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Noisiest bird, newly arrived in CM: What is it?

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3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Having listened to the bird in the video kindly posted by KhunLa, I don't find it annoying at all.


Annoying is when my neighbor in the village has his stereo at maximum, and is playing Thai songs which sound like cats being tortured.

I didnt find that bird annoying either. Try the video I suggested in my earlier post. 

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8 minutes ago, potless said:

I didnt find that bird annoying either. Try the video I suggested in my earlier post. 

Got it, thanks.

That is what I call the "por lao" bird, which is Thai for " enough already " . It sounds like a bar girl who has had enough of an importuning customer.

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There's a handy little phone app called ' Merlin' - with Sound ID. Record the bird song, and it tries to ID it. 

Be warned - some birds ( including the Koels) seem to sense when you click on the app and stop singing just as you press 'Record'...



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Definitely a Koel.  Thais call it Nok GaWOW because that's the horrible noise it makes. Brood parasites and when the young hatch despite being able to fly a get their own food they work their adoptive mother to the bone screaming at her to bring them food all day.  I found one with one eye once and took care of him for two years.  He hated me the whole time but he did love playing with my dogs.  I was in the pool the other day and one of them finally made me go inside with his constant screaming.   Annoying AF.

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On 2/11/2024 at 11:03 AM, GammaGlobulin said:


You are correct.

I was remiss in not posting the audio.

But, in fact, some here know this bird well, just by my description of the time of day, and its noisiness.


Next time I have my Note4 handy, I will record this bird, and post the audio.


This will be my pleasure.



It goes "Tu-weeee-oo" in an extremely loud voice for its size. Seems to have been going on for months over my way at all sorts of ungodly hours through the night and all day. Goodness knows when it sleeps. It's been happening every year that I've been here so like bass-heavy music and barking dogs, I'm resigned to it.

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3 hours ago, Drumbuie said:

There's a handy little phone app called ' Merlin' - with Sound ID. Record the bird song, and it tries to ID it. 

Be warned - some birds ( including the Koels) seem to sense when you click on the app and stop singing just as you press 'Record'...

Yea ... the little bastards do the same thing if using a camera.   Sit perfectly still for minutes, but as soon as you raise the carmera .... gone :cheesy:  


And all you get is a snap of another one flying away ... image.png.cf70b2f352bd3be9fecbad7751783b76.png

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On 2/11/2024 at 8:47 AM, a3tsw said:

Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree,
Merry merry king of the bush is he.
Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra,
Gay your life must be!

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Eating all the gumdrops he can see
Stop, Kookaburra, Stop, Kookaburra
Leave some there for me.

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree,
Counting all the monkeys he can see
Stop, Kookaburra, Stop, Kookaburra,
That's no monkey, that's me.



In June 2009, 28 years after the release of the recording, Larrikin Music sued Men at Work for copyright infringement, alleging that part of the flute riff of "Down Under" was copied from "Kookaburra".

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3 hours ago, Seppius said:

In June 2009, 28 years after the release of the recording, Larrikin Music sued Men at Work for copyright infringement, alleging that part of the flute riff of "Down Under" was copied from "Kookaburra".

My daughter , when she was just a toddler, learnt this song at nursery school and would sing this everywhere and to everyone for a period , the funniest , when she once broke into song and entertained the people waiting in line , whilst we were waiting in the queue at the supermarket checkout..

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That bird is so loud in the morning that I cannot hear the TV. One day I wanted to see it as it was unusually loud. As I approached the tree where it was perched it quickly flew off. I was surprised it left so quickly.

When will it go away, next month?

This was a good post, appreciated the pictures and explanations.

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On 2/11/2024 at 4:22 AM, Lacessit said:

How do you expect people to identify a bird if you don't post an audio recording of its call?

I called it the whoop whooping bird, bloody annoying. I be seen one or two( I think) very dark reddish color.

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8 hours ago, Seppius said:

In June 2009, 28 years after the release of the recording, Larrikin Music sued Men at Work for copyright infringement, alleging that part of the flute riff of "Down Under" was copied from "Kookaburra".

In my infants school we were taught all the popular Aussie songs  for some reason ( UK) 

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21 hours ago, jesimps said:

It goes "Tu-weeee-oo" in an extremely loud voice for its size. Seems to have been going on for months over my way at all sorts of ungodly hours through the night and all day. Goodness knows when it sleeps. It's been happening every year that I've been here so like bass-heavy music and barking dogs, I'm resigned to it.



I think this is the one.

Extremely loud.


But...still...I like it.


(ALSO, as you say...it goes off at odd hours...and VERY early in the morning, like 3AM or something.)


Anything not a rooster, I like.


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On 2/12/2024 at 7:42 AM, Drumbuie said:

There's a handy little phone app called ' Merlin' - with Sound ID. Record the bird song, and it tries to ID it. 

Be warned - some birds ( including the Koels) seem to sense when you click on the app and stop singing just as you press 'Record'...




I will try it if it will work on the Note4, still.


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I live in Bangkok. Recently a loud bird noise was coming from my balcony and I went to look and there outside my balcony on a tree a yellow colored bird making the loud sound!


What bird is this? Is it rare?


(excuse poor quality of photo.)



yellow bird.jpg

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40 minutes ago, homeseeker said:

I live in Bangkok. Recently a loud bird noise was coming from my balcony and I went to look and there outside my balcony on a tree a yellow colored bird making the loud sound!


What bird is this? Is it rare?


(excuse poor quality of photo.)

One of the Orioles, as they have a yellow ones here/TH.  Has a very loud, distinctive call.  We have a couple around the house, yet to get a snap of.   A family of, at the local park, I see quite often:




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3 hours ago, KhunLA said:

One of the Orioles, as they have a yellow ones here/TH.  Has a very loud, distinctive call.  We have a couple around the house, yet to get a snap of.   A family of, at the local park, I see quite often:




WOW...another two beautiful images, well done.


(This is my GREATEST Topic....so far, I think, although....all my Topics are great ..in their own way.)


I love birds, except I don't like pigeons.




Note:  Two Legs GOOD;  Four Legs BAD!



Note2:  Anyone who comes to Thailand and does not thoroughly enjoy the company of our avian friends...should...just leave. Because, the SE Asian experience is just wasted on them.








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1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:

I love birds, except I don't like pigeons.

Racist ... or would that be species-ist :coffee1:

Not a fan myself, but, they do have some nice looking ones in the 'family' of:

















Best of Show :coffee1:

Thick-billed Green-Pigeon - Treron curvirostra

Even got some fancier ones, but I don't have photos of


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8 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Racist ... or would that be species-ist :coffee1:


Page called Musk a "specieist":



But, never phear, my phine pheathered Philly phriend:


I will always love your photos.

Honestly, they are quite spectacular, and you know me, a very strange bird who really DIGS phine photos of birds.


By the way:


I am curious where you store your images to keep them safe.

I once thought that Google Photos was safe.

But now, I know that Google is NOT SAFE!

Is it SAFE?

No...NOT safe!


Page is a pigeon, but not a Walter Pidgeon.


So, where do you store your images to keep them safe for the next thousand years?


My opinion is that storing anything on the Cloud, these days, is risky.



And, I really hate the pigeons around here.


The only good pigeon is the Passenger Pigeon, IMHO, simply due to the fact that it has a bit of alliteration going for it....








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8 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Racist ... or would that be species-ist :coffee1:

Not a fan myself, but, they do have some nice looking ones in the 'family' of:

















Best of Show :coffee1:

Thick-billed Green-Pigeon - Treron curvirostra

Even got some fancier ones, but I don't have photos of



Magnificent Photos!

No doubt about it!


(Think just how much money you might have made if you had chosen to be a wedding photographer!  Thank GOD, you did not take that route!!!!  Phantastic Photography, Phor Sure!)



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3 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

So, where do you store your images to keep them safe for the next thousand years?



I got more than a few hard drives, that are back ups of back ups, and way too redundant.  I've use 2 online sites before, but they both went from free to paid subscription.


Have a Flickr account that allows 1000 photos now for free, almost full.  Also Google photo account, which is fairly unlimited, and use to put a lot there, but no so much any more.   I pretty much just take photos for myself.


Brother keeps on trying to get me to publish a book, but I can't be bothered.  Any new species I photograph, I stick on FB, more for me and my all of 9 friends, 8 which are family back in states.  Let's them know I'm still alive.

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53 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Any new species I photograph, I stick on FB, more for me and my all of 9 friends,


You are lucky, or unlucky, "As You Like It".

I have three friends, not eight or nine.

Three is the perfect number.....


ChokDi, my Phriend....


a. One is the loneliest number

b. Three is the least loneliest number



Rice University is quite famous for engineering and science....but....


NOT the humanities....or ....  etc....


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On 2/11/2024 at 9:30 AM, KhunLA said:

Don't get many Ratchet tailed Drongo, and a bit skittish when they are: image.png.0504a4c6ef287c375b37c618e2c040c3.png



Easy to spot on Koh Tarutao in main park area.


The rest of Andaman a bit elusive



Andaman Nicobar pigeon and that pure white pigeon are pretty and endemic

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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

1:50 AM....


And, just this moment, this nosiest of all birds of Thailand is screeching away at me.




What is the PURPOSE of these overly-loud vocalizations, at odd hours, anyway?


HERE IS a video of this noisy bird.....and so....

Now you know.


PERSONALLY, I do not hold this bird's noise against it, in any way.


In fact, I sort of even LOVE this bird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is Nature at it's best, in my estimation.


IF this noisy bird wishes to sing out to me, then...I say....

MORE Power To It!


I harbor no grudge against this bird for just doing what comes natural to it.


AND, I often think that....IF....I were not in Thailand, then....I would not be just so....

Privileged to be able to listen to this bird.


TRULY, this bird is a MAGNIFICENT bird!




I love it.




NOT annoying to me...in any way.

I LOVE this annoying bird.


Also, just take a look at its red eyes!!!


Maybe this bird is suffering a constant and continuous hangover, like some of the Russians in Phuket, who are....

Among the noisiest of humans on that tourist island.


I prefer any bird over most Russians, unless.....

Dostoyevsky, an author that is probably better than any other.


I love all the birds of Thailand, except for the flying rats, which some refer to as pigeons.


Walter Pidgeon, is OK, though....

Walter was always endearing.






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