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Usa Expats, Interesting Problem, Has It Happened To You?


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I get mail sent to a US address and use a friend's US address for credit cards, bank account records, etc. I am sure alot of you do too.

Well, a bad case scenario has happened.

I got called for jury duty.

My friend has opened the mail and I can tell them I am no longer a resident of that county, but that must be signed by me and returned within 7 days. That ain't gonna happen.

I can also call them, which I am inclined to do. However, I am worried they are going to be freaked out that someone else opened this official mail, and also not believe me that I live in Thailand, and in effect, make me into a criminal. Remember, calling such a number is likely to result in talking to an officious clerk who has no power to change anything.

This bites. Any suggestions or experiences about this?

BTW, there is no way I can fly back there to serve in a jury and even if I showed up I would be eliminated very fast when I told them I was a full time expat in Pattaya Thailand!

My other idea is that calling them will just open a can of worms. I could have the letter sent to me in Thailand, sign it, and return it, and about a month later they would get the late letter. It would be invalid because late but at least the reason for it being late would be crystal clear.

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Just tell them that:

1) you can spot an guilty guy 'like that' *snap your fingers*

2) you have always dreamt about sentencing a man to death. It doesn't matter if the trial is for parking-tickets, insist you will fullfill your dream.

or you could ask how much you should demand from the book agent for writing a book about the trial and leaking info during it.

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Just tell them that:

1) you can spot an guilty guy 'like that' *snap your fingers*

2) you have always dreamt about sentencing a man to death. It doesn't matter if the trial is for parking-tickets, insist you will fullfill your dream.

or you could ask how much you should demand from the book agent for writing a book about the trial and leaking info during it.

I am sure I could get off the duty if I showed up. But I legally must show up. Thats the rub. Its in America. I live in Thailand. Is this how expats become criminals?

BTW, in theory I don't mind serving on a jury. I have done so before and I hung the jury! Another reason I am guaranteed never to serve again because no lawyer wants a hanger. However, I don't think it is realistic to expect expats to fly to America to serve at great expense.

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I, too, have been aware this situation may come up. Same as you, I still keep mail flowing to our daughters address back in the states. And I keep reminding them to look carefully at the mail for anything from the courts. So far, no problem.

I would have no problem having my daughter call the reporting number and tell them I am out of the country on an extended vacation (6 months) and just see what they say. If they want proof, she can tell them I will mail a copy of my passport and entry card in to Thailand so they can see that I am currently out of the country. I know there is a penalty if you do not respond, so I would recommend you have someone call for you.

Please keep me posted on what the outcome is. You can message me privately.



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I, too, have been aware this situation may come up. Same as you, I still keep mail flowing to our daughters address back in the states. And I keep reminding them to look carefully at the mail for anything from the courts. So far, no problem.

I would have no problem having my daughter call the reporting number and tell them I am out of the country on an extended vacation (6 months) and just see what they say. If they want proof, she can tell them I will mail a copy of my passport and entry card in to Thailand so they can see that I am currently out of the country. I know there is a penalty if you do not respond, so I would recommend you have someone call for you.

Please keep me posted on what the outcome is. You can message me privately.



Do you really think it is a better idea to have the friend or relative call, or calling yourself? Calling from a Thai number would add some drama to it if they could see the number display. Thats not a bad idea about offering to send the passport entry information. I am inclined to call, because not calling is basically ignoring a problem and that doesn't make it go away, and it is a problem.

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Obious question: Why haven't you decleared yourself expats legally?

Frankly, I wouldn't know how to do that 100 percent.

I am prepared to tell my old county if they have a way to do that.

My tax forms now use a Thai address.

It is much easier to deal with banks and financial institutions with a US address and I have every intention of continuing to do that.

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I am an attorney and it happens all the time. Do not worry about this at all. Ignore the notice and enjoy yourself. When or if you return, notify them that you were out of the country. You might have to show your passport as proof (but probably not). They will reschedule the service after your return and notification.

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I am an attorney and it happens all the time. Do not worry about this at all. Ignore the notice and enjoy yourself. When or if you return, notify them that you were out of the country. You might have to show your passport as proof (but probably not). They will reschedule the service after your return and notification.

So you think its a bad idea to call them?

Thanks for that suggestion. I do plan on returning for short times and also I hope to keep getting a driver's license in that state (not sure if that will work or not). So would I have to contact them even if back there for a short visit? To add to the fun, my address will be changing to a new county in the same state (but not for some months).

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I get mail sent to a US address and use a friend's US address for credit cards, bank account records, etc. I am sure alot of you do too.

Well, a bad case scenario has happened.

I got called for jury duty.

My friend has opened the mail and I can tell them I am no longer a resident of that county, but that must be signed by me and returned within 7 days. That ain't gonna happen.

I can also call them, which I am inclined to do. However, I am worried they are going to be freaked out that someone else opened this official mail, and also not believe me that I live in Thailand, and in effect, make me into a criminal. Remember, calling such a number is likely to result in talking to an officious clerk who has no power to change anything.

This bites. Any suggestions or experiences about this?

BTW, there is no way I can fly back there to serve in a jury and even if I showed up I would be eliminated very fast when I told them I was a full time expat in Pattaya Thailand!

My other idea is that calling them will just open a can of worms. I could have the letter sent to me in Thailand, sign it, and return it, and about a month later they would get the late letter. It would be invalid because late but at least the reason for it being late would be crystal clear.

Just happened to me from the state of Oregon and all I did was email the court telling them I was here in Thailand and not returning any time soon. I received a email back stating I was excused ..No problem.

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I get mail sent to a US address and use a friend's US address for credit cards, bank account records, etc. I am sure alot of you do too.

Well, a bad case scenario has happened.

I got called for jury duty.

My friend has opened the mail and I can tell them I am no longer a resident of that county, but that must be signed by me and returned within 7 days. That ain't gonna happen.

I can also call them, which I am inclined to do. However, I am worried they are going to be freaked out that someone else opened this official mail, and also not believe me that I live in Thailand, and in effect, make me into a criminal. Remember, calling such a number is likely to result in talking to an officious clerk who has no power to change anything.

This bites. Any suggestions or experiences about this?

BTW, there is no way I can fly back there to serve in a jury and even if I showed up I would be eliminated very fast when I told them I was a full time expat in Pattaya Thailand!

My other idea is that calling them will just open a can of worms. I could have the letter sent to me in Thailand, sign it, and return it, and about a month later they would get the late letter. It would be invalid because late but at least the reason for it being late would be crystal clear.

Have your friend call (or you can be the "friend" and call yourself). Nothing illegal about him opening mail if you give permission. Then he explains the situation and asks what to do. And make sure it's explained as a permanent change of residence otherwise you may get a posponement of jury duty or something.

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I am going to ask my friend if he is willing to do that. I think its worth a shot and even if it doesn't work, it probably won't hurt too much, and maybe they will ask for some more concrete proof.

There is no email contact on the letter.

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I am going to ask my friend if he is willing to do that. I think its worth a shot and even if it doesn't work, it probably won't hurt too much, and maybe they will ask for some more concrete proof.

There is no email contact on the letter.

Do a little work yourself and web search the state and local court. There will be a email address

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I am going to ask my friend if he is willing to do that. I think its worth a shot and even if it doesn't work, it probably won't hurt too much, and maybe they will ask for some more concrete proof.

There is no email contact on the letter.

Do a little work yourself and web search the state and local court. There will be a email address

Oh, please.

Yes, of course there will be and of course I could find some kind of email to the county. But to the correct place? Ever heard of the delete button? The official letter clearly gives contact options and email isn't one of them.


Wanted Fugitive, Come and Get Me!

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I am an attorney and it happens all the time. Do not worry about this at all. Ignore the notice and enjoy yourself. When or if you return, notify them that you were out of the country. You might have to show your passport as proof (but probably not). They will reschedule the service after your return and notification.

So you think its a bad idea to call them?

Thanks for that suggestion. I do plan on returning for short times and also I hope to keep getting a driver's license in that state (not sure if that will work or not). So would I have to contact them even if back there for a short visit? To add to the fun, my address will be changing to a new county in the same state (but not for some months).

Again don't worry about not responding at this time. There is no need for you or anyone else to call (notwithstanding any other posters warning that there is a penalty for failure to respond which would be inapplicable under the circumstances. The jury summons is a notice and a penalty is for persons who received a notice at the mailing address and fail to respond. Because you are out of the country you have not received notice and you can handle it when you return).

Regarding your other questions, a jury summons is issued from the county voter rolls which are based on voter registration and addresses within the county that the court is located. If you change counties you will not be summoned for jury service unless you register to vote at your new address within that county. Register to vote as an ex-pat living abroad and you will not receive a summons for jury service in the future (unfortunately you will also lose the right to vote in your local elections). With respect to the drivers license, most states renew through the mail so this should not be a problem for you unless you are required to retake the driving test. Alternatively, you can renew your drivers license upon your return to the country by providing them with a local address. The DMV will likely require a passport, Social Security number, or other documentation that you are a citizen before issuing a new license (it really depends on the state however). I hope this was helpful. Good luck.

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I am an attorney and it happens all the time. Do not worry about this at all. Ignore the notice and enjoy yourself. When or if you return, notify them that you were out of the country. You might have to show your passport as proof (but probably not). They will reschedule the service after your return and notification.

So you think its a bad idea to call them?

Thanks for that suggestion. I do plan on returning for short times and also I hope to keep getting a driver's license in that state (not sure if that will work or not). So would I have to contact them even if back there for a short visit? To add to the fun, my address will be changing to a new county in the same state (but not for some months).

The attorney is 100% correct. Do not sweat the small stuff as it is easily handled when you return by just notifying them at your convenience that you were or still are out of the country . Each state has slightly different laws but they usually have a list of things that will exempt you from jury duty so I am sure you will find one that fits your situation even if it gets necessary to get creative. My guess is that if you send them a copy of your visa on your passport showing that you are out of the country and not sure when you will return, you probably will probably not be called again for years.

I am not just guessing at this as I have 40 years experience dealing with jury notices. I have homes in two other states other than my home state so I am very seldom in my home state when I receive a jury notice. Whenever I happen to pick up my mail and see the notice, I just tell them that I was not in state as I work out of state and send them a copy of something that backs up my statement and I am exempted and do not hear from them again for many years.

In case you have not heard it before, a rhetorical question was once raised ' How confident are you in a jury system in which you are going to be judged by a jury of your peers that were all too stupid to figure out a way to get out of jury duty? ' :o Perhaps OJ Simpson case was a prime example among many of this !

Disclaimer: It was just a joke and I am not an advocate of people not doing their civic duty by serving on a jury.

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I am originally from Maryland and last year a jury notice was sent to me via my brothers address which I use for renewing my MD drivers liscense which is, I assume, the data base they use for mailing out the jury notices. Anyway my brother opened the letter and called them and told them that I now live in Thailand thus would not be available for jury duty. What I had to do was send the court a copy of my visa showing that I am living in Thailand and I was excused from the jury duty. I think you are blowing this problem way out of proportion. Just contact the court that sent the notice and explain that you are living outside the USA. They are not going to drag you back for jury duty although they my require you to prove that you are outside the US.

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LOL, what a nightmare. Also, if you do show up and it's a trial of a violent criminal, no doubt you would not be dismissed. A liberal like you is a defense attorney's dream to have as a juror


To call or not to call, that is the question.

BTW, I voted innocent to a military officer because a conviction on what I thought wasn't a horrible crime which they hadn't technically proved anyway would have ruined his entire military career and I thought that was excessive. If Bush can think that way, so can I. Political labels aren't often apt. But no, I will never be serving on any jury, that is for certain!

The only reason I got on that other jury was because they had run out of jurors to dismiss. Big mistake!

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Photocopy your passport showing you are currently in Thailand and mail it to them with an explanation that you cannot show as you are in Thailand. Include the number from the notice, that is all you need to do, you are stressing about this too much :o

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