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Chinese ambassador expresses confidence in Belt and Road Initiative benefiting Thailand and China


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16 minutes ago, RandiRona said:

They were right there if you bothered to read, but I know you don't get paid to read but post ????. Keep going TROLL!!

Some examples of countries that have been accused of falling into China’s debt trap are Laos1, Sri Lanka2, and Djibouti2.

???? Education is important. Shame not everyone got one. 


Are you going to tell the Laos DPM that you know what’s better for his country than him? Didn’t think so.

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10 hours ago, RandiRona said:

I think they are also trying to secure fertile north and north east and China is net importer of food and Thailand is exporter. In other countries where there was any democracy CCP did iron clad contract, in Thailand, they just need to buy Generals....

Generals probably have Chinese ancestry...

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Well, China’s influence in the world and especially Asean will only continue to grow, particularly in the infrastructure sector.

Will you boycott the HSR if and when it comes to fruition? Will you not install solar at home because the panels and inverters are Chinese made? Deny yourself all the wonderful electronic appliances and items made by Xiaomi, Huawei etc? Continue to pay double for petrol when it costs only 1 baht (or less if you have solar) per km for EVs?


I could go on and on about how the emergence of China has made my life immeasurably better. Look around your own house (or room, for some) and see if you can replace all the Chinese made products you have.  Foolish is he that cuts off his nose to spite his face ????.


China and Chinese people are everywhere. Deal with it ????

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5 hours ago, John Drake said:

Perhaps, but in China you don't look around your house so much as your house looks and spies around on you. And it's even worse when you step outside. Personally, I'd rather pay more for consumere trinkets than live under observation by the government 24/7.

I don’t live in China. And, unlike you, I’m not important enough for China to spy on me. I hope you don’t have Tik Tok on your phone ????

ps: Google does spy on me though 

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21 hours ago, RandiRona said:

So do you have a date to return Ports back to Srilanka , Djibouti and Laos ? It aint happening , says Winnie the pooh!!

Why should a commercial company listed in Hong Kong with shareholders from all over the world hand back a 99-year port concession for free if it has paid for it? Mind you, this company also owns ports all over the world, such as Miami and Houston in North America, Antwerp and Rotterdam in Europe and Busan and Singapore in Asia. It also owns another port in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Are you suggesting that this commercial company stupidly give away all its assets for free to every country that it has acquired from?


China Merchant Port Holdings Co. Ltd.

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12 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

I don’t live in China. And, unlike you, I’m not important enough for China to spy on me. I hope you don’t have Tik Tok on your phone ????

ps: Google does spy on me though 

You do not have to be important for China to spy on you, just foreign. I was there for work and we were followed and spied upon during a day off... 

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3 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

Does anyone have the TikTok app?  I watch a few that come up on social media, but I don’t use the app.

It’s a great app to while away the time while the other half is off buying food at the market ????

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Despite what some would try to have you believe, the CCP only acts to ultimately enrich and empower themselves. The speech is stuffed with fluffy and superfluous words meant to woo the unsuspecting. The place will be flooded with more cheap tat which will benefit the very few—mostly Chinese and some bigwig Thais—and will unlikely improve the lives of ordinary Thais. Why would they go to such great effort and expense otherwise? Faster trains would be nice but at what cost to the nation? What's the old adage about selling one’s soul to the devil? ????

Edited by daveAustin
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In Myanmar---a renegade province of the Middle Kingdom according to official Chinese maps---this 'benefit' to host nations is best exemplified by what China tried to do at Myitsone, an area in Kachin State where two rivers meet.


Under SLORC, China was given permission to erect a dam at Myitsone. First, 15,000 Kachin had to be forcefully relocated, as their land would be under water. Next, China hired a total of two Burmese citizens to be involved in the project (the then-father-son team who owned Asia World, and who also were allegedly major drug lords). The remainder of the labor force---100,000 men---were to be exported from China. Oh, and ALL of the subsequent power to be generated by the dam was to go to---where else---China.


The Kachin Independence Army did not take kindly to this project, as one might expect. It took a couple of targeted assassinations of Chinese engineers to bring the project to a halt.


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On 4/27/2023 at 7:57 AM, jacko45k said:

You do not have to be important for China to spy on you, just foreign. I was there for work and we were followed and spied upon during a day off... 

Yes and why are there Chinese police stations in Canada and USA? And why are they even allowed?

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