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Trump picks J.D. Vance as running mate for VP at Republican convention


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35 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Hired as a favor only to Theil as he had zero qualifications. The one firm he invested in on his own soon went bankrupt. Zero political experience except for only 18 months in the senate. I daresay I'm more qualified to be president than he is, just based on longer life experience. Yes the VP is supposed to be qualified to be president from day one. 

What a weak VP choice for Trump!

That ear grazing bullet may have messed with Trump's already insane thought processes as word is it was a last minute after shooting choice. I reckon he would have picked much more sensible Burgum before.

Nice try. The fear is palpable.


Compare him to the opposing VP pick and it is clear who is qualified to lead. The man who grew up in rural America and had to fight to make something of himself is the obvious choice.  Hell, the US elected a PRESIDENT with less than a full term in the Senate, and not much else. 


It is painfully obvious that the Democrats have zero confidence in Kamala, otherwise Joe would have been gone and she would have been elevated long ago. 

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Why would you need a link for anything I said there?


I'm sorry, you're right.


But could you give us the make and model number of your crystal ball? It might have a flaw.

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1 hour ago, susanlea said:

You forgot to play the other cards - flat earth,fascist, racist.


Please try harder with your scripted responses.

My unscripted responses are being removed.

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5 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I don't see any links in your post. Only ad hominem abuse, following Trump's modus operandi.


So I need links to challenge a post with nothing? Far-left fair play on show here again, I see.


Do you have a copy of this operandi thing, so that I can obey my master to the letter?



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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Obama had significant political experience before being a U.S. senator.

I think Harris will probably replace Biden on the top of the ticket.

While not ideal with a great VP pick like Shapiro I would actually put money on the democrats winning. The negatives for maga fascist Trump Vance ticket are enormous.

Barak was a state senator in a very blue state, then Senator. Not much of a challenge. Vance defeated an incumbent Democrat in a difficult year for the GOP. 


I honestly wonder whether Democrats like Shapiro (or Kelly, or Wes Moore) will want to get involved in the race this year. Not saying they are terrible candidates, they are all reasonable IMHO. But....If they do accept the job as VP to Harris, they are potentially putting their own run off until 2032. Assume Harris wins, she is President til 2028, then runs again. They wouldn't challenge her for top job in 2028, so it would be until 2032 at least.  If Harris loses, which is very possible, they are tied to a losing campaign. However, if they stay to the sidelines, they can save their political capital and make a full effort in 2028. 

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The maga fascists in Milwaukee are so obnoxiously arrogant and overconfident now.

But a YUGE shock from the white house may soon be coming which could black swan the brown stuff out of them.

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Just now, Hanaguma said:

The GOP is evolving and growing.  They are becoming the true Big Tent party. From Teamsters to TikTok.  I am very curious about the DNC convention, how they can top this. 

So you fantasize. 

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13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

November but tell the magadonians it's December. I like it!

I was factoring in the time for the legal challenges to get tossed out by the courts. Trump doesn't know how to lose graciously.

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

The maga fascists in Milwaukee are so obnoxiously arrogant and overconfident now.

But a YUGE shock from the white house may soon be coming which could black swan the brown stuff out of them.


Was that the garbage truck that just went past?

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2 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I was factoring in the time for the legal challenges to get tossed out by the courts. Trump doesn't know how to lose graciously.

Good point.

If it's a close democratic win I assume with the corrupt Supreme court that Trump would take power anyway.

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3 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

The GOP is evolving and growing.  They are becoming the true Big Tent party. From Teamsters to TikTok.  I am very curious about the DNC convention, how they can top this. 

The Big Tent doesn't seem to include the UAW or Taylor Swift followers. It's only big in terms of Trump hijacking the GOP completely.

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18 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Obama had significant political experience before being a U.S. senator.

I think Harris will probably replace Biden on the top of the ticket.

While not ideal with a great VP pick like Shapiro I would actually put money ont he democrats winning. The negatives for maga fascist Trump Vance ticket are enormous.

The anybody but Trump ticket where the candidate is a stuffed toy and a running mate is shoehorned in by some means to be decided. Meanwhile the money is pouring into the Trump camp inculding some of the big tech boys who will be sweating the swing states like never before, with endless attack ads while Trump like some messiah saved by God graciously lends his presence to mega indoor rallies sealed tighter than a duck's arse. Good luck with that strategu but get ready for Trump 2.0 my guess is he will win and win bigly. After all 86% of Americans beleive in God who saved Trump for this very moment. The world is going mad it happens in cycles sadly and we are beggining a mega one. If you are over 60 thank that 'God' you were born in the sweet spot for western civilisation - from here it's downhill all the way.


As I've got older I've come to realise a corrupt army runing a client state and staying out of other countries whilst they fill their boots in their own maybe imperfect, but it works. If it wasn't for the smoke I might have joined you there and sheltered under the same umbrella.

Edited by beautifulthailand99
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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You don't get it.

If the maga fascists win, real elections in the U.S. are over.

It's on to Russia / Hungary style elections.

Yes I totally believe that and anyone who has honestly been paying attention would believe it too. 

No, they are not. You are living in a fever dream of paranoid leftist fantasy if you believe that.  What mechanism could possibly make that happen? The checks and balances, plus the natural freedom that courses through the veins of every American, make that completely impossible. 


Besides, it didn't happen the first time round with Trump. How could it happen now? Please relax and take a deep breath. 


If nothing else, Trump will die before any of that can happen. He's already pushing 80 and a fat bastard. If he survives his second term it will be a surprise. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

The one firm he invested in on his own soon went bankrupt. Zero political experience except for only 18 months in the senate. I daresay I'm more qualified to be president than he is, just based on longer life experience. Yes the VP is supposed to be qualified to be president from day one.

Kinda like all the political experience Trump had in 2015 when, he, as a political novice cleaned Hilary's clock and became 45th POTUS. Probably the most strategic and critical victory and accomplishment of Trump EVER, wouldn't you say? Or are you feeling too much pain now to comment watching your failing, floundering, imploding liberal party of stooges and failures look on in bewilderment as the red MAGA team destroys all their election aspirations & hopes and probably yours too. Trump is approaching rock star status and more now, everyone is waking up and seeing this and so are you, and it stings for the haters and losers on the left.

How did Biden's feckless VP do fixing the border that THEY destroyed after gutting Trumps highly successful policies and EO's? And now look, the great Biden (albeit mentally challenged corrupt failure) can't beat, can't catch the "convicted felon" in nothing he does, in any polls and who's own party wants to $hit-can Biden because they know he can't beat the convicted felon who is in the midst of the RNC 48 hours after being grazed by a snipers bullet and where is Biden, DELAWARE... because he has covid, or maybe he doesn't. America sees ALL this now, they know whats going on and they like a hero, a leader, and NOBODY wants a corrupt weak demented divisive pathological lying coward like Biden all of which likely explains and accounts for why the puddin brained Biden is getting crushed in all the polls now, ESPECIALLY after his mumbling drooling buffoon like debate performance where Trump committed an act of mental destruction and beat-down on the mental invalid occupying the space to his left.

Edited by illisdean
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Lest we forget - radicals may vote for RFK Jnr / Jill Stein / Cornell and chip away at the Dem natural constituency and let Trump in. Biden hasn't been running anything for months if not years and people don't like being decieved especially where their leaders are concerned. Trump is pretty much baked in at this point, accept it , get over it and enjoy what remains of your lives around you.



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3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Trump has already announced he will weaponize the DOJ to go after his enemies, his main policy plank is retribution. He has already loaded up the Supreme Court to do his bidding, as witness the immunity decision.

 Courtesy of Walter Reed Hospital, he gets the best medical care, courtesy of the American taxpayer. It's been almost 80 years since an American president died in office from natural causes, medicine has come a long way in that time.

Besides which, IMO he is too ornery to die.


You may be right about the last point...


As for the rest, the Supremes are not as compliant as you may think. Roberts is no MAGA guy, neither is Thomas. They are genuine constitutionalists. 

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6 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

You may be right about the last point...


As for the rest, the Supremes are not as compliant as you may think. Roberts is no MAGA guy, neither is Thomas. They are genuine constitutionalists. 



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27 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

It should have stopped at your house, you've got enough to fill it to overflowing.


It was the trash truck - caught sight of it in the distance lumbering away, totally overloaded and spilling ooze - neighbours said it had just spent 30 minutes loading up at your place. 

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I have to give Vance credit for rising from his very disadvantaged origins to graduate summa cum laude from Yale Law School and become a successful author, lawyer, and now politician. 


"Hillbilly Elegy" is a fascinating read, but his libertarianism does come across as victim-blaming to a degree. Not everyone has the necessary intelligence and work ethic to overcome the level of adversity that he describes so well.


Vance does hint that there may be some social programs or government policies that might address issues facing the working poor, but he offers no solutions other than family, religion and self-reliance. He does blame the elite for some of the ills that now afflict the poor, but does not seem to realize that his libertarianism is aligned with the interests of those same elite. 


Less charitable types might suggest his book should have been titled "Jethro Goes to Yale", but Jethro Bodine was a foolish character and Vance is no fool. It is a shame that his obviously keen intellect and writing skills are being put to use in furtherance of rightwing extremism.


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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

November but tell the magadonians it's December. I like it!


I wouldn't, if I were you guys.  Douglass Mackey got 7 months in prison for simply passing on this meme.  He didn't create it.  He just forwarded it. The charge was "Conspiracy Against Rights"






Between you and me, if anyone was stupid enough to believe you could vote by text, they shouldn't be allowed to vote anyway.  But that's neither here, nor there.  This guy got thrown in prison in 2023 by the Biden DOJ.  For forwarding a meme.


Talk about a dual system of justice...



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1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:

No, they are not. You are living in a fever dream of paranoid leftist fantasy if you believe that.  What mechanism could possibly make that happen? The checks and balances, plus the natural freedom that courses through the veins of every American, make that completely impossible. 


Besides, it didn't happen the first time round with Trump. How could it happen now? Please relax and take a deep breath. 


If nothing else, Trump will die before any of that can happen. He's already pushing 80 and a fat bastard. If he survives his second term it will be a surprise. 

Another naive person who hasn't absorbed


Maga fascist actions last election 


Project 2025


Supreme Court rulings 

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