real, or that if they did nt listen to the parents the police would come and lock them up.  Were these examples a conspiracy? one started in the home.  Yes, I do believe so.  Many grow up believing the snake charmer, con man, magicians etc.....

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4 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

MSM, big tech and their censors who falsely claimed for 2 YEARS that Hunter's lappy was "Russian disinformation" and are completely unable after this 2 year hoax to explain why the bidens were getting paid all these millions by Ukrainians, Russians and Chinese calling others "conspiracy theorists" and pretending to be baffled by their destroyed credibility and viewer ratings (see CNN's disastrous crash in viewers after being on the wrong side of just about every conspiracy) is actually quite amusing. 


It's a simple matter of credibility. If one side tells hundreds of self serving lies and literally bans factual rebuttal of the lies, well of course they are just not credible and do not deserve to be believed. It is really quite simple.

Do you have any proof, I mean concrete proof that only one side is telling hundreds of self serving lies? I will direct you to take in inner look at the now former POTUS to see where his lies, and the conspiracies folks believe about him are now coming out to be truths. Evidence and real photos or it never happened as we do live in a true world of daily misinformation which we must wade through.  If one does not take the time to look at both sides of the issue and believes what they are being told then who is to blame for the continuing of those conspiracies. 

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A short, readable statement of the obvious for many here.  The essence is summarized with:


"Conspiracy beliefs were described in the study as beliefs that "explain important events as secret plots by powerful and malevolent groups." Examples included conspiracies about the 1969 moon landing being fake and recent conspiracies that created fear over the COVID-19 vaccine."


""While the intuitive solution to countering unfounded conspiracy beliefs is to present facts and arguments that contradict the conspiracy explanation, our review indicates that this approach is among the least effective," Cian O'Mahony, lead researcher from the UCC School of Applied Psychology, said in a statement."


Many of us are aware of this.  The only reason to argue with such types on this forum is in hopes of informing readers who might be susceptible to falling down rabbit holes.


Regarding the above post by such a lost cause, nothing on the hard drive of the laptop incriminates President Biden.  Some of it might incriminate Hunter Biden, but considering the history of the laptop I'm not sure it would be admissible in court.

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2 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

MSM, big tech and their censors who falsely claimed for 2 YEARS that Hunter's lappy was "Russian disinformation" and are completely unable after this 2 year hoax to explain why the bidens were getting paid all these millions by Ukrainians, Russians and Chinese calling others "conspiracy theorists" and pretending to be baffled by their destroyed credibility and viewer ratings (see CNN's disastrous crash in viewers after being on the wrong side of just about every conspiracy) is actually quite amusing. 


It's a simple matter of credibility. If one side tells hundreds of self serving lies and literally bans factual rebuttal of the lies, well of course they are just not credible and do not deserve to be believed. It is really quite simple.

Here we see why.

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3 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

MSM, big tech and their censors who falsely claimed for 2 YEARS that Hunter's lappy was "Russian disinformation" and are completely unable after this 2 year hoax to explain why the bidens were getting paid all these millions by Ukrainians, Russians and Chinese calling others "conspiracy theorists" and pretending to be baffled by their destroyed credibility and viewer ratings (see CNN's disastrous crash in viewers after being on the wrong side of just about every conspiracy) is actually quite amusing. 


It's a simple matter of credibility. If one side tells hundreds of self serving lies and literally bans factual rebuttal of the lies, well of course they are just not credible and do not deserve to be believed. It is really quite simple.

No, MSM didn't claimithat the laptop was disinformation. What was claimed is that the laptops weren't sufficiently vetted before that report in the NY Post was published. In fact, the seasoned NY Post reporter assigned to the case, refused to accept the assignment because he wasn't allowed to investigate it first. Obviously basic journalist ethical practice would require ascertaining whether or not the information was genuine before publishing the story.

In addition, the question could be asked why didn't the right wingers who had the data give it to some organization like Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal which does an excellent job of investigative reporting Why did they hold onto it for so long and only release it in October. Maybe because they weren't sure it was genuine either and didn't want to allow for enough time for a proper investigation before the November election?

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4 hours ago, onthedarkside said:

Conspiracy theories have become more prevalent than ever, and according to researchers, combatting conspiracies with factual evidence is largely ineffective in quashing conspiracy beliefs.

Kind of like Stalins comment about voting.  It matters precious little what the facts are, it matters greatly who determines what are facts. 

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13 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Another imbiber of Koolaid.

This time the true Orange flavor possibly. One has to be able to live life without falling down the rabbit holes.  Conmen, Shill's, Snake oil salesmen, and the likes abound in life.  They work the angles and take peoples minds, bodies and souls and expect them to do the dirty work for them.......The devil works hard.

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“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”


“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”


And, one practised by many on here, including the third post in this very thread:

“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”


All were said by Joseph Goebbels.

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5 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

MSM, big tech and their censors who falsely claimed for 2 YEARS that Hunter's lappy was "Russian disinformation" and are completely unable after this 2 year hoax to explain why the bidens were getting paid all these millions by Ukrainians, Russians and Chinese calling others "conspiracy theorists" and pretending to be baffled by their destroyed credibility and viewer ratings (see CNN's disastrous crash in viewers after being on the wrong side of just about every conspiracy) is actually quite amusing. 


It's a simple matter of credibility. If one side tells hundreds of self serving lies and literally bans factual rebuttal of the lies, well of course they are just not credible and do not deserve to be believed. It is really quite simple.

Right! It doesn't take 2 years to inspect the content of a laptop!

Oh wait! Only the NYPost got a copy! ????

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3 hours ago, placeholder said:

No, MSM didn't claimithat the laptop was disinformation. What was claimed is that the laptops weren't sufficiently vetted before that report in the NY Post was published. In fact, the seasoned NY Post reporter assigned to the case, refused to accept the assignment because he wasn't allowed to investigate it first. Obviously basic journalist ethical practice would require ascertaining whether or not the information was genuine before publishing the story.

In addition, the question could be asked why didn't the right wingers who had the data give it to some organization like Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal which does an excellent job of investigative reporting Why did they hold onto it for so long and only release it in October. Maybe because they weren't sure it was genuine either and didn't want to allow for enough time for a proper investigation before the November election?

Only going on the behaviour of Rupert's other enterprises I would suggest Murdoch and "an excellent job of investigative reporting'' may be mutually exclusive but I don't have any experience with WSJ to comment any further.

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6 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

MSM, big tech and their censors who falsely claimed for 2 YEARS that Hunter's lappy was "Russian disinformation" and are completely unable after this 2 year hoax to explain why the bidens were getting paid all these millions by Ukrainians, Russians and Chinese calling others "conspiracy theorists" and pretending to be baffled by their destroyed credibility and viewer ratings (see CNN's disastrous crash in viewers after being on the wrong side of just about every conspiracy) is actually quite amusing. 


It's a simple matter of credibility. If one side tells hundreds of self serving lies and literally bans factual rebuttal of the lies, well of course they are just not credible and do not deserve to be believed. It is really quite simple.

Just another conspiracy theory posted by the person who cannot accept the truth.

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16 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

It goes a lot deeper than that. The entire right wing psyche is deeply associated with education and other observable factors.

Yes TBH I agree!


Another more recent study by the same author goes into the subject a bit deeper.


Injustice Without Evidence


"Conspiracy theories are widespread and have a profound impact on society.


The present contribution proposes that conspiracy theories are explanatory narratives that necessarily contain justice judgments, as they include attributions of blame and accusations of unethical or criminal conduct.


Conspiratorial narratives also are mental simulations, however, and may elicit genuine feelings of injustice also without evidence of actual malpractice".


Injustice Without Evidence: The Unique Role of Conspiracy Theories in Social Justice Research | SpringerLink

Edited by LosLobo
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