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43 minutes ago, seajae said:

yes killing children and babies then cutting off their heads shows how much of a man they are, these people are demented and brainwashed animals, while I had no qualms with hamas and Israel soldiers killing each other what hamas has done now has changed all that. Israel needs to eliminate them all so it never happens again, what hamas has done is the lowest of low, slaughtering innocents was not the way to go and has condemned them all to hell.  Anyone supporting what hamas has done deserves to be put in the same basket, if you think this is ok then you have a very twisted mind, anyone that cheers slaughtering  and beheading of innocents shows just how pathetically minded they really are, maybe if it was those that support what hamas has done had their wife and children/baby  killed and beheaded by these animals they might stop and have a more rational thought on it, I have lost all sympathy for pallestinians after this, if Israel destroy them then as far as I am concerned  they deserve it, killing enimies is expected but taking heads afterwards shows how backward those doing it and those supporting it really are, they do not deserve to be a part of humanity

well said

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4 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

All of it, every murder committed by Hamas is a  crime against humanity that combined justly evoke comparisons with the evils of the holocaust.


The simple reality is that it all will continue until Israel ends its occupation of Palestine.

Then get off the fence of guising behind neutrality, there is no grey area here on this, none…as history has shown.

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2 hours ago, rabas said:



How does your theory of human advancement account for the utterly unspeakable acts of Hamas?  Hamas and those supporting them are the anchor preventing human advancement. 



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8 hours ago, Danny Australia said:

Every single Palestinian in Gaza or the West Bank experiences at least one of the following: Daily humiliation at Israeli military checkpoints, economic blockade, confiscation of land, harassment by armed settlers, desecration of their Aqsa Mosque, restrictions on having their own air or sea ports, collective punishment such as demolishing family homes if anyone is involved in any act of resistance, targeting journalists and aid workers, and a shoot-to-kill policy against kids throwing stones at tanks. Let's not forget over 5,000 prisoners, including women and children. All Palestinians are also under occupation. 30 years since the Oslo peace agreement, Israel has not relinquished the occupied Palestinian land or recognized an independent Palestinian state. Instead, they are adding more illegal settlements or expanding the existing ones. To achieve peace, it is essential to end the occupation and treat Palestinians with respect.

And all this happens in a vacuum? Nothing to do with Palestinian actions? Agenda?


And sure, lump it all together, by all means - but what I posted was in response to a specific post, and a specific comment by a Palestinian official.


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9 hours ago, Jeff the Chef said:

Joint Statement by Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups on the Situation in Palestine







They are nothing but Woke scum.

Edited by Morch
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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

To my knowledge, all israelis have to serve in the military except the ultra religious, so if they celebrate violence against israelis it isn't per se against civilians.

However I don't agree with killing children on either side.

Again, your knowledge is Aljazeera based, perhaps.

Over the years, less and less Israelis are conscripted. Getting wavers became easier do to a myriad of reasons. The ultra religious are indeed not recruited, many of those who are religious but not ultra orthodox serve for a much shorter duration than normal, Arab citizens of Israel are exempt (some volunteer).


One of the points raised by the mass protests against Netanyahu's government was that this state of affairs is neither attainable nor fair.


Even worse when it comes to reserve duty.

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8 hours ago, Thorgal said:

It's visible in some Hamas footage of the attacks that there are 2 groups within Hamas : one is pure a military (making prisoners) one and another one is more as per Daesh practices (executions).


That doesn't mean that you have to implement a collective punishment to 2.300.000 citizens. 


Deflections again. Citizens were killed by Hamas forces. You want to deny this? To claim otherwise? Hamas doesn't.

Seem like you're conformable enough with 'collective punishment' when it comes to Israeli citizens.

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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Agree, but seems biden has just given them free reign to carry out the destruction of Gaza with his warmongering speech where he promises full support for israel and even hints of direct involvement. No calls for restraint at all.

Biden has the blood of children on his hands too, IMO.

American citizens were killed and abducted.

Hamas militants killed Israeli children. Not much comments on this by you.

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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Even the Al Jazeera front person remarked that it was unusual that biden had not called for restraint. IMO netanyahu will have received an unspoken message that they can go as far as they like without restraint.


Just mentioned that 140 children have been killed by the israelis in Gaza.

It's 160 dead Gaza children now.

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8 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

When an alcoholic begins to suffer from liver disease, the best course of action is to quit drinking.


When a chain smoker begins to suffer from emphysema the best course of action  is to quit smoking.


Israel should quit stealing land and denying the Palestinians a homeland.

Hamas attacks Israel, and Israeli citizens. Israel visits destruction on the Gaza Strip, and kills more Palestinians.

According to your paradigm, Hamas should cease attacks.



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37 minutes ago, novacova said:

Good grief, get off it already. The border along Egypt is being bombarded to prevent the Hamas leadership from escaping, though they’ll be hunted and killed no matter where they hide. Ambulances are Hamas transport vehicles. 

Ah the old "any atrocity is acceptable if it's israel doing it" scenario.

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Just now, Hanaguma said:

Tragic. All used as meat shields by Hamas cowards.  Big difference in morality. At the music festival, Israeli police put themselves between Hamas and the innocent. In Gaza, Hamas puts the innocent between themselves and the IDF.

How do do they use kids as shields when it's great big bombs from far up in the sky killing them. You think the pilot can see all the kids from way up there?

Some of them were reportedly killed in their beds.

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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Seems to me ludicrous to claim this is a "war", given no Palestinian army was involved, no tanks, no artillery, no aircraft dropping bombs. It was just a few hundred lightly armed fighters that were able to surprise the enemy.

However, I understand the propaganda need for it to be inflated to allow the call up of thousands of reservists and to mobilise the israeli army against a small local conflict.

Seemed that they wanted to use the proverbial sledgehammer to crack a nut.

Now the massed forces are apparently preparing to invade Gaza against an enemy of children and women armed with nothing.

Wars are not always (or even not often) between balanced forces. That's just another false trope you're pushing.

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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You don't dispute what I said.

Perhaps the israelis should understand that millions around the world hate israel enough to celebrate the death of any israeli, and that is because they see what israel has done to the Palestinians for decades.

The world has been watching.

Get your head out of AlJazeera and you'll see most Western governments (and others) issuing statements of support to Israel. Major famous buildings around the world lighted with images of the Israeli flag and colors.

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3 minutes ago, transam said:

The people you are defending, you have any excuses...?



What percentage of the 2+ million people living in Gaza were actually involved?  How many of the pre-teen kids that are currently being bombed took part?  How many of the 75+ year old Gazans?


The problem with collective punishment is that you just can't kill people fast enough.  Because for every innocent you kill, you create a dozen new enemies.


Go after Hamas.  Kill every single one that participated.  But what's the hurry?  They're not going anywhere.



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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Just seen on Al Jazeera. Israel bombs the border crossing to Egypt to stop Palestinians leaving.

Seems netanyahu was just lying when he said Gazan's should leave, as they can't now even if they want to.



Pressure on Gaza border alarms Egypt as strikes close crossing


Also, israel has been attacking ambulances


Israeli warplanes target 4 ambulances in Gaza



Israel is creating millions of enemies that will be dedicated to killing israelis for generations. Hamas will have to turn away potential recruits as there will be so many


More nonsense from you (and/or Aljazeera) - the Egyptian border pass was never freely open for Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip. The Israeli bombings are not directed at preventing citizens from leaving. IDF broadcasts in Arabic (since a couple of days ago) actually advice Gazans as to which areas would be safe (link provided in a previous post). This was done on all recent rounds of fighting, to my recollection, not one time was such an area attacked during the fighting.




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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Even the Al Jazeera front person remarked that it was unusual that biden had not called for restraint. IMO netanyahu will have received an unspoken message that they can go as far as they like without restraint.


Just mentioned that 140 children have been killed by the israelis in Gaza.

American citizens were killed and abducted by Hamas. Biden is the US President.

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