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3 hours ago, soalbundy said:

Could be my old washing machine, I was told it would be recycled.

I did recycle it ! Its in my back garden with the other five tones of steel, I kid you not my wife is not happy, need a trip to EMR

2 hours ago, tgw said:

if it is a window

Looks more like a (aircon?) duct collar to me. Looks rather aircrafty to me.


But who knows? I'm sure we'll get the answer soon.

7 hours ago, NanLaew said:
7 hours ago, neeray said:

Speculation will undoubtedly soon abound that it is part of MH 370.

I see you've already started.

4 hours ago, neeray said:

Not quite. I never said "that it was" or "that it could be". 

Try and have a nice day. ok


Love these sorts of comments...

... speculation will undoubtedly start that Trump caused this... 

... I see you've already started.

... not quite, I never said that Trump caused it, I just speculated that others will speculate that Trump caused this... 


YAWN...   its still speculation... and in this case, as you [neeray] mentioned MH370, your comment is as good as speculation, even if you tried to word it to accuse imaginary others in the future. :giggle:


8 hours ago, malthebluff said:

Maybe a part from one of the thai subs they bought

Part 2. Instructions for assembly using a Somchai stick welder should be in a waterproof envelope stuck to the underside. Torpedos will be delivered under their own power.

18 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


Love these sorts of comments...

... speculation will undoubtedly start that Trump caused this... 

... I see you've already started.

... not quite, I never said that Trump caused it, I just speculated that others will speculate that Trump caused this... 


YAWN...   its still speculation... and in this case, as you [neeray] mentioned MH370, your comment is as good as speculation, even if you tried to word it to accuse imaginary others in the future. :giggle:


I was NOT speculating. Having been on this forum for close to 10 years, I know how people jump to conclusions on things. I figured some members would do this about this piece of back yard junk that came ashore. I also recognize that there are a lot of miserable old men on AN who just love to argue. I read comments where it's obvious some expats are either bored or angry at the world and just love to argue. Pity them.

22 hours ago, wombat said:

Nah...they shot one down


Good comment. Much more pleasant than the ones who accused me of speculating (which I was NOT).

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