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Classrooms in Louisiana Must All Display Ten Commandments

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1 hour ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

It may... I do not know the particulars of this piece of legislation... appearance is that it does but we won't know for sure until it runs its course thru the legal system.  That said, I am by no means a supporter of organized religion... but I am just curious what sources are being used for guidance for todays' youth on moral and ethical development... seems the anti religion group offer no alternative.


As a self-appointed spokesperson for an anti-religion group, an atheist, and someone who believes that religion has caused more problems than it has solved, I view the introduction of Sharia Law as having as much legal right as this proposed legislation.

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2 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

What is wrong with guidelines for proper ethical and moral direction in living... what guidelines did you learn from when you were trying to grow up into the fine upstanding person that you are today?  where did you get your guidance???

I got my guidance from my parents where religion never came into it.

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1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:



Who are these Christians who want to kill gay folks and oppress women, I'd love to know.  I guess the dreaded Louisiana Baptist Taliban is what you fear, eh? Come on, man. 

well the southern baptist convention just recently voted to ban women ministers as well as against IVF for one example...and just in case you missed it roe v wade was overturned taking away 50 years of women's rights to decide regarding abortion.....sure sounds like opression of women to me but  "come on man" u decide and be sure and telll the women there are no attempts at opression.

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3 hours ago, Luuk Chaai said:

You can burn and piss on the US Flag ?  ,,, but you have to display the 10 Commandments ....... ????


 and my family keeps asking why I never go back to the US

Free Speech issue concerning the US flag. Separation of Church and State is the issue with this Louisiana Republican majority legislature move. Stay with the subject at hand ... equal posting from The Koran, Noble Eightfold Path, Sikh teachings, etc.?

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3 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

And you can fly the U.S. Flag upside down.

You need to read the Constitution.

I fear far too many can read the words of the US Constitution but are quite incapable of comprehending the interpretation. Hmm, actually some "originalists" on the SCOTUS seem to also be afflicted being driven by their political orientation.

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3 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

What is wrong with guidelines for proper ethical and moral direction in living... what guidelines did you learn from when you were trying to grow up into the fine upstanding person that you are today?  where did you get your guidance???

They should obey " thou shall not kill" and return all firearms. 

Hypocrites don't want that.

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3 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

What is wrong with guidelines for proper ethical and moral direction in living... what guidelines did you learn from when you were trying to grow up into the fine upstanding person that you are today?  where did you get your guidance???

Good question ... answer ...  I received my guidance from my parents at home and in my church membership as a youth. OK, I am American and old and so was indoctrinated by public school Bible readings and Pledging Allegiance to the flag of the USA, which would end in the 1960s, if I recall correctly. "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me." - Corinthinans 13:11. Personally, I have far outgrown orientation toward any one religious belief. And that is the point ... our individual beliefs are personal rights, not to be imposed by the government.

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1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:



Who are these Christians who want to kill gay folks and oppress women, I'd love to know.  I guess the dreaded Louisiana Baptist Taliban is what you fear, eh? Come on, man. 


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2 hours ago, Denim said:

11 x 14 inches is not exactly large. Could be prominently positioned on the back of the door just beneath the coat hook.

Nope, the issue is not size ... the government representing all citizens cannot impose any religious teaching.

I am sure the Louisiana Republican majority legislature, having just passed law to post the 10 Commandments in every public education classroom will certainly agree, in equal posting of a like Moslem, Sikh, Hindu, etc. religious message. I will be wanting the Noble Eightfold Path, as taught by the Buddha posted. I have no doubt as a student of American History that this is action by Louisiana is a direct affront to what my forebears fought to avoid, knowing of and many of them experiencing religious discrimination/imprisonment when it was not held by the governing  person (Cousins Henry and Mary Tudor come to mind) or governing body (Puitans in Massachusetts, Church of England in Virginia, etc.).

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4 minutes ago, pomchop said:

I see. A ban on female pastors by a private organization is the equivalent to government mandated gender apartheid and the sytematic torture and murder of gay people. Never realized that.  

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2 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

Ah yes, just the same as the Taliban.... except for the murder of LGBT, the brutal oppression of women, yeah just the same.


Hysterical much?


Personally, I think it is kind of a dumb idea. An A4 sized paper somewhere in the classroom will probably be ignored by everyone. Sounds like just more empty political posturing to me. But hardly fascism or the revenge of the Taliban.

Ah, sorry, just an historical (not hysterical) reminder that is was some of these same good Americans who wore the KKK hoods, carried out the lynchings, demanded states rights to block integration, not so long ago murdered gays ... Yes, the extremism has lead to such ...

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26 minutes ago, pomchop said:

well the southern baptist convention just recently voted to ban women ministers as well as against IVF for one example...and just in case you missed it roe v wade was overturned taking away 50 years of women's rights to decide regarding abortion.....sure sounds like opression of women to me but  "come on man" u decide and be sure and telll the women there are no attempts at opression.

Abortion was never a right, so it could not be taken away by the Court. Just left up to the states to decide.


If you want to talk about actual oppression of women, consider; restriction of travel, forced marriage, denial of education, routine spousal assault and rape, enforced cruel dress codes, denial of property rights, etc.  

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15 minutes ago, Wrwest said:

Ah, sorry, just an historical (not hysterical) reminder that is was some of these same good Americans who wore the KKK hoods, carried out the lynchings, demanded states rights to block integration, not so long ago murdered gays ... Yes, the extremism has lead to such ...

Reallly? When did all this happen? Wow, the governor of Louisiana has a really checkered past if all this is true...


By the way, the KKK is a relic of history. You could take every KKK member in the US and they wouldn't even fill up a minor league baseball stadium. A spent force, and thank god for it. 

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1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:

Abortion was never a right, so it could not be taken away by the Court. Just left up to the states to decide.


If you want to talk about actual oppression of women, consider; restriction of travel, forced marriage, denial of education, routine spousal assault and rape, enforced cruel dress codes, denial of property rights, etc.  

Well, the an earlier incarnation of the Supreme Court would disagree with that assertion. Look up "unenumerated rights" in the 9th Amendment.

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4 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

What is wrong with guidelines for proper ethical and moral direction in living... what guidelines did you learn from when you were trying to grow up into the fine upstanding person that you are today?  where did you get your guidance???

Are you familiar with the 10 Commandments? Doesn't look like it.

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1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:

I see. A ban on female pastors by a private organization is the equivalent to government mandated gender apartheid and the sytematic torture and murder of gay people. Never realized that.  

seems to be a lot you "never realized"...and only you are calling it govt mandated blah blah blah....

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4 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

It may... I do not know the particulars of this piece of legislation... appearance is that it does but we won't know for sure until it runs its course thru the legal system.  That said, I am by no means a supporter of organized religion... but I am just curious what sources are being used for guidance for todays' youth on moral and ethical development... seems the anti religion group offer no alternative.


Oh but they do! It's called "reading", and in the books we read we find all the spiritual guidance, morals and ethics that one needs to become a virtuous and upstanding human being. This is why the Right is so intent on Book Bans and killing the library system, they want no alternative thoughts available to the young folks while they pump religious nonsense into them. 


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4 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

What is wrong with guidelines for proper ethical and moral direction in living... what guidelines did you learn from when you were trying to grow up into the fine upstanding person that you are today?  where did you get your guidance???


4 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

It may... I do not know the particulars of this piece of legislation... appearance is that it does but we won't know for sure until it runs its course thru the legal system.  That said, I am by no means a supporter of organized religion... but I am just curious what sources are being used for guidance for todays' youth on moral and ethical development... seems the anti religion group offer no alternative.

Is your support of the GOP and/or Trump consistent with your views on 'ethics and moral direction and living guidelines' and 'guidance for todays' youth on moral and ethical development'?

Most consider a President should be someone youth aspire to be and as someone who is a model of your views and I suggest Biden is the far lesser of two evils. 

Or possibly this is just a case of your cognitive dissonance?

Trump's Moral Compass


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6 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

If I may correct you.


’Five Christo-Fascists’. 

10 commandments are strictly OT. Christians are supposed to get moral guidance from Jesus who in the New Testament (he came to clear away the old Covenant and replace with his two commandments ie ) Love god and 2 Love thy Neighbour

10 commandments are strictly a Jewish things and nothing to do with Jesus (he rebelled against the Jews remember). 

I lived 20 years in the US and despite a high level of professed religiosity I never met a single Christian....they were all OT brethren with 'eye for an eye' high on their agendas, no sign of Christian thought as spoken (at least recorded as such) by the actual historical Jesus. The place to understand Christianity is thousands of pages away in the OT,  the book Jesus discarded, ir is in the Sermon on the Mount also known as the beatitudes....remember, this was the treasonous one "And the last shall be first etc etc" and made Jesus a threat to the jewish hierarchy. 

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19 minutes ago, retarius said:

10 commandments are strictly OT. Christians are supposed to get moral guidance from Jesus who in the New Testament (he came to clear away the old Covenant and replace with his two commandments ie ) Love god and 2 Love thy Neighbour

10 commandments are strictly a Jewish things and nothing to do with Jesus (he rebelled against the Jews remember). 

I lived 20 years in the US and despite a high level of professed religiosity I never met a single Christian....they were all OT brethren with 'eye for an eye' high on their agendas, no sign of Christian thought as spoken (at least recorded as such) by the actual historical Jesus. The place to understand Christianity is thousands of pages away in the OT,  the book Jesus discarded, ir is in the Sermon on the Mount also known as the beatitudes....remember, this was the treasonous one "And the last shall be first etc etc" and made Jesus a threat to the jewish hierarchy. 

Another name for the Last Supper is....wait for it...Passover. Jesus was a jew and never renounced Judaism. He was one of a number of preachers wandering around Palestine in that era. The creator of Christianity, the religion, was Paul, another Jew.

"The “gold­en rule” is preva­lent in every sig­nif­i­cant monothe­is­tic reli­gion and deeply influ­ences many oth­er traditions. 

In Judaism, the rule is exem­pli­fied in the bib­li­cal oblig­a­tion to “love your neigh­bor,” which was adopt­ed by Rab­bi Hil­lel to mean that which is hate­ful unto you do not unto oth­ers."

https://www.jewishbookcouncil.org/book/the-golden-rule-the-ethics-of-reciprocity-in-world-religions#:~:text=The “golden rule” is,you do not unto others.

Your caricature of Judaism was to be expected.

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The Establishment Clause states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" thus preventing it from establishing a religion but the state of Louisiana isn't Congress. In the strictest reading, the Establishment Clause proscribes any adoption of an official religion by the federal government. Doesn't say anything about a state government.


However, in a number of decisions, the Supreme Court held that because of the Fourteenth Amendment, the protections of religious freedom in the First Amendment are enforceable against state and local governments. While the U.S. Constitution does not mention God, nearly all state constitutions reference either God or the divine. It will be interesting to see what Louisiana does when other religious group claim their right to equality under the Constitution. 


Moreover, nearly every Christian is going to hell if you look at the 10 commandments from the perspective that Moses was a Jew.


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10 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

What is wrong with guidelines for proper ethical and moral direction in living... what guidelines did you learn from when you were trying to grow up into the fine upstanding person that you are today?  where did you get your guidance???

Civilization itself provides ethics and moral direction. Otherwise, nobody would choose to live around others.


Moses did not come down from the mountain, gather folks around, and say:


"Bad news, folks. We can't murder or steal or fool around with others except our spouse."

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3 hours ago, Walker88 said:

Civilization itself provides ethics and moral direction. Otherwise, nobody would choose to live around others.


Moses did not come down from the mountain, gather folks around, and say:


"Bad news, folks. We can't murder or steal or fool around with others except our spouse."

Actually, in Moses' day, if you were a man, I think you couldn't fool around except with anyone except your spouse or spouses.

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10 Commandments were explicitly given to Moshe Rabeinu (aka Moses) to pass it to jews while wondering around something size of Chonburi for 40 years.

The rest (not "the chosen ones") got lighter version of 7 commandment - yes, 3 omitted.
However Jews made even more rules, restrictions and regulations and observing (orthodox hard-core) jews have to follow hundreds of them.

So hanging that 11"x14" poster in schools is sheer profanity of either judaism or christianity. 

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