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Allegedly Intoxicated British Man on Motorbike Crashes Into Pattaya Taxi Injures Two Girls


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49 minutes ago, Maitdjai said:

My experiences are not your business.
If you don't have any “experiences”, google it.

Contrary, some of your posts, pretend that you've a some knowledge.
The usual BS reflexes of potheads, alcoholics, Jaba, and other stuff affiliates are mostly ridiculous.
If they're foreign “scumbags”, or local “saints”, is also quite irrelevant to me.
DUI, if proofed, should be prosecuted, and punished. The severity is up to the authorities.
Not to some dumb keyboard warriors in a “Good Guy” sanctuary, whatever their mission is.

I pretend nothing in my posts  what would be the point?

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14 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Check the long stay people, filter out the shady farang

and where would you draw the line?  presumably at a level that keeps you safely out of the equation

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18 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

a criminal record check prior to arrival would stop a lot of these people


Wow! And that will stop drunk people riding around on motorbikes and injuring people?

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29 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Check the long stay people, filter out the shady farang


Wow! And that will stop drunk people riding around on motorbikes and injuring people?

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33 minutes ago, Photoguy21 said:

Where does it say he was from Liverpool?

Nowhere as far as I can see, somebody mentioned it in a comment  about 3 posts in and as expected a few of the usual suspects have latched on to it.   Of course had the motorcyclist been black or gay or muslim, mentioning the fact would have provoked a hysterical response from the same members, 

             It only goes to add weight to my theory that all people are racists and/ or "phobes" of one sort or another These days its all about identifying an "acceptable" target to attack.  Once one has been found there is no need to exercise any moderation when hurling insults at them and no need to fear any interference from the moderators.  The british are generally considered  a valid target, especially those from liverpool.  but only white, straight, christian brits, of course  all others are off limits

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Just now, Bday Prang said:

Nowhere as far as I can see, somebody mentioned it in a comment  about 3 posts in and as expected a few of the usual suspects have latched on to it.   Of course had the motorcyclist been black or gay or muslim, mentioning the fact would have provoked a hysterical response from the same members, 

             It only goes to add weight to my theory that all people are racists and/ or "phobes" of one sort or another These days its all about identifying an "acceptable" target to attack.  Once one has been found there is no need to exercise any moderation when hurling insults at them and no need to fear any interference from the moderators.  The british are generally considered  a valid target, especially those from liverpool.  but only white, straight, christian brits, of course  all others are off limits

Exactly. I am from Liverpool and yes we do have quite a few nutters but making an assumption is ridiculous.

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2 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


Wow! And that will stop drunk people riding around on motorbikes and injuring people?

May be not But  expect to  see a potential increase in accidents involving mobility scooters

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7 hours ago, jacko45k said:
19 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Mr. Nirun Phromsiri, a 35-year-old red-white motorbike taxi rider, who suffered only a minor injury, told the rescue teams that he had picked up two female passengers to bring to Wat Chai for religious reasons.

At 3.16 AM? 


After all these years, you are still unfamiliar with regular Thai temple hours?

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1 hour ago, jonclark said:

Oh just f**k off with this jail and deport nonsense. 

I reckon the people demanding deportation etc are the same ones who wore face masks when alone in their cars and probably still do 

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9 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


After all these years, you are still unfamiliar with regular Thai temple hours?

30 years since I first came here and I have no idea what temple hours are. same goes for churches in the UK   I can count the number of times I have set foot in either on one hand.   Maybe I should be deported and blacklisted too

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23 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

I pretend nothing in my posts  what would be the point?


"But the result is not the same, far from it, How much cannabis have you actually smoked?"
"Its not "just like alcohol" at all it is totally different"

Perhaps, you're an expert, instead of pretending.
It depends on the point of view, who cares.
You wrote many aspects, I agree with. Also about the influence of Cannabis.
Not essentially different, from that, what I wrote.
Where the knowledge comes from, is secondary to me.
So, your “investigative” questions, once a while, are obsolete.


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2 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

Me too, there are more of us on here than you realise.   I  worked all over the UK and can categorically confirm there are many places at least 10 times worse.  London and the home counties being the worst of the lot   Most who delight in slagging off liverpool have never been there and could not even find it on a map, half of them are not even british


You've described me!


I only know what my British friends tell me. The sole scouser I know lives in Vancouver and is.....on benefits!  My friends described the mindset so well that it seemed like they knew him for decades. 



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6 minutes ago, Bobthegimp said:


Songkran is coming. The time doesn't surprise me at all. 

Why would it Songkran is the same time every year middle of April,  It would however be very surprising if it changed to October

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1 minute ago, Bday Prang said:

Why would it Songkran is the same time every year middle of April,  It would however be very surprising if it changed to October


I can't figure out if you're a pedant or an imbecile. Perhaps a man can be both. 



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3 minutes ago, Maitdjai said:


"But the result is not the same, far from it, How much cannabis have you actually smoked?"
"Its not "just like alcohol" at all it is totally different"

Perhaps, you're an expert, instead of pretending.
It depends on the point of view, who cares.
You wrote many aspects, I agree with. Also about the influence of Cannabis.
Not essentially different, from that, what I wrote.
Where the knowledge comes from, is secondary to me.
So, your “investigative” questions, once a while, are obsolete.


I generally reserve my comments on cannabis for the appropriate forums my only comment on here was for the purpose of correcting the incorrect assertion by another poster who claimed the effects of cannabis were just the same as alcohol . The effects of cannabis are totally different to those of alcohol.  I stand by that statement 100% .  I'm sorry but statements like "but they both get you off your head" or they "both slow you down"  are totally meaningless. Magic mushrooms , Heroin , Cocaine, Ecstasy ,in fact any psychoactive substance will get one "off ones head" but the effects  are all totally  different to each other and all totally  different to alcohol  I am not really concerned whether you agree with me or not.  

               I would however be more inclined to listen to the views and enter into discussions on this matter  with  people who have experienced the effects of psychoactive drugs personally rather than just spouting whatever rubbish they have cherry picked from google or anywhere else for that matter   Its a little bit like driving a car , one can do as much research as one likes but until one actually gets behind the wheel ones opinions and knowledge are worth nothing

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12 minutes ago, Bobthegimp said:


I can't figure out if you're a pedant or an imbecile. Perhaps a man can be both. 



You seem to manage it without any problem, But I must admit you had me fooled, I genuinely thought you had a sense of humour, just shows even I can be wrong occasionally

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17 hours ago, bbi1 said:

Looks like a grey nomad from the blurred picture. Charge & deport the drunk old fool, ban him for 5 years and cancel his retirement visa. Seems every day it's the grey old nomads making the news for the wrong reason.

One day you may be old and lucky enough to be a “grey nomad” yourself so I hope you will remember your disgraceful ageist remarks.


As for the person concerned here IF he is entirely to blame in this and was indeed intoxicated he deserves what he gets, but looking at the wider picture turning left at a junction without stopping is probably the most stupid action on Thai roads but to do it without looking and driving straight out is beyond belief.

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20 hours ago, soi3eddie said:

British. From Liverpool. Total idiot.

So sad for the innocent young girls seriously injured.




Where does it say he was British or from Liverpool?


A stupid way to begin a post which does not help in any way except display your racist or xenophobic views.


Furthermore, it matters not in the scale of things, a drunk driver is a drunk driver and nationality or birthplace has no bearing on the matter.


Pattaya is full of drunk drivers, speeding motorists, motorists without car or motorbike driving licences and an inept police force.


These people driving drunk and uninsured come from all countries around the Globe and the crime is not specific to a certain country or city.

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28 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

You seem to manage it without any problem, But I must admit you had me fooled, I genuinely thought you had a sense of humour, just shows even I can be wrong occasionally





I make that game, set and match!

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55 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

30 years since I first came here and I have no idea what temple hours are. same goes for churches in the UK   I can count the number of times I have set foot in either on one hand.   Maybe I should be deported and blacklisted too



And me,


The only thing I know about my local temple is that my doorbell rings, every so often, like it has this month, with the delivery of an envelope with my partner's name on it, to be filled with donations from my wallet.


And I've been here 30 years too.


Also, I don't do church weddings in the UK, I prefer to meet up at the reception.

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4 hours ago, transam said:

I would rather a licence to ride or drive check, there must be criminals out there that are very proficient at riding motorcycles........:coffee1:


My thought starts at rental shops...........😉

He's obviously one of those shady farang, Thailand doesn't want those. A criminal record check would get rid of riff raff

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3 hours ago, Old Croc said:

Every country should demand that.

It would kill off most of the massive world tourism industry very quickly.

 What would be the parameters for travelling, a completely clean record, would a childhood error decades earlier rule you out, what about a fine in the courts even for a minor matter?

Who would adjudicate, the airline check-in clerk or would everyone have to apply for a visa and be vetted at the embassy? That would kill visa free travel.

What if the onus was on the pax to produce his own crim record, would anyone commit document fraud? 

Some might consider it couldn't even be slightly practical to expect this sort of vetting of the 1.3 billion international tourists worldwide each year. 

for long stay visas 

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3 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

He's obviously one of those shady farang, Thailand doesn't want those. A criminal record check would get rid of riff raff

"He's obviously one of those shady farang"...........Oh dear................:coffee1:

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I see these guys drinking all day and night, then getting on their motorbikes I wish you had a number to call and report them and help save a life even if it is the drunks.   Plus they need more random stops. Not just the road blocks. A smart cop could get 20,000 easy out of a stop. But I’d rather have their drunk go to jail.

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56 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

I generally reserve my comments on cannabis for the appropriate forums my only comment on here was for the purpose of correcting the incorrect assertion by another poster who claimed the effects of cannabis were just the same as alcohol . The effects of cannabis are totally different to those of alcohol.  I stand by that statement 100% .  I'm sorry but statements like "but they both get you off your head" or they "both slow you down"  are totally meaningless. Magic mushrooms , Heroin , Cocaine, Ecstasy ,in fact any psychoactive substance will get one "off ones head" but the effects  are all totally  different to each other and all totally  different to alcohol  I am not really concerned whether you agree with me or not.  

               I would however be more inclined to listen to the views and enter into discussions on this matter  with  people who have experienced the effects of psychoactive drugs personally rather than just spouting whatever rubbish they have cherry picked from google or anywhere else for that matter   Its a little bit like driving a car , one can do as much research as one likes but until one actually gets behind the wheel ones opinions and knowledge are worth nothing

The defending reflexes of Alcohol, and especially (after the pseudo-legalisation) Cannabis users, are mostly just repeating itself.
Most of the other stuff are still illegal anyway. Not to forget the deadly danger of “Vaping”.
What are the “detailed” effects of the different substances in the context of DUI is absolutely secondary.
That's likely a discussion that in these “scientific” cannabis forums, as you mentioned.
No traffic law can take an accurate credit of that. In a cocaine rush the reactions are better, as after 5 beers, or 2 or 3 joints? Might be...
The condition of an individual, or/and accumulated tolerances by regular consuming of a certain substance, might be clinical relevant,
but should not be in traffic law. With alcohol, the given tolerance is easy to prove, right on the spot. With all other substances, not.

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2 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

I reckon the people demanding deportation etc are the same ones who wore face masks when alone in their cars and probably still do 

And wearing a helmet on barstools, or toilettes.

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I agree there is no excuse for being drunk in charge of any motor vehicle. But I would like to see the cctv before I hang him out to dry. 3 people on a motorcycle doing a U turn at 3.15 am I have had taxi bikes U turn in front of me without any warning . What religious thing could anyone be doing at that time. If he was drunk he is at fault 100%,  but the actions of the taxi rider may well have been a factor and maybe he should also held to account.

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