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Latest developments and discussion of recent events in the Ukraine War

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Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

I bet you do. Quite the vile sort of speculative comment that is expected from you.

I see you celebrate the deaths of Russians though.

War is not child’s play. If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. 

Edited by Gweiloman
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51 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I want to speak to that.

I don't celebrate the deaths of any soldiers per se but in the harsh reality of a war situation when the Ukrainian defenders take over 1000 Russian army terrorists off the field of battle every day I am happy to see that as a sign Ukraine has a chance to win.

Fascist dictator Putin doesn’t even care about the lives of his own meat grinder terrorist soldiers (mostly poor, minorities, and from remote province) so to him Ukrainian civilians are less than nothing.

Well, in that case, the west has nothing to worry about as Russia will i)run out of fighting man very soon ii)have a regime change iii)go bankrupt Iv)be reduced to tatters and rubble etc etc (take your pick) and Ukraine shall be victorious. 

And yet, all actions being taken and words spoken seem to indicate the contrary. Is someone telling porky pies? Or are some posters just delusional? Time will tell.

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I am skeptical of the numbers Ukraine provides in its daily reports. I doubt very much that Russia has incurred 500,000 killed, wounded or captured. It's normal for countries in wars to inflate numbers for propaganda purposes.


My prediction is, if Russia continues to advance, that the reported number of casualties will increase.

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50,000+ Russian soldiers have been verified killed by Russian media (burial announcements and the like).


The official Ukrainian figure of 500,000 includes killed, wounded and captured. 


There probably are no more than 100,000 dead Russian soldiers, but I have no idea how Ukraine counts wounded Russian soldiers.

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Posted (edited)

Saying the quiet part out loud.


Zelensky’s team appear concerned that, as attention on both sides of the Atlantic turns to domestic elections and leaders are forced to pick between foreign and domestic priorities, Ukraine’s fight against Putin will fall by the wayside. He has good reason to think so. Despite Zelensky’s appeals, it appears that Biden is likely to skip his planned peace summit, apparently preferring to attend a fundraiser in California with celebrities including George Clooney and Julia Roberts.

Speaking yesterday, Zelensky condemned Biden’s reported plan to skip it, saying “[His] absence would only be met with applause by Putin.” But while these words would once have held weight, they now look likely to be shrugged off.




Screenshot 2024-05-29 091643.jpg

Edited by beautifulthailand99
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4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

A journalists opinion, how credible, we all need to take note

In the very pro Ukraine anti-Putin Daily Telegraph.  This article evidences Ukraine’s problem - a shortage of manpower. They had to move forces from the East to stop the Russian advance in the North. No amount of drones, pick up trucks, money or peace conferences will make up for that. The so called peace conference will be Zelensky pleading to those stupid enough to turn up without Russia, for more cash. Time to realise the situation on the ground and try to salvage a deal before a total collapse occurs.

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Either Putin has taken over the Telegraph or a stark reality is being reflected in western media and a new narrative is being created. The US  has no longer the appetite or cause to trouble itself too much with European problems. It wants to move onto China which this conflict has strengthened the Russo-Sino alliance immeasurably and brought Chinese influence to the borders of Europe. My monies on Zelenskiy being forced into a peace settlement which he won't like or he is removed so that so one is in place who will. Just a hunch.




Screenshot 2024-05-29 102129.jpg

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49 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Its an opinion piece. This is not:


Sweden announced a new military aid package to strengthen Ukraine’s air defense. It's the largest package from Sweden, valued at €1.16 billion.

The package includes ASC 890 Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft, as well as AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles. Sweden will also donate its entire stock of PBV 302 armored tracked personnel carriers and surplus tank vehicles from the armed forces. 

We express our deep gratitude to our Swedish partners for their unwavering support! Your support is crucial for Ukraine's fight for freedom.


They are in NATO now. They have to clear out their old junk to fill everything with shiny brand new NATO compliant kit - them's the rules.

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12 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

50,000+ Russian soldiers have been verified killed by Russian media (burial announcements and the like).


The official Ukrainian figure of 500,000 includes killed, wounded and captured. 


There probably are no more than 100,000 dead Russian soldiers, but I have no idea how Ukraine counts wounded Russian soldiers.

I would say that's about right - Mediazona which works with the BBC - trawling all public records in Russia and other methods with meticlulous methodical approach is saying 85k so rounding up 100k is probably about it. Ukrainian goverment are saying over half a million which is so far from that I would question any of the figures they put out about loses whether personel or equipment. The number of Ukrainians is like to be the same the NYT last August - qouted below suggested a figure.The severely disabled is probaly 3 times that.  However, it's estimated that in modern conflicts, the ratio of KIA to severely disabled is around 1:3. This means for every soldier killed, approximately three are severely wounded or disabled.


The population of Russia is roughly 3.5 times larger than the population of Ukraine - they simply can't win a war of attrition just maximise the death and suffering on both sides, probably in the end for the same result.








While several U.S. officials and one former senior Ukrainian official said about 70,000 Ukrainian soldiers had died in the conflict so far, other American officials said the number could be lower.

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6 minutes ago, rabas said:

What?  You didn't read about the yearly £900,000 fee to include the supplement Russia Beyond the Headlines,?


And, 15 Mar 2022 is after the start of the war, as I'm sure you know.


You wouldn't be ignoring critical facts would you? Say it ain't true.


Let's not go down the rabbit hole of who in Europe supported Russia - most goverments and a huge amount of businesses did back then. Ukarine's best buddy Boris mad his KGB son's mate Lebedev a meber of the House of Lords a position he still holds.  Who is conning who here ? Asking for friend.

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