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Covid vaccines not linked to fatal heart problems in young people, CDC finds

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53 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

From the same people that said it was "Safe & Effective" ... :cheesy:

Well, yes, I am still here and never caught Covid perhaps because I followed most of the recommendations, including 3 vax.....:intheclub:


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COVID is still, even now, killing nearly 1,000 people PER WEEK in the U.S., and another 100+ per week in the U.K., with many people in both countries no longer current / up-to-date with their COVID vaccinations, or never vaccinated at all. So COVID hasn't gone away or disappeared by any means.


But considering that there have been 13.5 BILLION COVID vaccinations given worldwide since the start of the pandemic, resulting in many millions of lives saved, the numbers of confirmed vaccine related deaths and serious reactions have been very rare.


Those are the facts as documented and sourced below, no matter how many questions anti-vaxers want to ask, and then fail to produce any factual answers for.


Nearly 1,000 U.S. COVID deaths per week:


100+ U.K. COVID deaths per week:





13.5 billion COVID vaccine doses administered worldwide:



Source link:


Millions of lives saved by COVID vaccines:

COVID vaccines saved 20M lives in 1st year, scientists say



Two Years of U.S. COVID-19 Vaccines Have Prevented Millions of Hospitalizations and Deaths




And in comparison, serious vaccine-related side effects have been rare, more than offset by risks of COVID:

Posts misrepresent findings of world's largest Covid vaccine safety study

28 February 2024


"The February 2024 publication of the largest peer-reviewed study of Covid-19 vaccine safety to date has inspired misleading social media claims that its findings show the jabs are unsafe. Study authors and independent experts say the research confirms that adverse reactions to vaccination are rare and pose far fewer risks than Covid-19 infection.


Epidemiologist Anders Peter Hviid, one of the study authors, told AFP the findings confirm previous research and should not deter people from receiving Covid-19 shots.


"What we take away is that the Covid-19 vaccination campaigns have been very effective in preventing severe disease," he said on February 23. "The few serious side effects that we have observed in this and other studies have been rare."




Study Largely Confirms Known, Rare COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects

February 27, 2024


"An international study of around 99 million people confirmed known serious side effects of COVID-19 vaccination. It also identified a possible relationship between the first dose of the Moderna vaccine and a small risk of a neurological condition. Social media posts about the study left out information on the vaccines’ benefits and the rarity of the side effects.


COVID-19 vaccines — like all vaccines and other medical products — come with side effects, including serious side effects in rare cases. The vaccines were rolled out to protect people from a novel virus that has killed millions of people globally and would likely have killed millions more without the arrival of the vaccines. There is a broad consensus from experts and governmental health agencies that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the risks."






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Some of the posters on here are the equivalents of those Japanese soldiers who hid in the mountains for years not realising that WW2 had ended (though WW2 was actually real and not a psyop)

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45 minutes ago, zhounan said:

So, should the same dirty faces that pushed hundreds of millions of people worldwide toward the 'lifesaving' injection now have admitted that the 'lifesaving' injection is killing some young people?


When do we stop trusting everything the institutions say?


"When do we stop trusting everything the institutions say?'


 I haven't trusted any government since the Iraq war in 2003 (actually, possibly since 2001, but I won't go there).  I'm a keen observer of cognitive dissonance.  Show multiple undeniable and objective truths, and observe denial and disbelief based purely on emotions and ideology.


I call it the razor blade effect.  A play on Occam's Razor and Orwell's reference Parsons celebrating the Ministry of Plenty announcing record razor blade production, yet he can't find any razor blades.


I often wonder why Orwell used razor blades as an example of cognitive dissonance.  I suspect he actually was highlighting Occam's Razor - the most obvious answer is probably the correct one. But maybe I tink too mut. :coffee1:

Edited by Gsxrnz
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You may not like or believe the U.S. CDC, but their findings as reported here in this thread have been confirmed separately and previously by others....


"The MHRA directed Reuters to a study released by Britain’s Office of National Statistics (ONS) and Office of Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) which analysed data on COVID-19 vaccination and mortality in people aged 12-29 during the pandemic and said it found “no indication” of an increased risk of death from cardiac-related or other causes in the age group, in the six weeks following vaccination (here)."


On  the other hand, when it came to COVID infections:


"A 2022 study of UK Biobank members, published in the British Medical Journal’s Heart, found non-hospitalized COVID-19 cases had a 2x risk of cardiovascular death. “This increased to 8.8x for those with primary hospitalized COVID-19 and 14.6x for secondary hospitalized COVID-19 within the next year or so, with most of the deaths occurring within 100 days of infection,” Morris said (here)."





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12 minutes ago, Mark Nothing said:

The validity of data provided by the cdc has just fallen below the credibility of a used car salesmen with a lot full of lemons.

Please don't insult all of the good and credible used car salesmen out there, even if they are selling lemons. I'd rather buy from them then buy the lies and propoganda spit out by 3 letter government agencies.

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19 minutes ago, Mark Nothing said:

The validity of data provided by the cdc has just fallen below the credibility of a used car salesmen with a lot full of lemons.


4% of the world's population, the most expensive health care in the world, and 75% of the world's Covid deaths last month. 


That says all you need to know about the CDC's credibility.


3,200 deaths in the USA of 4,230 in the entire world.


Here's my link:




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Yep, and about three-fourths of the U.S. adult population at present are not up-to-date / current with the recommended COVID vaccinations, including less than half of the highest risk senior citizen population. So hardly a surprise that people there are continuing to get sick and die from COVID.


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink (as the saying goes), even if it's for their own good:


"The percent of the population reporting receipt of the updated 2023-24 COVID-19 vaccine is 14.1% (95% confidence interval: 13.4-14.8) for children and 22.8% (22.1-23.4) for adults 18+, including 42.1% (40.7-43.6) among adults age 65+."




When people actually take the COVID vaccines as recommended, they significantly reduce the risks of serious illness, as shown below:


Latest COVID-19 vaccines reduce hospitalization risk by around half


March 01, 2024






PS - part of the reason the U.S. has such a high share of the global COVID deaths (besides its relatively large population) being tallied by the WHO is many countries have simply stopped publicly reporting them. The U.S., meanwhile, has continued reporting them and has one of the more organized systems for tracking the causes of deaths among its population.


Just 39 countries (out of about 200 in the world) reported COVID deaths to the WHO in their most recent report, which noted:


"Globally, during the 28-day period from 4 to 31 March 2024, 98 countries reported COVID-19 cases and 39 countries reported COVID-19 deaths. Note that this does not reflect the actual number of countries where
cases or deaths occur, as many countries have stopped or changed the frequency of reporting" [emphasis added]


"The highest numbers of new 28-day deaths were reported from United States of America (3189 new deaths; -41%), the Russian Federation (288 new deaths; +20%), Chile (112 new deaths; -12%), Australia (95 new deaths; -56%), China (91 new deaths; +8%), and New Zealand (79 new deaths; +14%)"





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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Yep, and about three-fourths of the U.S. adult population at present are not up-to-date / current with the recommended COVID vaccinations


That's shocking.

I thought that the number of people still falling for the covid narrative would be much higher than 25% due to falling education standards and the mockingbird media but this proves that there's still hope for the US yet

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Dr Vinay Prasad, a professor from Stanford weighs in on this  https://www.drvinayprasad.com/p/it-is-disappointing-that-the-cdchttps://www.drvinayprasad.com/p/it-is-disappointing-that-the-cdc


"It is disappointing that the CDC is dishonest

A new study exonerating mRNA vaccines in young men is inconclusive; the CDC is shredding its own credibility"

Here's a couple points he raises

"At one point in the paper, the authors actually admit the truth, the “small population size made it less likely that Oregon would see a rare event such as sudden cardiac death among adolescents and young adults.”

"With these facts, almost surely, the vaccine does increase death from cardiac reasons (as some people get myocarditis and some of these people will die), though this signal will be small, and too small to see in a single, low population state (Oregon)"



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After all the b.s surrounding Covid and the vaccines...I would trust a study done by CDC into the vaccines, about as much as I would trust a study into smoking and cancer run by the tobacco industry. 

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11 minutes ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

After all the b.s surrounding Covid and the vaccines...I would trust a study done by CDC into the vaccines, about as much as I would trust a study into smoking and cancer run by the tobacco industry. 

Who cares what you think, I don't..............🤗

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Run along and get your booster then, while the majority of the planet is starting to see through the b.s, you seem to be still towing the line. It does not prevent transmission so, the jab can only be for you...knock yourself out.

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Based on a "study" of 16-30 year olds, they conclude that infants should be vaccinated.


Implications for Public Health Practice

These data do not support an association between receipt of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine and sudden cardiac death among previously healthy young persons. COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for all persons aged ≥6 months to prevent COVID-19 and complications, including death.


Way to follow the science.  No wonder Americans quit trusting the CDC.



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