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What do you use for contraception?

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Just out of curiosity, I was wondering what kind of contraception members use with a girlfriend or wife. Does anybody actually use a condom every time? If not, what are the other options? Are diaphragms readily available in Thaiand? The pill? Or is the rhythm method preferred. I have seen studies that claim the rhythm method is just as effective as condoms if it's used correctly. I know from personal experience, however, that it's easy to have an accident. Personally, I dislike condoms , so I consider one of the big benefits of a steady relationship is that you can dispense with them if you prefer.


Also, if you do hook up with somebody and are thinking of entering into a long-term relationship, do you insist on having them tested first? And yourself? To make sure there are no hidden issues.  I've never done that but I wonder if it would be wise.

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Depends on the "field of opportunity" from which you became an item.
Even then, I'd be cautious.  As should she;  it's not as if foreigners don't have the possibility of being riddled as well.
Sure for contraception, condoms, The Pill, IUDs, Dams are all highly effective.  The Rhythm Method and "pulling out" are the Worst Possible Options. 
A vasectomy WORKS; it's hard for sperm to travel through three layers of tissue after the tubes gave been cut, the ends cauterised, and then relocated between a layer of non-participant tissue. 

I'd be more concerned about STDs/STis, some of which can only become active years later, if ever.  Such as Human  Papilloma Virus (HPV) or Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (Genital Herpes) these can lead to serious reproductive issues.  As can the easily treated Syphilis or Gonorrhoea (the Clap), and Chlamydia.

When deciding on *whatever* your decision is for the long-term, BOTH of you get tested for a full panel.  Just in case.  There's no blame.  Just better to be safe than sorry.

And stock up on the antibiotics.

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5 hours ago, jaywalker2 said:

if you do hook up with somebody and are thinking of entering into a long-term relationship, do you insist on having them tested first? And yourself? To make sure there are no hidden issues.  I've never done that but I wonder if it would be wise.

Yes it's sensible, I've read stories on here where someone's long term girlfriend had HIV, she didn't know, of course they don't know, generally they don't test

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Never used a condom (tried once, no thanks) and left the contraceptive use up to the female.  


Got snipped around 40 yrs old, realizing at that age, no real desire to have children, or a viable partner to have and raise them with.


So raising the village orphan after retirement was quite the pleasant surprise.  Playing the single parent for a good part of that time was quite easy, though sure being retired made it so.

Edited by KhunLA
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Had the snip 30 years ago so no worries about babies. In a long term relationship so go bare back should that end then it would be condoms all the way. Don’t like them but most certainly want protection with a lady I know nothing about.

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1 hour ago, Dogmatix said:

The bit of sheep’s intestine the haggis comes wrapped in makes an excellent, low cost re-usable traditional style condom.

I've heard a few rounds of Glad Wrap, if corrrectly applied, does the job!

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Condoms help not only to prevent pregnancy but STDs too. Just read that Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) injections twice a year are 99% effective at preventing HIV but I guess it's not everyone's choice.


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Wow, a lot of men seem to have gotten vasectomies. I didn't realize how popular they are. Apparently, 25 percent of men in New Zealand, 20 percent in the US, UK, and Canada rely on vasectomies for birth control. In Bhutan, a Buddhist country, it's 40 percent.  They seem less popular in Asian countries, though, including Thailand.


In Japan, the pill was banned until 1999 and diaphragms aren't widely used, so the main type of birth control, even in marriage, was condoms The result was that by the time they were in their 40's, most women had had 2-3 abortions. Although abortions are legally a gray area, they are widely available, with small abortion clinics around most major stations.

In Thailand, it seems condoms are also the birth control of choice, which probably accounts for the high rate of teenage pregnancies. Boys refusing to use them or using them incorrectly. It's hard to believe, though, that most people in long-term relationships rely consistently on condoms for protection.



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