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Can anybody identify this?

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This morning, as I woke up, I noticed a strange mark on my leg.
Looks like a bite, 2 fangs, but I didn't noticed anything in my sleep.
Normally, I would have woke up on the byte.
The size of the marks, about 5mm, suppose that it was not a small animal.
The place of the bite doesn't hurt or causes any anomaly.
Can anybody identify what may have causes this?


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How do you tell if a bite is from a bed bug?
Bed bugs bite each person differently, but the most common appearances of bed bug bites include: Raised bumps in a line, zigzag or random pattern. Pimple-like bump with a dark red center and skin tone lighter than normal surrounding it.
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Don’t know for sure obviously but I would say a spider got ya. Two quite distinct “fang” marks close together suggests the possibility of a spider bite.


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I would also suggest a spider bite. Keep it clean and monitor for the next 24 hours. If any swelling, infection problems, see a doctor.


If you get more similar marks over different parts of the body, then consider bed bugs.


If it was a snake bite, that sort of mark would be from a venomous snake, and I am sure you would feel something.

https://travelthailandtogether.com/most-common-spiders-in-thailand/#:~:text=There are several species of,which are the most venomous.

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12 minutes ago, Utalk2mutt said:

Don’t know for sure obviously but I would say a spider got ya. Two quite distinct “fang” marks close together suggests the possibility of a spider bite.



Strange that I didn't feel anything causing the byte.
Normally, I would have woke up when it happened.

The size of the fangs suggest that it would not be a small spider.

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17 minutes ago, Georgealbert said:

I would also suggest a spider bite. Keep it clean and monitor for the next 24 hours. If any swelling, infection problems, see a doctor.


I will go aa doctor today anyway.
I have a PA-insurance, thus nothing to be paid.

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44 minutes ago, Confuscious said:

This morning, as I woke up, I noticed a strange mark on my leg.
Looks like a bite, 2 fangs, but I didn't noticed anything in my sleep.
Normally, I would have woke up on the byte.
The size of the marks, about 5mm, suppose that it was not a small animal.
The place of the bite doesn't hurt or causes any anomaly.
Can anybody identify what may have causes this?


Is that a rogue pube on the left of the picture?

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30 minutes ago, Confuscious said:


I will go aa doctor today anyway.
I have a PA-insurance, thus nothing to be paid.

Enjoy your antibiotics, I have had similar bites often, never even thought of going to a doctor.

Have a look on YouTube on how to clean your mattress !

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Spider fangs 3-4mm apart seems unlikely.

Myth: You can always tell a spider bite because a spider leaves two punctures.

Fact: There is a germ of truth in this idea, but only a very tiny germ. Spiders do have two venom-injecting fangs and typically bite with both at the same time. However, in any spider smaller than a tarantula, the entry points of the two fangs will be so close together that there is little if any visible separation. Also, the fangs are so slender and sharp that the actual entry points are all but invisible.

When you have a "bite" with two separated marks, it is either caused by a bloodsucking insect that has bitten twice (a common occurrence), or is a double skin eruption arising from one disease condition or arthropod bite, also a common occurrence.


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1 hour ago, Seppius said:

As I have had similar, I would be in the bed bug camp, have you stayed in a hotel recently?


Bed bug usually leave 3 punctures in close proximity that tend to be red and swollen.
That's a spider bite, or a tiny little cobra.  😉

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I agree with Mr. Chicken legs. It's very possible that the two marks close together are two separate bites and the location is just a coincidence. That would have been a very big spider.

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Looks like a centipede. A friend was hit by one and had to go to the hospital for treatment, meaning it either got infected or he was allergic to one. Hand swelled up almost twice it's size. Antibiotics stopped it. Ex wife's cousin also had one on her leg, and it swelled up big also. I was pinched on my forehead in bed by a little one but nothing but a bit of pain. Most times you can take care of it at home, unless there are more harsh symptoms as described below............https://www.medicinenet.com/what_happens_if_you_get_bitten_by_a_centipede/article.htm

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Most long term Thai residrnts experience this sooner or later, I certainly have several times over the years. Once it developed into a  cellulitis, all other times not.


A spider or other insect. 


If the area around it doesn't become red or inflamed no need to do anything. If it does then see doctor.







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4 hours ago, brianthainess said:

Enjoy your antibiotics, I have had similar bites often, never even thought of going to a doctor.

I have a PA-insurance which pays everything in this case.
But I need to report to a doctor or a hospital within 48 hours.
After 48 hours, the insurance don't guarantee a payout.

The visit to the hospital

is only a little inconvenience, and I enjoy a few hours with the young and sexy nurses.


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Update from the hospital:

1. After a quick analysis by the doctor, the marks are not from a spider in this area.
    Most problably a little (baby) snake.
2. Test blood on "Neurotoxins (or whatever similar)".
     If it would be a venomous byte, there would be traces of "Neurotoxins" in my blood.
     No traces of "Neurotoxins" in my blood -> OK.
3. Got an injection on my hand.
     Some kind of anti-inflammatory fluid.
4. Got a Tetanus-Booster as my last Tetanus shot was more than 5 years old.
5. Guess?
     The obvious anti-biotics.

If any symptoms arise within 48 hours, return immediatly to the hospital.

The bill, total 2,700 Baht was kindly paid by MTL (my PA-insurance).

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23 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Most long term Thai residrnts experience this sooner or later, I certainly have several times over the years. Once it developed into a  cellulitis, all other times not.


A spider or other insect. 


If the area around it doesn't become red or inflamed no need to do anything. If it does then see doctor.


Like I said before, when I feel or see something suspecious on my body, I go to a doctor to get his advice.
Advice is free (PA-Insurance) and covers me if it would develop to something worse.

Long time ago, a friend of mine who used to run a local restaurant, got bitten by a very little spider (2 a 3 mm big) on his finger.
As it was not hurting and marks were quasi invisible, he only desinfected the byte and continued with his customers.
A day later, the place of the byte, grew a little bit bigger and looked like a Comedon (a pimple).
He put a bandage over it and assumed that it would burst open from itself.
48 hours later, his finger became so swollen that it was really painful.
I drove my friend to the Maharat hospital and when the doctors opened the pimple a whole bunch of baby spiders came out of the pimple.
Lesson: never joke with a byte in a tropic country.

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