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Pro-Palestine Mobs Wreck Barclays Banks Across the UK

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4 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


I hope you're not in the UK right now, you might get a knock at the door for that type of Wrongspeak. 😃



Omg! They say you don’t realize freedom until you lose it!

Did you realize your freedom of speech yet mate?

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Round up these trouble makers and put em on a boat (Probably the one they came on) and ship them off to never never land. 


Should they hit a mine on the way.. Oh well how sad, never mind. 


And as for the rainbow movement... being offensive is an offence.  WTF? Obviously never heard the saying 'Sticks and stones....' 


Again we see the minority controlling the majority. Sorry UK but you've made the bed now you gotta sleep in it.  I'm sure all the WW2 vets are turning in their graves. 


Very poor state of affairs. 


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Wait until they discover just how entwined and ensnarled ALL banks are and in ALL transactions, and how if you wish to take puritan stands that you end up standing for nothing other than the complete destruction of the existing systems. Which isn't a bad thing to stand for, but do so under the correct premise, not this BS.

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Send the lot of them back. Palestinians to Gaza and the Jews to Israel and they can fight it out amongst themselves over there. They shouldn’t even be in the UK if they can not assimilate.

pi44 off.

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1 minute ago, MalcolmB said:

Send the lot of them back. Palestinians to Gaza and the Jews to Israel and they can fight it out amongst themselves over there. They shouldn’t even be in the UK if they can not assimilate.

pi44 off.

Or you might want to put them in concentration camps while awaiting a final solution.

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19 minutes ago, loong said:

Just shows how ignorant these people are!

They are probably referring to Gaza as Palestine is not a defined state with defined borders. I challenge any of them to actually point out Palestine on a map.

What genocide are they referring to? There is no genocide in Gaza, in fact military experts have stated that civilian casualties are very low for urban warfare.

Israel has the capability to carry out genocide in Gaza but does not have the intent.

Hamas has publicly declared its intent to carry out genocide in Israel but does not have the capability.

If the savages from Gaza had not attacked Israel last October, killing and raping civilians including women and children, kidnapped and held hostages prisoner, all the Gazans that have died from Israel's response would still be alive!

These people refer to the former British Mandate (minus Jordan) as "Palestine". You can find it on old maps.

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Just now, Danderman123 said:

Or you might want to put them in concentration camps while awaiting a final solution.

Gee mate that is a bit harsh. 
But with all the slaughtering of young kids and women in Gaza the Jews playing the victim card, which they have done very well since the holocaust, is wearing very thing.


If they want to fight over religious garbage deport the lot of them.

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When recently 'phoning Barclays I was answered by a recorded message asking me to show respect to the bank and its' employees. Tempting fate, with a message like that...

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The people involved with this destruction, if they are identified should all be deported to their home countires.

  If they have property in the UK, it should all be autioned off to pay for the damage. IMO

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2 hours ago, simon43 said:

Perhaps they resort to violence because the forces of law and order fail to uphold the law against violent demonstrations.


I don't think they see an opportunity. The police couldn't be accused of being touchy feely in the 80s and 90s when the UK was beset with regular rioting. If anything, things seem more calm these days.


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7 hours ago, NickyLouie said:

Hopefully this time next year Palestine will be but a memory......

What do you mean?

Is this a way of saying you support the ongoing genocide and mass slaughter of Palestinian children, men and women?

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22 minutes ago, riclag said:

Activist ?

They lost that right to be called that!

They are violent leftists thugs, hell bent on destroying traditional culture.




What traditional culture are they intent on destroying?

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I ask myself how long till the left activists start to build a new Auschwitz? It starts to look like 1936 again. Just this time from the left side. I could vomit.

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7 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

Absolutely agree. The proof of that is in the pudding, but also in their words. They have stirred up the foolish Muslim and activist supporters using whatever is the latest 'cause' - in this case stopping alleged BS genocide in Gaza and stopping world destruction due to climate change - both BS overblown fake disasters - used to stir up the foolish and stupid and as an excuse for their actions.  The reality is their deep down desire is the abolition of all other religions and social beliefs, and the eventual replacement with their own - Islam.  I would deport them all immediately - grab and hold and put on a plane/ship - all of them.  Anyone thinking otherwise fails to realise the obvious facts - like that Muhammad never visited Indonesia or Malaysia, but now they are Muslim countries. Q-How does 100s of millions of Asians become Muslim. A-Through many years of uncontrolled Muslim immigration and their inevitable over-taking of their society. Muslims dont assimilate - they slowly dissociate and undermine and destroy, meanwhile slowly substituting their own beliefs, until they are the majority - and then it is all over.  If anyone can give an example of where Muslims did not do that in any country over history since 800 AD, that is because they were driven out - like they were from Southern Europe in 1000-1100 (it was called the Crusades).  Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat the errors of the past. 

Brilliantly composed!

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6 hours ago, koolkarl said:

So again you can see the nature of the beast. I trust the these terrorists, when caught, get immediately deported and on the no fly list.  As mentioned before, Japan and S. Korea have the right idea, never let these people in the country.  And look what it costs the world and air travelers in airport security.

Which terrorists would that be?


5 hours ago, proton said:



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