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How smart are you really?

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3 hours ago, zhounan said:

If I were smart I would never have come to Thailand.

If I was smart I would have made it to Thailand in my thirties.

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9 hours ago, Pattaya57 said:

Now I'm posting on a forum that other posters continue to say my comments suck. 

Toughen up, lots of haters here. 


Keep doing what you are doing, ignore the trolls. 


BTW, there's an ignore function in your AN home page, it's within settings.


I recently found it, makes your days more enjoyable not having the trolls attacking you. 


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26 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

There's smart as in John von Neumann, Richard Feynman, Carl Friedrich Gauss, Paul Dirac, Leonhard Euler, James Clerk Maxwell, etc......and then there's everybody else. Be happy with the intellect dumb luck gave you. They are the outliers; we're the wretched rabble.


Of course it makes life much easier if one can be a couple std devs right of the mean on the IQ Bell Curve, but that doesn't necessarily guarantee a good life or a place in the history books.


Often---even in this thread---someone will chime in that "I've worked with geniuses who had no common sense". I never found that to be the case. There might be exceptions who stand out, but decent brains tend to translate to every aspect of life, even the proverbial form of intelligence known as 'street smarts'. Intellect is a combination of ability to learn and conceptualize, plus an overall general awareness.


Ideally, one is smart enough to be happy and relish this precious short term chance at existence.





IMO people who know their limitations, yet can optimize their capabilities to have a happy life, are probably the smartest of all.


Occasionally, I'll read a story of a person with a stratospheric IQ who is utterly miserable. Alan Turing was a good example.

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29 minutes ago, transam said:

I think it is boring to retire early, I retired a bit early, I think I would have been better off working if my situation had been a bit different....😛


23 minutes ago, Pattaya57 said:

Retiring early for me meant I lost a huge network of friends and routine. I think now only retire if you hate your job, doesn't matter how much $ you have


Hell NO ... I couldn't wait to retire.   I would have retired earlier, but I worked for an airlines, and really enjoyed all the travelling on the cheap.   I knew that would come to a grinding halt when I retired, left, as no way would I pay to fly first class anywhere, and flying economy, just didn't work for me.  Talk about spoiled for ever.


I was actually having a bit of fun the last 13 yrs working, well, last 10 years, as rarely at work.  Everything I did was geared to retiring early, though slow pace, so could enjoy the moment, and not stress myself out.


Just wish I learned my investment strategies a bit earlier, as I would have had retired at least 10 years earlier.  I can't imagine working another 20 yrs till I hit USA Soc Sec retirement age (66), and company retirement at 65.


Past 20+ yrs have been some of the best, though TBH, can't really complain about any time after I became self employed, and investing.  Working a salary job only, both boring & low pay, and I would have had to work till 65/66, and not be as financially comfy.  Far from rich, but comfy enough, and that's just fine.


Seems I might be round for another 10 yrs, since my check up this week was better than expected.  A couple more years, and I will have lived here longer than my adult working years in the USA.


Retirement has been anything but boring, and don't need friends or a routine.



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8 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

IMO people who know their limitations, yet can optimize their capabilities to have a happy life, are probably the smartest of all.


Occasionally, I'll read a story of a person with a stratospheric IQ who is utterly miserable. Alan Turing was a good example.

Perfect IQ would be, being happy with cheap dental, lots of women, cheap food and accommodation

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1 minute ago, KhunLA said:


Hell NO ... I couldn't wait to retire.   I would have retired earlier, but I worked for an airlines, and really enjoyed all the travelling on the cheap.   I knew that would come to a grinding halt when I retired, left, as no way would I pay to fly first class anywhere, and flying economy, just didn't work for me.  Talk about spoiled for ever.


I was actually having a bit of fun the last 13 yrs working, well, last 10 years, as rarely at work.  Everything I did was geared to retiring early, though slow pace, so could enjoy the moment, and not stress myself out.


Just wish I learned my investment strategies a bit earlier, as I would have had retired at least 10 years earlier.  I can't imagine working another 20 yrs till I hit USA Soc Sec retirement age (66), and company retirement at 65.


Past 20+ yrs have been some of the best, though TBH, can't really complain about any time after I became self employed, and investing.  Working a salary job only, both boring & low pay, and I would have had to work till 65/66, and not be as financially comfy.  Far from rich, but comfy enough, and that's just fine.


Seems I might be round for another 10 yrs, since my check up this week was better than expected.  A couple more years, and I will have lived here longer than my adult working years in the USA.


Retirement has been anything but boring, and don't need friends or a routine.



Retirement is boring without hobbies. Some people just drink and smoke. Hence bored. 


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1 minute ago, Hummin said:

Perfect IQ would be, being happy with cheap dental, lots of women, cheap food and accommodation

A true buddhist is happy with food and shelter.

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Just now, Dolf said:

Retirement is boring without hobbies. Some people just drink and smoke. Hence bored. 

Life is boring without hobbies, retired or not, especially if you didn't have kids prior to retirement.  Which I didn't, as never really had a partner I thought was 'mother' material.   And a bit too selfish, with my time and money to raise kids.  


That sure did change with retirement, and raising the daughter has be a highlight of my life.  Plenty of time & money surely made that a lot more enjoyable, than attempting that with someone you don't like living with, and working at the same time.  Actually commend people that can pull that one off.


Hobbies hasn't change, added one, drones, perfected another, photography, sort of.  Rest is the same, O&As, scooter rides, though no more long distances, scuba diving, though not much here, as the diving is mediocre, and I'm being kind.  I excel at being a LPOS ... so all good.

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12 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Perfect IQ would be, being happy with cheap dental, lots of women, cheap food and accommodation

Social Iq, happy with beer, game of pool and soccer on tv.

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8 hours ago, CharlieH said:

Book smart, reading and retaining knowledge doesnt make you a "nice" person in the process. It simply means you can retain knowledge. Life experience or "street smart" is another form of intelligence.


People think that because they speak the same language they are understood, which is not always true, how people perceive what you have said may not be your intent, you cant know what their perception is going to to be hence we get misunderstandings or "taken the wrong way".To say nothing of IQ level that they have clue what your on about, people assume they do.


As Forrest said " life is like a box of chocolates, ya never know what you gonna get" and thats true of people until you start interacting with them and figure them out.

it's disturbing how experience can be forgotten, if you've been in a bad situation before or have a dodgy offering, you should remember. and deal accordingly. however , I said should, as you can also simply forget and be dumb again . 

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2 hours ago, Red Forever said:

Wow! Smug, snobby and supercilious in one post.

Got many friends?

I posted a laugh emoji, as I don't think I am smug, snobby or supercilious.

Of course you judged me to be smug, snobby, and supercilious based on one post, 

Matter of opinion of course.


What i said was in response the OP saying he felt criticized every time he posted, so that was the context.

I think I am realistic about the members of AN and nothing I said I (although obviously my opinions) is really very outrageous if you are familiar with AN.

If you find every poster here to be pleasant, intelligent and interesting.. well more power to you.

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As my poorly educated, but very wise Grandmother used to say:


"self praise is no praise at all"


I've lost count of the many "experts" I've met in my life who turned out to be nothing of the sort. Unless you are on par with Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein, probably not a good idea to tell the world how smart you are. 

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18 hours ago, Pattaya57 said:

I was pretty average at school probably because my "poor uneducated" parents never made me do homework. I also cruised through my air force apprenticeship just doing what I had to because I didn't know better.


Then went to uni on engineering degree and recieved best student of the year, then got Golden Key Honours Society for supposedly best 15% of academic performance on the planet. Then got Masters degree and retired rich at 52


Now I'm posting on a forum that other posters continue to say my comments suck. I give up as to why so many people are supposedly now smarter than me?


Could be achohol related...



Impossible to say from these comments whether you're smart or not, although spelling "received" and "alcohol" wrong doesn't suggest you're great at spelling which could be a tiny indicator for someone who is smart / intelligent.


Your attitude does shine through, however. Let's just say that you don't come across as humble or modest.

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I could knock out a tune on the piano at 5 years old and went on to be a professional musician playing bass, keyboards and doing vocals in various pop  and country and western bands. Also got HGV, PSV and Taxi licenses because I had loads of spare time during the day, like the OP I was only average at school and never done any homework.

But ask me to do any manual work or even simple DIY around the house, I am entirely hopeless.

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22 hours ago, zhounan said:

If I were smart I would never have come to Thailand.

I made three journeys back home after meeting my wife before I decided to stay here, all the farangs I met were happy and recommended staying here, no compulsary 90 day reports, no having to see agents  for immigration purposes.

Now look at it, I am alone with no farang friends nearby, they have either died or moved away. Yes I am bitter at how so many immigration situations have changed mostly for the worst.

But all is not lost as my wife is still the same loving person I met here 18 years ago.

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22 hours ago, zhounan said:

If I were smart I would never have come to Thailand.

No one can tell what your future life is going to be like in any country.

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, mstevens said:

Impossible to say from these comments whether you're smart or not, although spelling "received" and "alcohol" wrong doesn't suggest you're great at spelling which could be a tiny indicator for someone who is smart / intelligent.

You do know your phone changes your spelling right? 


Asean now seems to constantly change to bad spelling. Changes to how most people spell it. So many people say Looser instead of Loser and Boarder instead of Border....stuffs up the spell checker


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1 minute ago, Pattaya57 said:

Out of interest is anyone else a "Golden Key Society Member".

I know Bill Clinton is but doubt he'd be on the forum?


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