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12 minutes ago, simple1 said:


Yep, he throws red meat to his ignorant (lack of knowledge) MAGA followers, underlined by appointing Vance as he will other sycophants if he wins and claiming god protected him - Lol

I notice you call out Biden or any other leftist for praying to the fairy in sky...

1 hour ago, Yellowtail said:

I notice you call out Biden or any other leftist for praying to the fairy in sky...


Not Biden, trump. trump claiming God is protecting him is just laughable, not the least due to trump being one of the least spiritual person I'm aware of, due to his policies, in the Western public arena. Correct I am am not a Christian, I follow Vedic philosophy.

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4 minutes ago, simple1 said:


Not Biden, trump. trump claiming God is protecting him is just laughable, not the least due to trump being one of the least spiritual person I'm aware of, due to his policies, in the Western public arena. Correct I am am not a Christian, I follow Vedic philosophy.

Exactly. You ridicule Trump for saying God saved him, but when Biden and Obama claim they are praying to the same God to help him, why not call them out? 


Or do you just assume Biden and Obama are liars that just pretend to be Christians to get elected? 

On 7/16/2024 at 10:18 AM, In Full Agreement said:



Give trump a few weeks and he'll be claiming he was attacked by a brigade of special force soldiers.




   Lets wait a few weeks and find out whether that is true or whether you are lying 

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On 7/16/2024 at 4:14 PM, retarius said:

These Trump haters are so sad.

The type that shoot the bullets and try to kill Trump come from their ranks.

Thank goodness Trump survived and thrived. 


Almost as sad as the "hate anything other than Trump ers", quick to lay the blame at what they want to call the "radical left" before the orange ear even has time to congeal.

21 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

So, because in your opinion, Biden lies less than Trump, he gets a pass, yes? 


I see Biden's lies as much more egregious than Trump's. 


So, because in your opinion, Trump's lies are less egregious than Biden's, he gets a pass, yes?

7 minutes ago, Woof999 said:


So, because in your opinion, Trump's lies are less egregious than Biden's, he gets a pass, yes?

No, but I have to pick one, and in my opinion, less egregious is better than more egregious.


I am amused that the left gets all worked up when someone on the right "lies" but does not give a whit when someone on the left lies.




25 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

Exactly. You ridicule Trump for saying God saved him, but when Biden and Obama claim they are praying to the same God to help him, why not call them out? 


Or do you just assume Biden and Obama are liars that just pretend to be Christians to get elected? 


Never heard Obama or Biden claim God has help them personally. I know it's a US custom to pray for God to help USA - each to their own.

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11 minutes ago, simple1 said:


Never heard Obama or Biden claim God has help them personally. I know it's a US custom to pray for God to help USA - each to their own.

I don't think either one of them had their ear nicked by a bullet either. 


They both prayed for Trump's recovery. Why do they want someone they claim is trying to end democracy in the US to recover? 

2 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

I don't think either one of them had their ear nicked by a bullet either. 


They both prayed for Trump's recovery. Why do they want someone they claim is trying to end democracy in the US to recover? 


Professional curtesy.

11 minutes ago, Woof999 said:


I'd agree with you there. Not so sure on which of the geriatrtic's are more culpable though.



I would think that's likely a touch of bias. I'd be pretty sure that the average righty gets well worked up when someone they think is of a different lean lies, while ignoring the lies of their idols. To go a little further, the right accusing the left of doing exactly what they are themselves doing (in spades) is a pretty common tactic, moreso since Trump entered politics (IMHO of course).

People personal biases do not bother me, institutional bias bothers me. 


When Trump lies it bothers me more than when Biden lies. 


5 minutes ago, novacova said:

The left is the mob of hate and fear. The hate they have for those who don’t share their views is gut cultivated. Seems less cerebral and more emotional and purely reactionary. Most of my closest friends in the US are lefties and I do keep in contact with them and call them often, I swear I’ve asked a lot of them why they hate Trump, not a single one could cough up a rational answer, it’s always “he’s a raciest” or “he’s hitler” and their voice raises, but nothing on policy to offer as a rational. These are full grown adults in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s I mind you. 

It is something about see yourself in the right light, and not blaiming the other side for everything thats wrong. The group mentality have created so much and many disasters throughout the time. Witch hunting is not that far back in the history, genocides of the Natives, or the slavery, and the fight for equal rights, both for the coloured and the women. 




Biden and supporters:  "Trump lies!"
Trump and supporters:  "Biden lies!"

Anyone who has no dogs in the fight:  "They all lie!"

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8 minutes ago, Woof999 said:

In terms of US politics, I am probably slightly left of centre

Really? Any more these days RFK Jr would be considered slightly left of center, yet he is a hard core liberal.

10 minutes ago, Woof999 said:

but in MAGA eyes

Doesn’t seem like slightly.

11 minutes ago, Woof999 said:

You really need to open your eyes. Trump is hugely divisive, it's likely even a tactic of his. He uses schoolboy slurs against anyone and everyone.

I can really give a frik’n hoot about what name calling or school boy slurs a politician uses. Results actions and the sum is what is important, especially when it comes to the economy. Everything the left touches, they destroy, everything. They simply don’t know how to run a government.

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30 minutes ago, novacova said:

Results actions and the sum is what is important, especially when it comes to the economy.


...and what metrics are you using to judge the state of the economy? Real figures, or outlier gasoline prices touted by a conman to try and show an alternate reality?


30 minutes ago, novacova said:

Everything the left touches, they destroy, everything. They simply don’t know how to run a government.




Pretty much every metric used in the modern world would indicate you needing to switch your allegiance, or if not, changing your reason for being a red.

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3 minutes ago, farang51 said:

Yes, we all remember COVID started on Biden's watch. And that Biden tried to ignore it, before he finally announced COVID restrictions and a hugely expensive government program to ease the pain from the restrictions. There is no end to the bad things Biden did back then.


   Only a few months left until he will be gone, someone better will take his place 

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9 minutes ago, farang51 said:

Yes, we all remember COVID started on Biden's watch. And that Biden tried to ignore it, before he finally announced COVID restrictions and a hugely expensive government program to ease the pain from the restrictions. There is no end to the bad things Biden did back then.

You are delusional unless this was sarcasm..........trump dismissed Covid and said that it would go away and he was very wrong and under his watch thousands of Americans died. Get your facts right, but then again, how could you as you are a Maga cult follower!

33 minutes ago, xylophone said:

You are delusional unless this was sarcasm..........trump dismissed Covid and said that it would go away and he was very wrong and under his watch thousands of Americans died. Get your facts right, but then again, how could you as you are a Maga cult follower!


Again, the name calling.


I'm really asking everyone to stop associating people that want to select R on the ballot instead of D are cultists. It's Fing nonsense


We understand the deal with the devil. We're ok with it because four more years of Biden will ruin the USA.


If you don't believe that - fine.


There is absolutely no good reason to vote for Biden. There never was. On top of all that he is ahead of a crime family in that possesses 172 LLCs and something like 250 bank accounts. He and Hunter were in Ukraine and China.


Biden / Dems are running on absolutely nothing. I find it extremely disingenuous. Vote for me or get TRUMP! FU.


Back to covid. I find Trump partially at fault. He's no man of science to be sure. I think he got very bad advice in panic from deep state. It won't happen again.


The entire COVID era was a disaster for humanity. Every person that was pro mask/vax may live long with that scarlet letter. May we never forget. People will be dying from that Fing vax forever more. I bet some TV members have long COVID, health permanently damaged and even dead. Meanwhile, doctors spoke truth to power and were essentially disappeared.


Let's just tone it down. Very intelligent people, MORE intelligent than YOU will cast their vote gladly for Trump. They are not stupid or brainwashed cultists

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40 minutes ago, xylophone said:

You are delusional unless this was sarcasm..........trump dismissed Covid and said that it would go away and he was very wrong and under his watch thousands of Americans died. Get your facts right, but then again, how could you as you are a Maga cult follower!

Sarcasm, which should be obvious. I responded to a post saying "COVID was one massive deception from Biden", which, of course, is nonsense. Trump was president back then and it was Trump that caused a lot of unnecessary deaths and hardship during the start of the COVID pandemic.

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2 hours ago, Woof999 said:

Are you kidding me? Wikipedia is a complete joke of a leftist edited site. Not reliable unless one is looking for reinforcement of their propagandized views.

2 hours ago, Woof999 said:

Pretty much every metric used in the modern world would indicate you needing to switch your allegiance, or if not, changing your reason for being a red.

What??! Are you joking? Are you trying to apostatize me with your Red Marxist ideology? Good luck with that. I’m a well hardened jaded veneered stone cold chrome hearted individual that is sure footed and confident and ain’t gonna change for nothing and pledge allegiance to nothing. It appears you’ve been heavily influenced by the modern media propaganda, perhaps forsaking your in sync allegiance to the left and not being Red. 

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