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Advice needed : super sight surgery

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I am considering super sight surgery here in Thailand  (cataracts in both eyes  )which I am informed  may be preferable for my eyes than Mono focal.

Also can do both eyes at the same time.

Anyone here have experience of this surgery?

Thank u any input.




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I would suggest checking out Rutnin Eye Hospital. It is basically the single most eyesight focused hospital in Thailand and more.

Cataracts and Lasik comparatives?



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Supersight surgery is just a marketing term for what is usually referred to as refractive lens exchange or intraocular lens exchange surgery.  

Dr Somchai at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital is an ophthalmologist who specializes in this. 

I went to see him and I was considered a good candidate for the surgery. He prefers the Carl Zeiss LISA model trifocal lens. That means great near vision, middle vision and far vision. There will be blurred points in-between but your brain will neuroadapt to this and you will not notice or rather will adapt to the focal points.  It is a premium lens. 

There are other premium lenses - mutlifocal lenses that promise to deliver vision near all the way to far vision and EDOF or extended depth of focus lenses that allow good vision from mid to far but may need reading glasses. 

Depending on your needs will determine what lens is recommended, however ophthalmologists tend to often have bias towards a particular lens based on patient outcomes and may also because of commercial reasons.  

The trade-off with premium lenses is that because of the way they are designed (multiple rings), and the way light retracts, you will most likely experience night vision visual disturbances such as halos, starburst and glare.  

Some lenses will reduce ability to see at night and others also may reduce visual contrast.  

You will often only read positive reviews on promoters websites. Believe me there are plenty of negative outcomes too. But it is true most patients will obtain a satisfactory outcome. 

I got a bad outcome. I chose a Tecnis Synergy brand toric lens for both eyes and chose to get it done in Australia. 

A year later i am now due to see my ophthalmologist to discuss lens extraction surgery and replacement with an alternative lens.  My eyes just did not work with the lenses and had a year of blurry mid to far vision.  

The simpler the lens it seems the less complications. I chose the multifocal lens, wanting perfect vision at all focal points.  Nope. Didn't work. 

LISA trifocals are an older generation lens and a simpler design, but in hindsight probably my eyes would have adapted easier to, albeit not the best lens on the market for the best potential visual outcome. 

The benefit of Thailand is the price.  The downside is if there are complications, will you be covered? Is there a guarantee to correct vision if there is a problem? 

Most lens implant recipients will eventually get posterior capsule opacification (PCO) that is cell growth at the back of the lens in the posterior capsule.  YAG laser surgery is needed to clear it out and restore clear vision.  It does mean though if lens extraction is needed it complicates surgery as there's a gaping hole into your aqueous vitreous inside your eyeball and you don't want lenses falling into it hitting your retina.  I have this issue now after the ophthalmologist considered my poor vision due to the slight PCO. Nope. So now risky surgery ahead. 

If the replacement is considered too risky then they opt for an EDOF or a trifocal lens implant instead that can be anchored a different way.  Worst case is a monofocal lens and needing glasses forever.  LASIK surgery after lens implants is common to tweak focus because the diopter measurements of the lenses that are ordered for implants only come in 0.5 increments. So cannot always be exact. LASIK procedure can sometimes cause complications because when the cornea is cut by the laser it severs nerves which take years to grow back.  Sometimes severe pain from nerve regrowth issues occurring as well as dry eye.  Some stuff to consider anyway.  

I have gone through a difficult time and a year later almost still looking at a year probably before I hopefully get a desired or accepted outcome. 

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I’ve known 3 people who’ve had “super sight surgery” at BKK hospital, Patayya. They each swear by their $6,000 investment. One told me he got reimbursed by US Tricare because glaucoma. 

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I had both lenses replaced with trifocal lenses at Bangkok Hospital Phuket.


Both the team there and my eyesight afterwards.

There it is called Bright View.

I followed their well documented instructions and no issues at all.

No anaesthetic just lie on the op table for an hour.

One eye one day, the other eye the next.

Three hours after the first lens was replaced I was working on my laptop doing emails and spreadsheets.

The only side affect was 'halos' around lights.

Initially minimal in my case but a friend had to wear dark glasses for a couple of months before his eyes settled.






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