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Mouse problem....Windows 11


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On 8/15/2023 at 7:48 PM, Seamaster said:

It's BT genius and while he might have a TRANSCEIVER it's totally unessential as BT has been built into Windows for a donkeys age

A BT transceiver/dongle may or may not be needed depending on if the computer has one built into the chipset or not.


The fact that Windows has built-in support for Bluetooth is irrelevant when coming to assess the need (or absence of a need) for a dongle.


As the OP has already said he's using Bluetooth, and he would prefer not to take up a USB port with an additional dongle, it's safe to assume he is using a Bluetooth mouse and the Bluetooth is built in to his computer.


Edited by JayClay
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While it's unlikely, it's not impossible that you have multiple broken mice. To be absolutely sure you need to try these mice on another system to see if they exhibit the same issue. Or if that's not possible buy the cheapest mouse you can find in 7/11 or anywhere and see if it exhibits the same behaviour brand new out of the box.

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Its definitely a ststem issue. Tried 3 mouse, (mice, mices 5555 don't want to start a bun fight again lol) and all ok for 1-3 months then the right click either doesn't work or the click speed munged up. Scrolling, pointer movement always ok. The fact I deleted the mouse driver (not BT) and reinstalled and it was fine surely points to the driver becoming corrupt for some reason. In fact whenever I did a system update before which I assume refreshes drivers the mouse would be fine again. It usally happens every 2-3 months so now I know the fix its no biggy at all. Be good to find the root of the problem but unlikely. Probably a clash with something else. Anyway, all good for now

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3 hours ago, Kenny202 said:

and all ok for 1-3 months then the right click either doesn't work or the click speed munged up

If they are all okay for a certain amount of time then fail then it sounds like the issue is with the mice themselves. 


Perhaps there's something about the way you use them or store them that is causing this to happen? Are you particularly heavy handed with your click action? Or are they being stored somewhere that could enable gunk to build up under the buttons?


If you have access to another system I highly suggest that you try one of the mice on that to see if the issue persists.


(edit.... I should really read a whole post before answering!)



 The fact I deleted the mouse driver (not BT) and reinstalled and it was fine surely points to the driver becoming corrupt for some reason. In fact whenever I did a system update before which I assume refreshes drivers

Yes this does seem odd.

Edited by JayClay
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