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Would You Send YOUR Child/Grandchild to a...School in China?

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

When I went to China for a couple of weeks absolutely nothing was as the western media portrayed it.

You mean it really is worse!

 I assume you of course were allowed to travel anywhere and everywhere you wanted to, did so and talked to the locals without an "official" interpreter?

Were you also able to read western newspapers, watch western TV channels and connect to every internet site you wished to connect to?

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5 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

I assume you of course were allowed to travel anywhere and everywhere you wanted to, did so and talked to the locals without an "official" interpreter?


While in China, I never saw a restricted area, having been mostly in Shanghai and SiChuan, and Dalian, etc.

Nobody restricts your movement.

And, I talk to anyone I like, at will, both in English and mostly in Chinese.

And, people reply with very little restraint.

There are topics that are considered to be out of bounds, as I already mentioned, those dealing with criticism of the gov, and such.

But, with a friend, you can talk about almost anything.


it's not North Korea, after all!


The Chinese gov does not control people in that way.

Instead they use the point system and social media and AI, as you know.

Edited by GammaGlobulin
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7 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

My own....

Where do you get your information from to write your own hymn sheet?

PS;  I am not religious so do not use hymn sheets!

 I just use as many sources as I can find!

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Given the poor quality of public schools, and the expense of private schools, I would probably opt for home schooling my children or grandchildren myself.

As a bonus, they would not be getting their time wasted with any brand of ideology.

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

When I went to China for a couple of weeks absolutely nothing was as the western media portrayed it.

Nobody followed or watched me, I could go where I pleased. Small business flourished. Immigration and visa was easier, and the staff more pleasant and helpful. No police apparent on the streets.


They had more personal freedom than the UK or the USA as far as I could tell.


Your opinions are all formed by western anti Chinese propaganda!

Could be some of those journalists, who get fact checked and stand by their words, see things you don't see. A compliant tourist looking at a panda or a wall or eating yum cha might not see what goes on behind the smiles of the government and the army and police. 

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23 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

You mean it really is worse!

 I assume you of course were allowed to travel anywhere and everywhere you wanted to, did so and talked to the locals without an "official" interpreter?

Were you also able to read western newspapers, watch western TV channels and connect to every internet site you wished to connect to?

Wish they had provided me with an interpreter, as there was no English numbers or alphabet anywhere. Damned hard to find buses and places as I can't read Chinese. Not sure why you would think about wester newspapers as there was almost no English speakers, so no demand. Plenty of western movies on cable TV in my room, most with original English language and optional Chinese subs.


Wandered around all over 'avatar national park', mostly on my own, the Chinese didn't venture far from the cable cars. Oddly enough Chinese fruit was more expensive in the Chinese shops than the same fruit in Makro.

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14 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Given the poor quality of public schools, and the expense of private schools, I would probably opt for home schooling my children or grandchildren myself.

As a bonus, they would not be getting their time wasted with any brand of ideology.


I must agree with you, one more time, though I always hate to admit it...that....

I DETEST ideology.

The UDDER contempt for ideology, ...

Is my bag, Sir!


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16 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

Could be some of those journalists, who get fact checked and stand by their words, see things you don't see. A compliant tourist looking at a panda or a wall or eating yum cha might not see what goes on behind the smiles of the government and the army and police. 

Didn't see any army or police, could have done with a bit of assistance with directions in the big city (ChangSha). Did need to show ID to get on the train (as did everyone), but other than that no police stops or checks, 200km by train, 40km by bus to get to the park. No queues or questions at the airport (unlike the USA or Thailand), waved right through. Only encountered 2 other foreigners while I was there, none on the plane, train or bus.

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4 minutes ago, NoDisplayName said:

Would You Send YOUR Child/Grandchild to a...School in China?


Absolutely.  If the purpose was to learn Mandarin Chinese.


I agree with you that the language schools, such as the one at ChuanDa, are TOPS...

With EXCELLENT teachers.

And...the teachers there are kind, dedicated and patient, and some become good friends, too.


Some of the teachers at ChuanDa are geniuses, as well, with very, VERY dry wit.


They teach foreigners, and so...

They are used to irony and irreverent repartee...especially...from...

Recalcitrant students like ME.



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7 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Wish they had provided me with an interpreter


Next time you need an English-Chinese or Chinese-English interpreter...

Please just PM me.

Thank you.


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1 hour ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

Could be some of those journalists, who get fact checked and stand by their words, see things you don't see. A compliant tourist looking at a panda or a wall or eating yum cha might not see what goes on behind the smiles of the government and the army and police. 

You need to add this on to the end of your sentence.

..."in any country that you visit including your own."

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3 minutes ago, connda said:

yum cha


YumCha...is Hong Kong speak, maybe, for farang....(Cantonese)

Mandarin is YinCha

In HK, you got....dim sum...  Which is Cantonese for dianxin...meaning to eat "snacks" while drinking tea.


Anyway, I have spent many happy hours in HK imbibing in dim sum/yum cha...etc....



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Hey.  Why not start a Russian-bashing thread next.  Then follow up with any other ethnicity and countries you've been taught (indoctrinated) to viscerally hate.  And I'd send my kid to a Russia school too.  Or India.

If you people haven't noticed lately, but the Western educational system is in a tail-spin, Ivy League schools and all, as the number of students capable of studying, no less understanding or excelling at Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics had crashed and burned.

"The US has the best school system in the world."

Believe what you wish.  Furries?  Participation awards?  Yeah, Western education rocks (and is sinking to the bottom). 

There is a reason why billionaire investor Jim Rogers who lives in Singapore has his daughters learning Mandarin Chinese.  And I have no doubt there are others like him.  The future economic power is here in Asia.  Roger understands that.  And I tend to agree.

But - would I send my kid to school in Thailand (it is Asian).  Let me think........"Ahhhh, no."


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6 minutes ago, connda said:

There is a reason why billionaire investor Jim Rogers who lives in Singapore has his daughters learning Mandarin Chinese. 


That was a few years back, I think.

Anyway, my hat is off to Rogers for being one of the first westerners to ride around China on a motorcycle, at least post revolution.


That takes real guts, I must admit.


However, say what you like....

MIT and CalTech are still the best in the world.

And, ChongQing university and BeiDa ....cannot...even...

Come close!!!!!!!!!!!!



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This thread borders on a racist rant.  You live in a global village people, especially if you are expatriated.  Try getting along with all of its inhabitants regardless of the race, ethnicity, religion, or the country that they were born into (not like anyone had a choice).  But we all have a choice to seek peace and cooperation at an individual level as our Western diplomacy is also in a tail-spin as well.  I'm amazed at the vile tropes that keep getting echoed here, especially about non-farangs.  Farang exceptionalism! :thumbsup:  Ya'll do believe you are special right.  Better than the rest of the world, eh?

And guess what.  International student exchange is an excellent place to begin. 

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6 minutes ago, connda said:

This thread borders on a racist rant. 


I COMPLETELY disagree with your view about this thread....COMPLETELY.


Anyway, concerning your statement:   "I'm amazed at the vile tropes that keep getting echoed here, especially about non-farangs.", I am completely in disagreement with you on this point.  Perhaps you are amazed through your own misunderstanding of what is actually being said in this thread.  Also, here you will find various views that may not entirely agree with your understanding of what you perceive to be reality, which is definitely not anyone else's reality.


For example, let's say you are from Singapore, then you have have been drinking the Kool-Aid from a very early age, even before you could think for yourself, and, as a result, have different views from someone who may have grown up under a less authoritarian regime.  As for me? I have spent MOST of my life in China, and while there, I did not interact with many farang, for sure....  After all, most Farang I met during my years in Asia were just too depressed and sad from having to carry the White Man's Burden for so many years, and I steered clear of them because I did not want to become so depressed myself.



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4 hours ago, Chris Daley said:

Chinese schools are all show but when it comes down to it Thai students would crush them in math, English, and science.

I can't speak of Chinese students and their skill levels, but the Chinese are the ones putting up a space station, landing rovers on the moon, and leapfrogging in quantum computers and AI. Even with all the restrictions on acquiring tools to fabricate high-end chips, they were able to manufacture 7nm chips. Give them a few more years, and they will come up with 5nm and 3nm chips as well. 

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53 minutes ago, CartagenaWarlock said:

I can't speak of Chinese students and their skill levels, but the Chinese are the ones putting up a space station, landing rovers on the moon, and leapfrogging in quantum computers and AI. Even with all the restrictions on acquiring tools to fabricate high-end chips, they were able to manufacture 7nm chips. Give them a few more years, and they will come up with 5nm and 3nm chips as well. 


Those that create the newest advances in technology are trained in the West.

And, those that create the newest technology represent less than a fraction of one percent of the population.


Shanghai is a city where you will find the best schools, and the guys who get into MIT, Harvard, CalTech, and Princeton.

These guys are at the very top, a fraction of one-percent of the population.


China's ed system could be much improved if ideology, gov control, and thought control, could be totally removed from the system.

And, China's ed system could be much improved by removing ALL controls over free exchange of information via the Internet.  And stop the Chinese Intranet which is almost totally cut off from the rest of the world.


One problem for students and researchers in China is idiotic internet control by the governments of each province, and by the state, nationally.


But back to the topic:  At this present moment, the political system of China is CRUSHING the young people of China, today, especially those attending school at ages 13 to 18.

The government is after increased control of the society, and they probably have decided to increase their control through increased control over young people...through the Chinese ed system.


This is new, and this is fairly recent.


Parents in China, of course, do not like to see what is happening to their children under the new ed system in China.

They voice their opposition when and where they can.

But, their protests are stifled.

And the CCP machine just rolls over them.

I know this to be true, just from reports personally conveyed to me.


So...basically, these reports were the impetus for this topic...because....

Nobody wants to see young children crushed by a political machine.


This has already happened during the Cultural Revolution, and at other times, post revolution.

The CCP is disgusting.

It needs to go.

Crushing a child's curiosity and creativity and happiness at such a tender age, for political control...is...





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On 1/21/2024 at 3:20 PM, GammaGlobulin said:

When I was in school, at a prep school, I studied loooooong hours.

But, that was only because I WANTED to...

And, it was because I could often choose what and how I studied.

I would study until midnight, or beyond, and enjoy it, and never feel stressed.


But what about the typical student in China that often needs to study dumb worthless Topics like Xi-JinPing Thought?

Is this something that will benefit the student in Old Age?

Or, is it a waste of time, time which could be better spent following an individualistic approach, according to Free Study decided by each student....?


Here, for example is a typical study regimen, a day in and day out drudge schedule, which all/most students must mindlessly adhere to:




What would you do if someone tried to force your child to work from 6AM to 10:30PM, with some of that time devoted to CLEANING the school and dormitory, spending time washing the latrines, and such?


What would YOU do?






Well, I would agree with that regimen. Better than smoking pot or taking other drugs, alcohol aso. Or why do you think Chinese are so successful?🙏

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2 hours ago, newbee2022 said:

Well, I would agree with that regimen. Better than smoking pot or taking other drugs, alcohol aso. Or why do you think Chinese are so successful?🙏



Definitely strong family devotion.

Ancestor worship, and FILLIAL PIETY.

Superior intelligence.

Excellent work ethic.

A strong sense of pursuing goals that are congruent with long-standing Chinese values, such as saving and purchase of land, and much more.

Abiding respect for education.

Willingness to sacrifice in order to obtain delayed reward, and reach important goals for the good of the family.






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3 hours ago, zhounan said:

Absolutely yes. I personally studied three years in China.


I also loved my time of study in China.


However, I do NOT agree with the new transitions in the ed system, as a result of the changing demographics...new transitions which are, at present, severely and negatively affecting teenage students in China.


It is very MADDENING to witness this....if one cares about the development of children in China...



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On 1/21/2024 at 5:39 PM, BritManToo said:

When I went to China for a couple of weeks absolutely nothing was as the western media portrayed it.

Nobody followed or watched me, I could go where I pleased. Small business flourished. Immigration and visa was easier, and the staff more pleasant and helpful. No police apparent on the streets.


They had more personal freedom than the UK or the USA as far as I could tell.


Your opinions are all formed by western anti Chinese propaganda!

It's not often I get to to say this, but I agree 100% with you. I have cumulatively spent several months there for work visits and it is an incredible place. Admittedly most of that time has been spent in Shanghai but it is just such an incredible place. And yes, lots of thriving small businesses and happy people. A good friend of mine lived there for 15 years.

All these cliched and boring anti China comments are 100% the result of anti-Chinese propaganda. These people have no idea how they are being played by their "leaders". Go and see for yourselves and you would be very surprised.


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32 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

All these cliched and boring anti China comments are 100% the result of anti-Chinese propaganda.


I just hope that you are not referring to any of MY comments, comments which are NOT the result of ant-Chinese propaganda, in any way.



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