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Especially For Weho!


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I was doing some shopping at Foodland when a perfect photo opportunity arose.

Fortunately I had my new Canon Ixus 75 in my pocket which I bought last week at the 'Big Camera' shop at Big C.

On my way through check-out I happened to glance over toward Took Lae Dee and noticed there were two shirtless gentlemen dining there. As it turned out, they were identical twins with identical tattoos even.

Weho came to mind so I whipped out my camera to snap a candid photo.


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He looks pretty good to me, like he's been pumpin iron and injesting steriod tablets. What's the problem?

Pretty good? Yeah, sure.

Showing off again about how you are not gay?

Earth to skin man: Carrefour is just down the street and they sell shirts! There are people eating who do not wish to vomit. Pattaya may be a beach resort but a supermarket or a shopping mall is not a beach.

Edited by Jingthing
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He looks pretty good to me, like he's been pumpin iron and injesting steriod tablets. What's the problem?

At a guess, you mean pumping iron with a 5kg weight, right? Dunno about the injested steriods, but sure looks like they injested one or two Mac D's. :o

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In (most ?) western countries, they have rules about hygiene in places that serve food, rules for the staff and the customers.

Many, many places have signs: "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service".

It would be nice if they started something like that in LoS. Not sure what people like this are thinking, as they probably are well aware that they couldn't do the same thing where ever they came from (or maybe they can ?).

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In (most ?) western countries, they have rules about hygiene in places that serve food, rules for the staff and the customers.

Many, many places have signs: "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service".

It would be nice if they started something like that in LoS. Not sure what people like this are thinking, as they probably are well aware that they couldn't do the same thing where ever they came from (or maybe they can ?).

In Australia even a tank top is not acceptable in many restaurants.

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Short pants and sandles only to show off his tattoos.... a walking comic book.

Rolls of fat on display.....a Jenny Craig promotion.

A polished bald head....too many "U" turns under the sheets. (his gal does look kinda cute :o )

Body odour and nipple rings???.....more than likely.

A promoter of good manners, social etiquette, high fashion and good taste.....hardly.

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I have seen a couple of places with this notice:

Men - No shirt - No Service

Ladies - No shirt - Free drinks

Or is such discrimination politically incorrect?

where exactly was that? :o

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Who are the twins hurting? The people with the problem would seem to me to be the ones who can't stop staring at the two gentlemen in question, all the while looking down on them and calling them names. How superior they are!

Just because there's some arbitrary no-shirt-no-service rule in the west doesn't mean that it has to be imposed here. Plus one for Thailand as far as I'm concerned.

Every time I go back to the west I'm amazed at how much more restrictive things get. More rules, more things you can't do; it just gets more stifling. Yeah, it's too far the other way in Thailand, but the price you pay is having to look at two interesting twins in that high-class restaurant Took Lae Dee (or not looking if you're too uptight to see how interesting they really are).

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Who are the twins hurting? The people with the problem would seem to me to be the ones who can't stop staring at the two gentlemen in question, all the while looking down on them and calling them names. How superior they are!

Just because there's some arbitrary no-shirt-no-service rule in the west doesn't mean that it has to be imposed here. Plus one for Thailand as far as I'm concerned.

Every time I go back to the west I'm amazed at how much more restrictive things get. More rules, more things you can't do; it just gets more stifling. Yeah, it's too far the other way in Thailand, but the price you pay is having to look at two interesting twins in that high-class restaurant Took Lae Dee (or not looking if you're too uptight to see how interesting they really are).

Eating shirtless in a restaurant is showing contempt for other diners, and except in some outdoor settings, shouldn't be allowed. It's a matter of common decency, not about laws.

It's even more absurd in Took Lae Dee because of its counter type arrangement where diners are in very close quarters with each other.

If it was my restaurant I'd be giving them the marching orders. As a customer I'd definitely dine elsewhere if I was confronted by this shirtless duo. If I was already seated and eating when they arrived, it would become a very unpleasant situation for sure.

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Well, just relieved to see that they not look like Germans at all :o

Anyway, simply disgusting to sit shirtless in a restaurant.

Interesting to see what social welfare facilitates nowadays.... :D


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It wouldn't stop me at eating at a place I otherwise would eat at. But I would try not to be close to those guys. My issue is they are not attractive and might upset my stomach. Now, attractive guys, go ahead, strip down and come sit by me now while I peel you a grape.

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It wouldn't stop me at eating at a place I otherwise would eat at. But I would try not to be close to those guys. My issue is they are not attractive and might upset my stomach. Now, attractive guys, go ahead, strip down and come sit by me now while I peel you a grape.

Yes, but what would do if you'd just started to eat your meal when the 2 shirtless twins waltzed in and sat right next to you...even brushed up against you?

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Yes, but what would do if you'd just started to eat your meal when the 2 shirtless twins waltzed in and sat right next to you...even brushed up against you?

check bin please.

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Yes, but what would do if you'd just started to eat your meal when the 2 shirtless twins waltzed in and sat right next to you...even brushed up against you?

What would you do if two naked twins came in and started rubbing themselves all over you while singing the theme song from Rocky?

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Yes, but what would do if you'd just started to eat your meal when the 2 shirtless twins waltzed in and sat right next to you...even brushed up against you?

What would you do if two naked twins came in and started rubbing themselves all over you while singing the theme song from Rocky?

We're not joking here. This is a real situation that was observed yesterday and could happen to anyone.

Take your stupid jokes to the joke room please.

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