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Visa for child support

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I am presently in Thailand as non-immigrant type O (retirement) and has a child attending school in Thailand.


I just realized my balance just fell below the 800,000 baht requirement with less than 90 days before my non-O visa expires, what are my visa options excluding leaving the country?


My understanding is there is a visa, for people supporting a child that has a 400,000 baht seasoning requirement, is this true? If so what is it called?


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Seems there is a type O visa, but not sure about requirements as these seem very dynamic, so old info may not be relevant.


The 400,000 baht requirement not an issue at this time.


some say pictures of inside and outside of house taken by third party!

Googling it, shows many requirements that may or may not be currently valid, hence this post.


I’ve always been on non-type O retirement visa, never had a child support visa before.





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1 minute ago, brianthainess said:

A lot more info please'

Does the child have Thai ID?

How old is the child?

Do you have custody of child?

Mother available in case needed?

It is a family visa basically the same as a marriage visa.

Child has Thai ID

child 15

I/we have custody live at same residence

mother is available


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20 minutes ago, thairat said:

Googling it, shows many requirements that may or may not be currently valid, hence this post.

Go to your Immigration office and ask for a list of 'Their' requirements most of us know it varies from office to office

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 I'm in a similar situation.


With the looming possibility of not meeting the future financial requirements at my last yearly retirement extension I asked what are the requirements for a child support visa which I believe only requires 400k in the bank.


I was told by the immigration officer, in very annoyed tones, "We cannot, have to go to Bangkok" Obviously having a bad day, but no need to take it out on me :annoyed:


Anyway from what I have gleaned on this forum, in addition to the usual home photos you also need photos outside and inside the school, with you, child and teacher as well as a letter from school stating that your child does in fact attend the school.


I am trying to avoid the "child support" route as it sems just too much BS, and am currently working out if my UK Government pension used in combination with what's left of the 800k will be enough for the visa.



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2 hours ago, thairat said:

I just realized my balance just fell below the 800,000 baht requirement with less than 90 days before my non-O visa expires, what are my visa options excluding leaving the country?

800k is only required in bank for two months prior to application for extension. 

What balance do you currently have? 


EDIT: Here is post I just did in another thread......


"800k+ for two months prior to application for annual extension and 800k for the three months after application and not below 400k in other months."


BTW. If you have not followed the financial requirements you cannot just change what the extension is based on.

You would have to exit Thailand and obtain new non O based on support Thai child. 

Many would suggest Savannakhet.

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24 minutes ago, thairat said:

I might be able to squeeze under the line if top up account today. Will try, depending on how long the transfer takes.

You could obtain 60 day (to buy time) extension to visa Thai child

here is a thread ....


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In the case of being a family member of a Thai national (applicable only to parents, spouse, children,
adopted children, or spouse’s children):

Criteria for Consideration



The alien must have been granted a non-immigrant visa (NON-IM).

The alien must have proof of relationship.

In the case of spouse, the relationship must be de jure and de facto; or

In the case of children, adopted children, or spouse’s children, said children, adopted children,
or spouse’s children must not be married, must live with the alien as part of the family, and must not
be over 20 years of age; or

In the case of parents, the father or mother must maintain an average annual income of no less
than Baht 40,000 per month throughout the year or must have deposited funds of no less than Baht
400,000 to cover expenses for one year.

For other necessary cases, the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner of Immigration Bureau
is granted the authority to make decisions regarding approval on a case-by-case basis.

In the case of marriage to a Thai woman, the alien husband must earn an average annual income
of no less than Baht 40,000 per month or must have no less than Baht 400,000 in a bank account in
Thailand for the past two months to cover expenses for one year.


Documents to be submitted

Application form

Copy of applicant’s passport

Copy of documents proving relationship, such as a marriage certificate, a birth certificate,
registration of child legitimization, household registration certificate, child adoption registration
certificate, or other evidence from the government or relevant agency

Copy of evidence proving the Thai nationality of the spouse, parents, children, or adopted
children, such as a national ID card, copy of household registration certificate, or other evidence
issued by the government or relevant agency

Only for Criteria (5) and (6), the applicant must attach a funds deposit certificate issued by a
bank in Thailand and a copy of a bankbook, or attach documents proving that the parents or alien
husband earns an average monthly income of no less than Baht 40,000 throughout the year, such as
any particular individual income tax return together with payment receipt, evidence of receiving
retirement pension, evidence of receiving interest from funds deposit, or evidence of having other
funds issued by the relevant agency. An affidavit must also be submitted confirming the alien’s
marital or parental status with a Thai national.

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2 hours ago, thairat said:

Child has Thai ID

child 15

I/we have custody live at same residence

mother is available


You will apply for an extension under Reason 2.18 of the relevant Police Order. I quote this below. Carefully read 2.18 (4) and 2.18 (5)





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1 hour ago, Daffy D said:

I was told by the immigration officer, in very annoyed tones, "We cannot, have to go to Bangkok" Obviously having a bad day, but no need to take it out on me :annoyed:


That is correct. The application for an extension under 2.18 is taken under consideration, and must be endorsed by Division headquarters. It is also more work for your local immigration office.

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On 8/3/2023 at 4:07 AM, thairat said:


I just realized my balance just fell below the 800,000 baht requirement with less than 90 days before my non-O visa expires, what are my visa options excluding leaving the country?


My understanding is there is a visa, for people supporting a child that has a 400,000 baht seasoning requirement, is this true? If so what is it called?

You only need to top up to 800k baht 2 month (60 days) before you apply for the next extension of stay. However, your balance cannot be less than 400k baht from 3 month after granted extension of stay and until 2 month before the next.


Visa for for supporting a child is the same; i.e., non-immigrant type-O. It's the extension of stay and the conditions that are different.


However – as a forum member mentioned it in another thread – your condition for extended stay might have been voided, if your deposit balance is not in accordance with the rules, and you must leave the country. The original non-O visa you entered on, ended with the original 90-days periode in Thailand. You can re-enter either with a new non-O visa or as tourist (visa exempt or 60-days tourist visa), and apply for change to non-O visa domestically.

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I did the non o at the Thai embassy in london based on children under 20 (as I’m now divorced)


you need 10,000 gbp - I only shown them a months statement.


I have never done the visa in country but it is of course possible, a friend of mine did it and from what I can recall the child had to go down with him.


If you are not married to your child’s mother this maybe an issue as under thai law you do not have any parental power unless you marry her or court grants it.



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You actually have 2 options, but as usual it will depend on whether the local regulations of your Imm Office allow it, so you would need to enquire about it with them.

Option #1 - Apply for a 60-day extension of stay for reason of visiting your Thai dependant child.  When approved that would ADD 60-days to the due date of your current Permission to stay, and if you make sure that during the last 2 months before you apply for the 1-year extension that your balance is above +800K, you would then be in compliance for your 1-year extension of stay (retirement) extension, as the period that you slipped under it would be more than 2 months earlier before application date (and during that period keeping +400K is allowed). Problem solved...

Option #2 - Instead of applying for a 1-year (retirement) extension you could consider this time applying for a 1-year extension of stay for reason of supporting your Thai dependant child. 

Imm Offices that allow applying for that reason, also often allow that instead of having +800K during the last 2 months before your application date, that you already went under it in view of the Thai dependant child application. 

Note that when you take that route, that you would need to provide evidence that you were in compliance with having the required funds of your retirement extension on your personal Thai bank-account for the 12 months preceding the date of application (with the exception of the last 2 months when you temporarily slipped under it, but that could be superseded by the Thai dependant child application).

Be sure to discuss it beforehand with your Imm Office whether they allow both you making that change to the reason of application for your 1-year extension, as well as having slipped under the +800K during the last 2 months. If they are not willing to do so, you can of course revert to option #1 (which is a certaintity).

Contrary to a 1-year (retirement) extension which is delivered on the spot, a marriage/Thai dependant child 1-year extension, has an 'under consideration' period and so you will have to come back to get the stamp once it has been approved by Divisional Headquarters (which is a purely bureaucratic process).  

A bonus of going for option #2 when your Imm Office allows it, is that instead of having to keep the +800K/400K semi-permanently on your Thai bank-account, that for a Thai dependant child extension the funds (+400K) ONLY need to be on your account at the moment of application, and once the application has been approved your are free to use the funds as you please. Bingo!

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On 8/3/2023 at 9:07 AM, thairat said:

I just realized my balance just fell below the 800,000 baht requirement with less than 90 days before my non-O visa expires, what are my visa options excluding leaving the country?

On re-reading your post, there might not be any problem at all for you to apply for the 1-year extension based on your Non Imm O (retirement) Visa. 

It boils down to the exact period when you slipped under the +800K tresshold. 

If that was MORE than 2 months before your 1-year extension Permission to stay will expire, then it is just a matter of applying for your next 1-year extension on a date close to that expiry date, such that in the 2 month period before that application date that your funds balance would be once again over 800K. 

Edited by Red Phoenix
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On 8/3/2023 at 10:14 AM, thairat said:

My partner and I share a home, but we are not legally married, is this an issue?

I think they will request Naturalization papers from the Family Court.  You may also be able to get this doc from the local OrBorTor. 


Your name on Birth Cert won't be sufficient when not married.  It's either marriage or court-ordered Naturalization.  At least, this is my experience with the Thai family member visa extension. 

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On 8/3/2023 at 11:14 AM, DrJack54 said:

800k is only required in bank for two months prior to application for extension. 

What balance do you currently have? 


EDIT: Here is post I just did in another thread......


"800k+ for two months prior to application for annual extension and 800k for the three months after application and not below 400k in other months."


BTW. If you have not followed the financial requirements you cannot just change what the extension is based on.

You would have to exit Thailand and obtain new non O based on support Thai child. 

Many would suggest Savannakhet.

I managed to transfer money to top up my account, the transfer took 1 day so sqeeked under the wire.


Thank you very much Dr Jack

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16 hours ago, thairat said:

Chiang Mai immigration claimed that go from Type O retirement, to Type O child support would not necessitate leaving the country because not changing visa type only the grounds on which it is based.

That's fully correct.  To change the REASON for the 1`-year extension of stay application (e.g. from marriage to child-support, or any other change for that matter) only 2 requirements need to be met:

#1 - You need to show evidence that you met the requirements under which the previous Permission to stay was provided to you (e.g. in this case that you had +400K on your personal Thai bank-account during the 2 months preceding your current 1-year extension of stay application).

#2 - You need to show evidence that you meet the requirements for your current 1-year extension of stay application (e.g. in this case the requirements for the application for reason of Thai dependent child).

NOTE: You cannot change the reason for the 1-year extension of stay, if you were not already on a 1-year extension of stay.  So applying for a different reason for the first time from your 90-day Non Imm O Visa has to be done for the SAME reason as for the original Visa application.

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Went to OrBorTor presented my translated passport, birth certificate, child id card along with 2 witnesses and got a document for immigration, direct no cost whether immigration will accept it maybe another matter.


Thank you all for your helpful and informative comments.

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