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Appeals court denies Trump’s immunity claims in election interference case

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1 hour ago, thaicurious said:

Millions yes but out of 332 million total population (a google search shows "2022, the total voting-aged population in the US was 255,457,000 people").


Here's a recent take on the maga portion of that by percentage



"Views of MAGA movement correspond to Iowa caucus support, poll finds...

Overall, the new NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll finds a combined 40% of likely caucusgoers identifying themselves as either “Ultra MAGA” (18%) or “Regular MAGA” (22%) when asked how they view the phrase. Another 38% say they’re neutral to the MAGA movement, and 17% are anti-MAGA."


So you've got a Republican Party (which isn't newly nuts as before this was their Gingrich t party nonsense, before that Nixon etc) & the GOP makes up about 25% of all voters currently* and out of that you've got 40% always trumpers.


So 40% of 25% of over 255,457,000 people. Yeah, that's millions. 10s of millions. But also that's not the 230 million of the other USA voters who are not that.



Republicans  Independents  Democrats


2024 Jan 2-22

25   45    27


All of your long and explanatory post is fine. The bottom line is that Trump is in the lead to become President again. If he is allowed to stand. Usually the only person in America not allowed to stand for President is the President if he has served two terms, but 2024 might be an exception. Although the courts move so slowly they might not make up their minds until 2026, which is a bit of a problem.

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5 hours ago, earlinclaifornia said:


Trump not wanting jail time has only one choice as I see it. October surprise, he drops out and supports Haley. She beats Biden. She stops all federal charges against Trump. Leaving Trump to plead guilty in Georgia for a plea deal.

Trump's hidden plan.

That could be a plan.


Except for the mechanics. Presidential candidates dropping out late in the election means their replacement won't apoear on the ballot.

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6 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

That could be a plan.


Except for the mechanics. Presidential candidates dropping out late in the election means their replacement won't apoear on the ballot.

Unless she's his vp pick and his plan is to become her bitch which might be his bed fantasy but unlikely his preferred public persona of being a misogynist, said not as a disrespect but as an obvious matter of fact.

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23 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

The USA 'justice' system is making America look like a third world banana republic. Sad.

The only problem with the justice so far is that they are allowing donnie and his dumbo lawyers to file frivolous motion after motion rather than grow a pair and just say NO MORE BS.  Let the trials begin and let a jury look at all the evidence and decide innocent or guilty.  And it is actually stacked in defendant's favor as has to be unanimous verdict. 


Why are trumpers so afraid of the trials?  Reckon it just might be that donnie and the dumbos know he is guilty and his ONLY hope of not becoming a convict is to delay delay delay and then figure a way to get the kool aide crew to send him more $$ and vote for him...of course when he loses as he will he will once again kick and scream and whine like a 5 y.o. that it is all so unfair and rigged. 


Supremes are highly unlikely to even hear the immunity case as it is so absurd as to be a waste of time.  The appeals court ruling is exceptionally well done and destroys each and very BS argument made by trumps lawyers.  Read it.


The big one is the ballot case which they basically have no choice but to hear and i suspect they will try to find some loophole to allow them to avoid having to actually rule on the article as it is written.  But meantime donnie will get tried by Jack Smith probably in May and he is very highly likely to be convicted of multiple felonies and sentenced to jail.  And he damn well knows it. He will try his best to sow chaos violence and create bedlam as it as usual is all about him and he could not care less about his kool aide cult joining their fellow kool aid coup plotters into the slammer for several years.

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On 2/7/2024 at 2:28 PM, Wrwest said:

I will be interested in learning more from the PBS Newshour/Marris Poll coming out today in the USA. The Appeals Court has firmly rejected Donald Trump’s claim of immunity in the charges brought against him by a citizen based Federal Grand Jury. The Poll reflects the current political divide. Better than 65% of Independent and Democrat Americans asked, say that Donald Trump should not have immunity from prosecution. Of Republicans asked, 68% say Donald Trump should be immune from prosecution. It is on such a basis that some, including myself, fear that there is a real possibility currently that far too many Americans are willing to move toward authoritarian rule … that any President should be immune from the law in any action while President?!

So do those 68% also agree that under their "logic" that Biden can if he wants tomorrow have Trump arrested or even killed and not face prosecution.  How dumb do you have to be to think that any person should have absolute immunity to commit any and all crimes. 


The "cult" has spoken and as usual are proving once again that they are completely and totally under the spell cast by the orange jesus....go ahead trump you are our savior and god so do anything anytime anywhere to anybody as you are above all the pesky laws that every other president and citizen has lived under for the past couple of centuries.


Truly disgusting lack of intelligence and lack of ability to see the absurdity of their position.

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4 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Trump probably never believed it.  But a good number of his idiot supporters did.  Just like they believe every lie that comes out of his mouth.  But yeah, delay was his primary objective.

Trump's plan to delay the January 6 case likely means the trial will proceed in August or September. After the Manhattan trial.


So, voters in November will have his convictions fresh in their minds when they vote.


I'm pretty sure that no one is going to change their votes after Trump has racked up multiple convictions, but some potential Trump voters will stay home.


After the results of the second trial, even some of the Trump fluffers here will disappear. But, if you ask them today if they will cease to post Trump propaganda here after the second trial results in a conviction, their response would be "Trump won't be convicted".


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2 hours ago, Walker88 said:



There are only three reasons someone cannot run for President:


1) under age 35

2) Not born in the US

3) engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.


trump clearly should be barred from running because of the 3rd disqualifying thing.

I would agree with you - if someone had bothered to convict Trump of sedition in the past.

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9 minutes ago, thaicurious said:

Unless his mounting legal bills interfere with their pay checks first.

I think a majority of the trump fluffers ( kudos to whoever thought of that term! Chortle 🤭)are most likely paid by a certain organization that hails from st,Petersburg after all seems that trump and the GOP are performing better for Putin than the Russian military at the moment 

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1 hour ago, Tug said:

I think a majority of the trump fluffers ( kudos to whoever thought of that term! Chortle 🤭)are most likely paid by a certain organization that hails from st,Petersburg after all seems that trump and the GOP are performing better for Putin than the Russian military at the moment 

If less loss of life is the measure; if as much chaos, maybe a tie. Was just kidding but it does seem that way sometimes and where that'd be funded, that's the same pair of ideological pants whether one pocket Putin, another the Republican Party, etc. I don't know what will be the evolution of democracy but this certainly is a test of it.


As to the trump fluffer designation, cute, yet considering the toadstool in question, yikes, ick, yikes!

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On 2/7/2024 at 1:42 PM, Bangkok Barry said:


Trump continues to believe he could do whatever he wanted with impunity while in office, and yet millions of people want him back in the White House. What a sad and dangerous place the USA has become. 

     Yes, 'millions of people want him back in the White House' but, take heart.  It's never been 50% of the voters in his two presidential runs.  He lost by 2 million in 2016 and it got worse in 2020, losing by 7 million, even running as the incumbent president, a horrible, embarrassing showing.   How must it feel to know that the other guy was picked over you by 7 million voters?  You, in your mind, the best president ever?  They soundly rejected, 'best president'.  Loser in both races. 

     The wild card, of course, is the cursed Electoral College, with the possibility of a relative handful of electors going against the will of the voters, as was done in 2016.   I have no doubt that Biden will once again win the popular vote but a smart VP pick by Trump could possibly swing the cursed Electoral College once again his way.  Scary any way you look at it and, as you say, sad, as well.

     And, if any more proof is needed regarding the perversity of the cursed EC, look no further than VP choices sometimes picked, not for their experience and ability to take over as president, but, rather, for their hoped for ability to carry a state and its electoral votes in the election.   

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9 minutes ago, newnative said:

And, if any more proof is needed regarding the perversity of the cursed EC,


Not being American, I have no idea why there has to be an EC. In other democracies the people vote, the votes are counted and the one with the most votes wins. It's really that simple. Another thing I don't understand about the American system is that after serving two terms the only person in America who is banned from standing for President is the President. Doesn't matter how good he has been for the country (and I know that no leader of any country is perfect in office), they are banned. And so the US got Trump instead of Obama, although Hillary Clinton wouldn't have been great either. It baffles me how a country of over 330,000,000 can't find anyone other than a dangerous ego-maniac or a geriatric to run for President.


Cue posts about Obama being a total failure who ruined America and Trump or Biden are better suited to be President.....

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1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Not being American, I have no idea why there has to be an EC. In other democracies the people vote, the votes are counted and the one with the most votes wins. It's really that simple. Another thing I don't understand about the American system is that after serving two terms the only person in America who is banned from standing for President is the President. Doesn't matter how good he has been for the country (and I know that no leader of any country is perfect in office), they are banned. And so the US got Trump instead of Obama, although Hillary Clinton wouldn't have been great either. It baffles me how a country of over 330,000,000 can't find anyone other than a dangerous ego-maniac or a geriatric to run for President.


Cue posts about Obama being a total failure who ruined America and Trump or Biden are better suited to be President.....

     I'm an American and I think there was never a need for the EC, and certainly not now.   I'm with you--count the votes and the person who gets the most, wins.  Yes, as you say, it really is that simple!   Losing by 7 million votes would certainly have prevented Trump from using his ridiculous Big Lie that the election was 'stolen' from him.  

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