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Mites: The recent bane of my existence!

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54 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

If I had my choice, at the moment, I think I would move to The Hamptons!!!!!!!!!!!,.....

Right about now!!!!!!!

Please yes, no internet

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51 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

I am willing to endure, almost anything,

We are not!

Please go and stay in your unconnected tent for the rest of your  misbegotten life and leave the rest of us to enjoy ourselves without your self-centered stupidity constantly interceding into our lives!

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20 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

We are not!

Please go and stay in your unconnected tent for the rest of your  misbegotten life and leave the rest of us to enjoy ourselves without your self-centered stupidity constantly interceding into our lives!


I think you meant something like "interfering with our lives".

To intercede has a totally different meaning.

Anyone from Scotland would probably understand this.

Where are you from, Sir?


Note: Why do I mention this?


Because, IMHO, guys  from places like Ireland and Scotland have just about the  BEST command of the English language of anyone on Planet Earth.

And, I say this....



I have read a LOT of books written by great authors from places like Ireland, Scotland, and England.

These are my favorite books...other than....

Of Time and the River, and others from the deep south of America.



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According to my favorite author, John D MacDonald, there is no skin parasite - mites, crabs or whatever - which can withstand the application of plain vinegar to the affected region. IIRC, the remedy was mentioned by McGee's sidekick Meyer in the book "A Tan and Sandy Silence".


Of course, your personal hygiene with self and the household may also need review.


Perhaps you need a GF to help you.

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2 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

So that means it is yet another non serious and meaningless post from you!

Why do you feel the need to inflict your asinine thoughts on us mere mortals?


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38 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

We are not!

Please go and stay in your unconnected tent for the rest of your  misbegotten life and leave the rest of us to enjoy ourselves without your self-centered stupidity constantly interceding into our lives!

.........with the Ticks............

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10 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

According to my favorite author, John D MacDonald, there is no skin parasite - mites, crabs or whatever - which can withstand the application of plain vinegar to the affected region. IIRC, the remedy was mentioned by McGee's sidekick Meyer in the book "A Tan and Sandy Silence".


Of course, your personal hygiene with self and the household may also need review.


Perhaps you need a GF to help you.


Your GF suggestion is a very good one.


However, your thinking that vinegar might kill scabies needs review, by you.  This is simply not the case, in most cases, unless, I guess, one uses acetic acid in very high concentration.


There is not much to complain about concerning my personal hygiene.

It is only the health practices of others that I worry about.


Scabies is an infestation that needs to be eradicated through an effective vaccine.


Unfortunately, here in SE Asia, scabies is just too prevalent for our own good.


I will keep you posted concerning my campaign to rid myself, and my house, of both scabies and the dust mite.


When I am successful, as I know that I will be, I will notify you, first, of course.


But, please do not hold your breath, because, this might take some time.....


Concerning crabs, I have never had a case.


The only crabs I know of, in my case, are the ones that I once caught while in Massachusetts and Connecticut, while living among the HoSo society there.


While we were out yachting on the bay, our conversations never turned to the discussion of lice, scabies, or other such parasites.

I wonder why...though....




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3 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

My Fellow Members of TV:


I have lived a LONG time.

During my time on Earth, I have never been bothered by parasites, be they internal or "external" parasites, nor the parasites of Pattaya, of which I have read much on TV.


But now, truth be told, I am suffering, My Fellows.


Therefore, what to do?


In my case, I believe I am now plagued by two types of parasites:


1.  The Scabies parasite

2.  The common dust mite


As to how this could have happened, I have been racking my brain trying to understand this terrible turn of events in my life.


I will not bore you with the particulars concerning what it FEELS LIKE to be INFESTED.

Someday, if you are unlucky enough, you might discover for yourselves, first hand, just what a pleasurable experience this might be.


Here, now, I am asking for your support and advice concerning how best to rid myself of these pesky parasites, all in one go.


For example, I have thought about buying a 10-dollah tent, pitching the tent in my compound, on the lawn, and sleeping, working, and relaxing, out in the very hot sun of Thailand, just waiting for the parasites to realize that their kind host has left them, just waiting for them to die, Die, DIE!


I will be pleased to answer any pertinent questions concerning my environment and my living conditions, just so that you might suggest the best strategy for ridding me of these BEASTLY Bugs!


If you wish, I will be happy to upload photos supporting my claim that I am, indeed, thoroughly infested.


During the recent months of my infestation, life has not been so pleasant, which is only to be expected.


And, I dearly HOPE that you ALL will never be called upon, by LIFE, to endure what I have been enduring during these difficult months.


Any suggestions?

If so, then you know where to post your thoughts....

HERE, in the comments section below.


Wishing all on TV health and happiness in Thailand....






NOTE:  While living on The Main Line, just outside of Philly, I never expected or anticipated that, one day, I might be infested by TWO Types of parasites, all at once.  Those were the good ole days.  Yet, never say never, and it has happened to me, in my golden years.  I hope this never happens to you.  When I lived on the Main Line, we had servants to manage things like parasites.  And now, I find, in my twilight years, that I must deal with this semi-difficult, and troublesome, situation, myself.


But now worries, because, I shall overcome.






Sounds to me like you have bed bugs - who told you it was scabies? and who told you it was dust mites?


Dust mites tend to give allergic reactions - typically sneezing, but they do bite.


If you have bed bugs, you will certainly see bites but they can occur hoursdays after the initial bite


Scabies is easily treated just go to the pharmacist and show them your rash.

Furthermore most pharmacists will recognise your bites and rash and can give you a suitable treatment.

You might feel happier going to a Doc.


Bed bugs are more difficult as some species are resistant to insecticides - however they can be dealt with in most cases without great inconvenience.


Be aware that scabies is contagious and can be passed by skin to skin contact



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1 minute ago, GammaGlobulin said:


Your GF suggestion is a very good one.


However, your thinking that vinegar might kill scabies needs review, by you.  This is simply not the case, in most cases, unless, I guess, one uses acetic acid in very high concentration.


There is not much to complain about concerning my personal hygiene.

It is only the health practices of others that I worry about.


Scabies is an infestation that needs to be eradicated through and effective vaccine.


Unfortunately, here in SE Asia, scabies is just too prevalent for our own good.


I will keep you posted concerning my campaign to rid myself, and my house, of both scabies and the dust mite.


When I am successful, as I know that I will be, I will notify you, first, of course.


But, please do not hold your breath, because, this might take some time.....


Concerning crabs, I have never had a case.


The only crabs I know of, in my case, are the ones that I once caught while in Massachusetts and Connecticut, while living among the HoSo society there.


While we were out yachting on the bay, our conversations never turned to the discussion of lice, scabies, or other such parasites.

I wonder why...though....




You won't know until you try, will you?

I would suggest 5% vinegar would be ineffective, it's probably the 20% commercial variant needed. Stronger stuff than that could be adverse.

You should get to know Meyer, he is a hairy economist living on a squatty houseboat low in the water named the John Maynard Keynes.

The boat is low in the water due to the economic tomes he has on board.

He gets his bedroom action with iron maidens, formidable businesswomen who are a threat to most male egos.


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I caught scabies twice.


First thing I had to do was take every piece of clothing and ALL bed linen to the laundry for a proper hot wash and dry session. I was told to do this all at once and not in stages where leaving bundles of contaminated clothing and bedding can cross-contaminate clean stuff. Also sun-drying is recommended.


While that was happening, I took ALL the clothes I was wearing and placed in a sealed bag for separate laundering but burning the lot is a quicker and safer option. I then had to shower and apply an all-over medicated body lotion, ensuring it was in every nook and cranny (finger and toe webs, ball bag and butt crack) and remain naked while the medication did its job. I recall it was a minimum of 6-hours so it was good to be home and not expecting any visitors.


After the prescribed amount of time, I hot showered thoroughly to remove all vestiges of the lotion. I put on some of the freshly laundered clothes and things were OK. If you adhere STRICTLY to these methods and avoid ANY cross-contamination, it should be a one-off solution.


Yes, I caught them twice in Brazil. Finally stopped the problem when I changed hookers.

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26 minutes ago, transam said:
2 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

So that means it is yet another non serious and meaningless post from you!

Why do you feel the need to inflict your asinine thoughts on us mere mortals?



Why do you feel the need to read the OP's posts? And comment?


Oh, look! It's page 2 already!!!

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21 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

You should get to know Meyer,


Chomsky loves him, as I recall.



Also, there was the economist, Sam Peckinpah:


Sam is the economist I love most!




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9 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


Why do you feel the need to read the OP's posts? And comment?


Oh, look! It's page 2 already!!!

Because he/it is an idiot and needs to be banned from AN but they won't because he/it is clickbait!

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17 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

I caught scabies twice.


First thing I had to do was take every piece of clothing and ALL bed linen to the laundry for a proper hot wash and dry session. I was told to do this all at once and not in stages where leaving bundles of contaminated clothing and bedding can cross-contaminate clean stuff. Also sun-drying is recommended.


While that was happening, I took ALL the clothes I was wearing and placed in a sealed bag for separate laundering but burning the lot is a quicker and safer option. I then had to shower and apply an all-over medicated body lotion, ensuring it was in every nook and cranny (finger and toe webs, ball bag and butt crack) and remain naked while the medication did its job. I recall it was a minimum of 6-hours so it was good to be home and not expecting any visitors.


After the prescribed amount of time, I hot showered thoroughly to remove all vestiges of the lotion. I put on some of the freshly laundered clothes and things were OK. If you adhere STRICTLY to these methods and avoid ANY cross-contamination, it should be a one-off solution.


Yes, I caught them twice in Brazil. Finally stopped the problem when I changed hookers.


Hey, Man!

Thank you for sharing your experience!

I am doing what you did.


No other way, IMHO.


I am getting rid of every single piece of bedding in my home.


I must buy ALL NEW stuff....BUT....


Here in Thailand, it's not so easy to get quality bedding at a reasonable cost....and....


Even if you overpay, STILL, the bedding here is substandard.....I have found.



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7 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

Probably because they ignored you as we wish we could do here!


I am a contributor, and NOT a  parasite, in MY opinion.

Can we agree about THIS, at the very least?



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By the way, Folks....


During the past seven decades, I have never become ill with any sort of parasite.


IF only my mother could see me NOW!, Folks...


What would SHE say to me?


I have always done my best to remain CLEAN, clean of almost everything, both morally speaking, and also physically....


And so, this is why this scabies infestation has hit me so BAD!


It's not ME, folks.

No, no, no, it's not ME, folks!


It's somebody else that infested me...

And, these scabies don't really want me, I think....


Anyway, after living most of my life, parasite free....in some of the richest places in the USA, including Greenwich and the wealthier small villages around New London, ...


Now, having been completely infested with the scabies in SE Asia.....


I remain, at the moment.... 


DAZED AND CONFUSED, to say the least.



Note:  As Led said....


These mites, both dust mites and scabies...are.....








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1 minute ago, GammaGlobulin said:

If only my mother could see me NOW!, Folks...


What would SHE say to me?

Grow up and get a life!

Especially one which does not involve making stupid comments (posts) to people you do not know and who have no interest in you or your nonsensical outpourings!

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You know....sometimes I wonder.....


Just how many Thailand mites can one good man from America....support?


I have done my best....


But, these Thailand mites are beginning to overwhelm me....


Enough is enough!


There comes a time when.....

Enough is ENOUGH!


This evening, I said to myself......


I MUST shed these Thailand mites.

(once and for all)




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5 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

As you have been since you (unfortunately) made your first ever post on AN!


From my rubber room....

Please enjoy!...


TOKYO, Baby!


So solly that you were never there with me, Sir!



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Re:  Scabies


If you REALLY want to rid yourself of Scabies...then....


Just imagine some phantom Phantom F4 wiping them out doing a napalm strike on every inch of your body.


The F4 is the most beautiful machine ever created by Man.


Scabies cannot survive napalm....

Those were the GOOD days.....!


I recall, very well, the F4 Phantom!




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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

burning the lot is a quicker and safer option.


I agree....

100 percent.


I have decided to burn everything.


The SCORTCHED EARTH approach leaves nothing to chance!


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You could always keep a small bottle of tea oil handy as a first aid on a suspicious localised area. though tea oil can irritate the skin, don't want to use to much! don't know about dust mites. 


If the bedding is out in the midday sun it may assist in eradication.



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23 minutes ago, UKresonant said:

You could always keep a small bottle of tea oil handy as a first aid on a suspicious localised area. though tea oil can irritate the skin, don't want to use to much! don't know about dust mites. 


If the bedding is out in the midday sun it may assist in eradication.




Thank you for your good suggestion.


However, I prefer, as I say, to take the scorched-earth approach.


a. I will get rid (burn) most of my stuff.

b.  After this, and on the same day....I will go to Ram Hospital, to consult with the dermatologist there.

c.  I love Ram Hospital.  I really like Ram, although I very infrequently visit Ram.


d.  In the future, I will try to discard any extraneous FOMITES around here, or Potential Fomites.


e.  No worries, Folks!  I will, eventually, ..... BEAT these mites, even if I must use napalm to do so.


f.  One more thing:  If you had asked me, 6 decades ago...IF....I might ever be infested with parasites during my lifetime...then...I would never have even imagined it.


g.  Still, being infested with Thailand scabies just might become my ONLY claim to fame on this forum.   And so, I would say.....


This is a very small price to pay for my Stardom on AseanNow Forum....


And, I would do it ALL OVER AGAIN...if given the choice, a few months ago.



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I am thinking about leaving my house for about SEVEN DAYS.


Anyone here in Chiang Mai who might wish to invite me to your house.....

While I wait for the scabies in MY house to die......


Just please PM me....IMMEDIATELY!


I will call a GRAB Taxi and be at YOUR house...in a flash.


I really need to get out of my house, and go to your house....if possible.


Or, if not YOUR house, then, maybe ...


Daryl's house....



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If ONLY I were a SHEEPLE.....then....getting rid of parasites would be....

Just so EASY....


See this video to find out how it is done for the lucky ones....





This could all be done for me without...any....

Loss of Life!



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6 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

Because he/it is an idiot and needs to be banned from AN but they won't because he/it is clickbait!


careful there scottie, they don't like the c****bait word around here.


6 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

And what pray tell does your less than insightful post add to an already pointless thread?


if anything scottie, it's got you making even more comments on something you can easily STOP READING

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