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Ex-CDC Chief Dr. Robert Redfield Reveals COVID-19 Truths

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Trump Official Denies COVID Conspiracies After Fauci Hearing Backlash


Jun 06, 2024


"Donald Trump's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) director has rejected COVID-19 conspiracy theories after Dr. Anthony Fauci was the target of conservative criticism following a contentious hearing on the coronavirus.


Redfield weighed in on Fauci's hearing appearance and the conservative response to it during an interview with Chris Cuomo on NewsNation this week.


During the interview, Cuomo asked Redfield if he believed "there was any conspiracy afoot to trash the economy or force the vaccine on people for profit of the men and women involved in running the government agent."


"No. I don't believe that," Redfield said.




Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Foxx said:

Don't forget that Redfield was appointed by Trump as a useful idiot.


Cuomo is a former FOX News presenter.


Enough said.

After stints with MSM ... 

... "Cuomo's early career in journalism included appearances related to social and political issues on CNBC, MSNBC, and CNN"

Edited by KhunLA
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5 hours ago, Foxx said:

Cuomo is a former FOX News presenter.

Cuomo was a major CNN host for years. He was fired for questionable stuff he did for his brother, Andrew Cuomo, the governor of NY, while he was under investigation.

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A post citing a web graphic without the required weblink to its original source / creator has been removed, along with an ensuing reply.


Per the forum's rules:


"In factual areas such as news forums and current affairs topics member content that is claimed or portrayed as a fact should be supported by a link to a relevant reputable source."


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Robert Paulson said:

There is no financial incentive and there are repercussions for presenting this side of the argument. As usual, people can never explain why the ones who’ve benefitted financially all during covid can be the ones telling the truth. And how the people getting fired and censored and losing their jobs are the ones who are lying. Nobody explains that because they can’t. All they have is “he was appointed by trump”. 

Apparently doing an excellent job also, with info at the time.   Strange how in the vid, states the left wouldn't take the 'Trump vaccine' but the Biden administration mandates it after election, to people that really didn't need the vaccine (Young & healthy). 


 Destroying many people's livelihood who didn't want the vaccine, from attending school & employment. 


While Trump doing excellent job, by shut down international flights, as soon as advised to, and were vaccinating 1 million high risk people a day, when vaccine became available in late 2020.


Graph from CDD site, (as stated on the graph) and source linked here.




Edited by stats
misinformation claim removed, and political discussion contrary to this local forum's rules
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Posted (edited)

It's misleading, to say the least, to present a chart that shows the CUMULATIVE COVID deaths count in the U.S. (which is going to continue growing over time regardless) and try to claim that says anything about how COVID deaths occurred during different specific periods of time.


The following CDC chart does show how COVID deaths in the U.S. rose and fell during different specific periods of time. Quite a different chart and quite a different look.






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4 hours ago, KhunLA said:

While Trump doing excellent job, by shut down international flights, as soon as advised to, and were vaccinating 1 million high risk people a day, when vaccine became available in late 2020.

His DELAY in shutting down flights was responsible for thousands of deaths in the USA........excellent my ass!

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Robert Paulson said:

High praise for the man judging by your views on covid 

There follows some of trumps statements early on in the pandemic.......read and weep; the man is an idiot especially when he said the 15 people infected going down to close to zero!!! After which hundreds of thousands of Americans died:-


"In his first speech after his hospitalization for Covid-19, President Donald Trump stood on a White House balcony on October 10 and made a grand declaration about the coronavirus: “It’s going to disappear. It is disappearing.


His words might have sounded more dramatic had he not been saying the same thing for eight months. 


Trump has stuck to the refrain no matter what has been happening with the pandemic. Since February, the President has declared at least 38 times that Covid-19 is either going to disappear or is currently disappearing.


His proclamations have been wildly inaccurate. When Trump first started making the claim in February, it was about the time the US had just suffered its very first known Covid-19 death. More than 220,000 deaths later, Trump continues to falsely claim that the virus will somehow just go away — even as the US experiences yet another surge in cases and hospitalizations."





Edited by stats
shortened per forum fair use quoting rules
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Moderator's note: I will let this post above remain, because it's a reply to an earlier post supporting Donald Trump's role in the pandemic.


But these two posts are the end of political discussion in this thread, given the local forum rule that applies here:


"This forum is not for conspiracy theories or any form of political discussion."


Any further such posts will be removed without any further notice.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone paying close attention to the COVID story since its inception doesn’t need a video to know that the public was fooled.  Lie after lie, intense propaganda, etc. To what end?  I have my suspicions, but at this point it’s too late for many people. No one can go back. No one can undo the damage. Not everyone in the world remains deluded, though. Authorities in some countries are speaking out. 

Conspiracy theory?  Hardly. The truth is emerging.

Anyway, back in January of 2020, Twitter was still Twitter, and its content was still heavily censored to conform to the government’s narrative.  But for anyone closely watching, the truth wasn’t censored instantly.  At the time, I had my Twitter feed set so that any posts tagged with certain terms were immediately pushed through to my feed. I saw many posts before the censors got to them. Those posts didn’t stay up long, but they were up long enough for me to read them. And what I saw was everything they didn’t want the public to see. The posts may have been deleted within 30 seconds or so, but I saw them. It was obvious a false narrative was being constructed. Delete some posts, allow others. Why would they do that? Surely the authorities would want to solve the problem. Surely they would want the truth to surface. Nope. That’s not what they wanted. They wanted people to believe that a deadly virus had emerged and was spreading around the world like wildfire. People were dropping dead by the thousands, and the only hope for humanity was a vaccine currently being cooked up by the drug companies. It was all an emergency. Listen to information from the authorities and only the authorities. Anything else was “misinformation.”  Of course, the authorities pulled out all the stops to silence some people.  People were threatened with the loss of their jobs for not being jabbed. Even in court they continued the foot dragging.  Was it Pfizer that wanted 72 years to release information about the drug trials?  That eventually didn’t work, but that was the intent. Delay. Obfuscate. Lie.


I could go on all day about what they didn’t want people to know, but suffice it to say it was obvious to me. The authorities were lying to people.  I wasn’t quite sure why, but there was no way I was being injected with anything.  I wasn’t working, so they couldn’t threaten me with the loss of my job. I didn’t need any medical treatment, so they couldn’t come at me from that angle. I was a fee human being. As for the mask business? I kept a cheap mask in my car for my short trips to the grocery store, but only to make those people happy. No big deal. Otherwise, life was more or less normal in Arizona.


Once travel opened back up in 2022 and I could return to Thailand, I did just that.  



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As Covid-19 Continues to Spread, So Does Misinformation About It


New York Times, Dec. 28, 2022


"What began in 2020 as rumors that cast doubt on the existence or seriousness of Covid quickly evolved into often outlandish claims about dangerous technology lurking in masks and the supposed miracle cures from unproven drugs, like ivermectin. Last year’s vaccine rollout fueled another wave of unfounded alarm. Now, in addition to all the claims still being bandied about, there are conspiracy theories about the long-term effects of the treatments, researchers say.


The ideas still thrive on social media platforms, and the constant barrage, now a yearslong accumulation, has made it increasingly difficult for accurate advice to break through, misinformation researchers say. That leaves people already suffering from pandemic fatigue to become further inured to Covid’s continuing dangers and susceptible to other harmful medical content.


“It’s easy to forget that health misinformation, including about Covid, can still contribute to people not getting vaccinated or creating stigmas,” said Megan Marrelli, the editorial director of Meedan, a nonprofit focused on digital literacy and information access. “We know for a fact that health misinformation contributes to the spread of real-world disease.”





Lie of the Year: Coronavirus downplay and denial

December 16, 2020


"A Florida taxi driver and his wife had seen enough conspiracy theories online to believe the virus was overblown, maybe even a hoax. So no masks for them. Then they got sick. She died. A college lecturer had trouble refilling her lupus drug after the president promoted it as a treatment for the new disease. A hospital nurse broke down when an ICU patient insisted his illness was nothing worse than the flu, oblivious to the silence in beds next door.   


Lies infected America in 2020. The very worst were not just damaging, but deadly. 


PolitiFact’s 2020 Lie of the Year: claims that deny, downplay or disinform about COVID-19. 




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