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FBI director speaks with congressional Republicans about Biden document dispute


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Well looks like the Republican fishing expedition was so disappointing that now they are planing to censure the FBI director in the house,anyway one of the maga nutters is putting it on the floor guess that amounts to a tantrum of sorts 

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43 minutes ago, Tug said:

Well looks like the Republican fishing expedition was so disappointing that now they are planing to censure the FBI director in the house,anyway one of the maga nutters is putting it on the floor guess that amounts to a tantrum of sorts 

Well, it seems Comer is not eager to talk about what the document is about.


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"But more importantly is that the substance of this document has been debunked over and over and over again," said Goldman.


"You don't have to just take my word for it, or the 17 witnesses in the first impeachment investigation who said unequivocally that Vice President Joe Biden executed official U.S. policy by encouraging Ukraine to fire its prosecutor general because he was not prosecuting corruption, including against Burisma, but you should take the word of the Trump Department of Justice, which received this information in this document that Chairman Comber and Ranking Member Raskin looked at, they evaluated it, and they determined that it did not warrant further investigation."


"This is just an effort for the House Republicans to rehash debunked allegations and launder them through an official committee of the Congress, in order to hurt Joe Biden and help the Republican nominee for president," Goldman added.



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21 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

"But more importantly is that the substance of this document has been debunked over and over and over again," said Goldman.


"You don't have to just take my word for it, or the 17 witnesses in the first impeachment investigation who said unequivocally that Vice President Joe Biden executed official U.S. policy by encouraging Ukraine to fire its prosecutor general because he was not prosecuting corruption, including against Burisma, but you should take the word of the Trump Department of Justice, which received this information in this document that Chairman Comber and Ranking Member Raskin looked at, they evaluated it, and they determined that it did not warrant further investigation."


"This is just an effort for the House Republicans to rehash debunked allegations and launder them through an official committee of the Congress, in order to hurt Joe Biden and help the Republican nominee for president," Goldman added.



Aaaaah! Now we know why Comer did not want to talk about the content of the document! It's the old debunked Burisma conspiracy theory! ????

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3 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

why is it so difficult for the left to accept the laptop is not "Russian Disinformation" but is totally legit and has been confirmed as such by multiple parties including democrat activist MSM? 

Who says it's not disinformation?

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2 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

Can we agree "debunking" of the Burisma/unqualified Hunter/VP Joe/prosecutor Shokin claims back when the left's disinformation campaign was in full swing claiming Hunter's abandoned laptop was "Russian diisnformation" is flawed?


The facts in this saga are that

1)Hunter Biden was earning a huge salary from Burisma although unable to speak the language and having no experience in energy businesses.

2)Shokin the prosecutor was or had investigated Burisma for corruption, and was fired after Joe Biden withheld 1 billion dollars in aid money(which he famously bragged about doing this quid pro quo)

3)Joe Biden was VP and played a major role in Ukraine policy.


I know the left play games around these facts by claiming the timelines are wrong, or just flat out forbid people from stating these unfortunate facts as if it will make it all go away. But I have yet to hear from any of the left here why these astronomical sums of money were being paid to HB and other biden family members. Amusing reading the comments over in the Thai news section where the "winner" of the election transferred dodgy share certs over to his family members and the reaction of biden-bros to this without noticing their hypocrisy.  


I suggest we wait and see what Comer uncovers here. The reaction of the FBI's Wray and known serial liar Raskin lead me to believe it is 100% legit and this will bring down Biden. Let's see.

"2)Shokin the prosecutor was or had investigated Burisma for corruption, and was fired after Joe Biden withheld 1 billion dollars in aid money(which he famously bragged about doing this quid pro quo)"


Shokin was burying the Burisma corruption investigation.  That was one of the reasons he was fired.


"Kaleniuk and AntAC published a detailed timeline of events surrounding the Burisma case, an outline of evidence suggesting that three consecutive chief prosecutors of Ukraine -- first Shokin’s predecessor, then Shokin, and then his successor -- worked to bury it."


Although I don't think you'll let a little thing like facts interfere with your conspricacy theories.

""Ironically, Joe Biden asked Shokin to leave because the prosecutor failed [to pursue] the Burisma investigation, not because Shokin was tough and active with this case," Kaleniuk said."https://www.rferl.org/a/why-was-ukraine-top-prosecutor-fired-viktor-shokin/30181445.html

Edited by heybruce
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5 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

Can we agree "debunking" of the Burisma/unqualified Hunter/VP Joe/prosecutor Shokin claims back when the left's disinformation campaign was in full swing claiming Hunter's abandoned laptop was "Russian diisnformation" is flawed?


The facts in this saga are that

1)Hunter Biden was earning a huge salary from Burisma although unable to speak the language and having no experience in energy businesses.

2)Shokin the prosecutor was or had investigated Burisma for corruption, and was fired after Joe Biden withheld 1 billion dollars in aid money(which he famously bragged about doing this quid pro quo)

3)Joe Biden was VP and played a major role in Ukraine policy.


I know the left play games around these facts by claiming the timelines are wrong, or just flat out forbid people from stating these unfortunate facts as if it will make it all go away. But I have yet to hear from any of the left here why these astronomical sums of money were being paid to HB and other biden family members. Amusing reading the comments over in the Thai news section where the "winner" of the election transferred dodgy share certs over to his family members and the reaction of biden-bros to this without noticing their hypocrisy.  


I suggest we wait and see what Comer uncovers here. The reaction of the FBI's Wray and known serial liar Raskin lead me to believe it is 100% legit and this will bring down Biden. Let's see.

If you have the facts then you should have the links and the proof as well.


Why don't you post it on this thread, publish in all the social media channels and send a copy to the FBI, Doj and the FULL membership of the oversight committee?


After years of investigation of many individual groups, they cannot find anything wrong.


You apparently can.


So publish what you have, assuming that you do actually have anything new. But facts only and NOT your usual allegations which are meaningless and useless to any investigations.

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8 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

Can we agree "debunking" of the Burisma/unqualified Hunter/VP Joe/prosecutor Shokin claims back when the left's disinformation campaign was in full swing claiming Hunter's abandoned laptop was "Russian diisnformation" is flawed?


The facts in this saga are that

1)Hunter Biden was earning a huge salary from Burisma although unable to speak the language and having no experience in energy businesses.

Georgetown Uni BA and Yale JD. Are you kidding? There are countless people on corporate boards with BA's and JD's. And no qualifications at all.


8 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

2)Shokin the prosecutor was or had investigated Burisma for corruption, and was fired after Joe Biden withheld 1 billion dollars in aid money(which he famously bragged about doing this quid pro quo)

Not necessarily a connection and hasn't been proved. He was fired because the US complained about him being corrupt. Very corrupt.


8 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

3)Joe Biden was VP and played a major role in Ukraine policy.

He played a minor role as a board member in Burisma policy not Ukraine policy.


8 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:


I know the left play games around these facts by claiming the timelines are wrong, or just flat out forbid people from stating these unfortunate facts as if it will make it all go away. But I have yet to hear from any of the left here why these astronomical sums of money were being paid to HB and other biden family members. Amusing reading the comments over in the Thai news section where the "winner" of the election transferred dodgy share certs over to his family members and the reaction of biden-bros to this without noticing their hypocrisy.  


I suggest we wait and see what Comer uncovers here. The reaction of the FBI's Wray and known serial liar Raskin lead me to believe it is 100% legit and this will bring down Biden. Let's see.


Edited by ozimoron
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On 6/6/2023 at 7:12 PM, Tug said:

Well looks like the Republican fishing expedition was so disappointing that now they are planing to censure the FBI director in the house,anyway one of the maga nutters is putting it on the floor guess that amounts to a tantrum of sorts 

Not going to happen.


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15 hours ago, placeholder said:

Why is it so difficult for right wingers to accept that the laptop contains no information that incriminates Joe Biden?

That is just not true. JB was 100% incriminated in the "big guy" emails when witness and ex Navy seal Tony Bobulinski who was also involved and cc'd into the emails said is Joe Biden(1). Nobody is disputing this. None of the forum left can explain why up to 12 Biden family members(2) including children have been receiving huge foreign payments with zero justification for having done so(unlike Kushner who received money for a fund, money which the investors hoped to make a profit with - no similarities to the inexplicable payments to the biden family).


(1) https://nypost.com/2022/07/27/hunter-bidens-biz-partner-called-joe-biden-the-big-guy-in-panic-over-laptop


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16 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

That is just not true. JB was 100% incriminated in the "big guy" emails when witness and ex Navy seal Tony Bobulinski who was also involved and cc'd into the emails said is Joe Biden(1). Nobody is disputing this. None of the forum left can explain why up to 12 Biden family members(2) including children have been receiving huge foreign payments with zero justification for having done so(unlike Kushner who received money for a fund, money which the investors hoped to make a profit with - no similarities to the inexplicable payments to the biden family).


(1) https://nypost.com/2022/07/27/hunter-bidens-biz-partner-called-joe-biden-the-big-guy-in-panic-over-laptop


You keep on repeating the same nonsense.  First off, it wasn't "10% for the big guy". It was "10% for the big guy?" And once again you ignore the glaring fact the Hunter Biden reported that when he asked his father about coming on board with the China venture, his father gave him an 'emphatic no". Why is it that you never acknowledge this? Doesn't exactly seem honest.

As for Tony Bobulinksi, he claimed that his phones contained proof that Biden was part of the deal. Fox News and the Wall St. Journal both looked at Bobulinski's alleged evidence.


Ex-Hunter Biden associate's records don't show proof of Biden business relationship amid unanswered questions



Hunter Biden’s Ex-Business Partner Alleges Father Knew About Venture
Former vice president says he had no involvement; corporate records reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show no role for Joe Biden



I don't doubt that the Chinese actors hoped to influence Joe Biden via his son. There is no evidence that they succeeded. In fact, the person in charge of the company that paid Biden is now in detention in China and is being investigated for corruption. His company went bankrupt, This has been pointed out to you again and again and you still don't acknowledge this. That doesn't seem quite honest.


Finally, Jared Kushner had been a govt official who by all accounts pushed hard to support the Saudi govt when he was in office and became great friends with MbS.. In fact, the Middle East was his special purview. Despite Kushner's poor investment record, MbS overruled the well-founded concerns of an advisory panel to invest 2 billion dollars with Kushner. Sleazy much? The Saudis only invested 1 billion with Steve Mnuchin (which is bad enough) despite the fact that he had a very successful career as an investment banker.

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15 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

You mean all those pics of HB and his hookers and drugs aren't real? huh

The coffee has not kicked in yet?

Where did I say that? 

If drugs and hookers make you a bad person , then me and most of this forum are....... I am not gonna say it, because it's gonna be deleted anyway. ????

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24 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

So, the pics are real but the laptop is disinformation. It gets confusing.

Probably Deepfake photos with the information in the photos as far as time and place completely computer generated so as to look official.

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3 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

So, the pics are real but the laptop is disinformation. It gets confusing.

The laptop has nothing incriminating about President Biden and apparently nothing that prosecutors think is worth prosecuting against Hunter Biden.  Claiming otherwise is disinformation.

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Garret O’Boyle, an FBI agent who was presented in a public hearing by House Republicans as a whistleblower, was suspended by the bureau because internal investigators had concluded that he leaked sensitive investigative information to the right-wing group Project Veritas, according to a bureau official.


House Democrats now accuse O'Boyle of lying to the committee and are referring the matter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, according to a letter obtained by NBC News.

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2 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Looks like more will be taken down along with the Donald.  It appears that many folks who bought into his lies and so on have done some incredibly dumb things which will cause there incarceration as well.  Sad day when folks believe with open arms and do not use there brains and eyes to actually step back and think about the totality of things.

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7 hours ago, placeholder said:

You keep on repeating the same nonsense.  First off, it wasn't "10% for the big guy". It was "10% for the big guy?" And once again you ignore the glaring fact the Hunter Biden reported that when he asked his father about coming on board with the China venture, his father gave him an 'emphatic no". Why is it that you never acknowledge this? Doesn't exactly seem honest.

He will make the same claim in a few hours, or days. He simply doesn't acknowledge any evidence which contradicts his claims.

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