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32 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Really? In America when Americans see a black person smoking they think that said person most likely is a Jamaican? It is to laugh.


From the American series "Luke Cage":


"Mariah tells Bushmaster that all Jamaica is known for is “Marley, marijuana and murder.” These stereotypes are obvious throughout the show. Jamaicans are referred to as “ganja smoking blacks,”



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3 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


From the American series "Luke Cage":


"Mariah tells Bushmaster that all Jamaica is known for is “Marley, marijuana and murder.” These stereotypes are obvious throughout the show. Jamaicans are referred to as “ganja smoking blacks,”



Luke Cage was not a documentary. And this scholarly comment does nothing to establish that Americans associate a black person smoking marijuana with Jamaican culture. Even if Kamala wore dreadlocks, which she didn't, I doubt most Americans would make the connection. But since she didn't present herrself as culturally Jamaican, why would even Americans knowledgeable about Jamaica make the connection?

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4 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Luke Cage was not a documentary. And this scholarly comment does nothing to establish that Americans associate a black person smoking marijuana with Jamaican culture. Even if Kamala wore dreadlocks, which she didn't, I doubt most Americans would make the connection. But since she didn't present herrself as culturally Jamaican, why would even Americans knowledgeable about Jamaica make the connection?


She herself made the connection. As did her Jamaican father. I don't see how you can argue otherwise.


She did present herself as culturally Jamaican.


"Kamala Harris made headlines last week when she joked in a radio interview that of course she smoked marijuana in her younger years: “Half my family’s from Jamaica. Are you kidding me?”"




Luke Cage not being a documentary is the whole point of course, it shows how Jamaican's are portrayed in mainstream media culture in the US.



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1 minute ago, Cameroni said:


She herself made the connection. As did her Jamaican father. I don't see how you can argue otherwise.


She did present herself as culturally Jamaican.


"Kamala Harris made headlines last week when she joked in a radio interview that of course she smoked marijuana in her younger years: “Half my family’s from Jamaica. Are you kidding me?”"




Luke Cage not being a documentary is the whole point of course, it shows how Jamaican's are portrayed in mainstream media culture in the US.



Luke Cage was a show that failed to draw much of an audience. As for Harris's joke, had she not made an explicit connection to Jamaica, would anyone have assumed her youthful consumption of marijuana was due to her Jamaican heritage? And you have to be a real pearl clutcher to be upset about a reference to smoking marijuana in one's youth in this day and age.

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5 minutes ago, placeholder said:

As for Harris's joke, had she not made an explicit connection to Jamaica, would anyone have assumed her youthful consumption of marijuana was due to her Jamaican heritage? 


That's the whole point, she made that connection herself to evoke that stereotype of the Jamaican weed smoker. This is what her father was so upset about.


I'm not upsest about it all, it's just you were going on about how this stereotype did not exist in America.


I've shown you, with link, how Kamala Harris tried to evoke that stereotype. I've posted a scholarly master thesis about the subject of Jamaican stereotypes in US media.


I trust you will now apologise and admit you are wrong, as Democrats normally do at this stage?


Edited by Cameroni
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I'll tell you what. I'll apologize for the statement about Jamaicans if you apologize for claiming that you're not upset about it. Remember that this started when you made an over-the-top high dudgeon condemnation of Harris  based on her father's condemnation.

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16 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

No one is asking you to respect Trump, but rather the poor misguided fools who support Trump.

I never said anything about respecting Trump. I've said, if you vote for him the last you'll get is respect from me. 

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On 9/2/2024 at 3:54 PM, maesariang said:

Food - far right

Accomodation - far right

Transport - far right


All cheap due to far right policies. Socialism pushes up prices.


Yes, socialistic policies do drive up prices.

But you're missing the other side of the equation... living standards are also much much higher.

If you had lived and worked in Thailand all you life, your experience of it would be much different than it is for you now.



Me: "why are wages so low in Asia?"



he issue of low wages in many parts of Asia is complex and influenced by a variety of factors. Here are some key reasons:

  1. Economic Development Levels: Many Asian countries are at different stages of economic development. In less developed countries, lower wages can be a result of lower productivity and less capital investment.

  2. Labor Market Dynamics: High population growth and large labor forces in countries like India and China can lead to an oversupply of workers, which puts downward pressure on wages.

  3. Global Competition: Many Asian countries are involved in global supply chains and are often competing to attract foreign investment by offering lower labor costs. This can keep wages lower as companies seek to minimize production costs.

  4. Education and Skills: In many regions, there may be a mismatch between the skills workers have and the skills that are in demand, leading to lower wages for less skilled labor.

  5. Regulation and Labor Rights: Varying levels of labor protections and regulations across different countries can impact wages. In some places, weaker labor rights and fewer regulations can lead to lower wages and poorer working conditions.

  6. Economic Policies: Government policies and economic structures, such as trade policies and investment in education, can also play a role in wage levels. Countries with lower levels of investment in education and infrastructure may see slower wage growth.

  7. Cost of Living: In some regions, lower wages are partially offset by a lower cost of living. This means that while wages may seem low compared to Western standards, they might be sufficient for the local cost of living.

  8. Informal Economy: In many countries, a significant portion of the workforce is employed in the informal economy, where wages can be lower and labor protections less stringent.

Addressing low wages typically involves improving education and skills training, investing in infrastructure, and strengthening labor rights and regulations.

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22 hours ago, placeholder said:

I'll tell you what. I'll apologize for the statement about Jamaicans if you apologize for claiming that you're not upset about it. Remember that this started when you made an over-the-top high dudgeon condemnation of Harris  based on her father's condemnation.


I'm really not upset about Kamala trying to pass herself off as a weed smoking Jamaican for street cred. I just don't appreciate the hypocrisy, plus I don't believe for a second she was a Rastafarian. It's all make believe, like her economic policies.

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Just now, Cameroni said:


I'm really not upset about Kamala trying to pass herself off as a weed smoking Jamaican for street cred. I just don't appreciate the hypocrisy, plus I don't believe for a second she was a Rastafarian. It's all make believe, like her economic policies.

Do these unhinged words look familiar?

"Kamala Harris is so offensive even her own father saw fit to publish a public rebuke for her attempt to paint herself in the colours of identity politics by claiming to be a weed smoker


She has not just offended her own father, but many others. Her total abandonment of any principles and flip flopping on every topic offendes common decency, she is clearly only out to get elected.


And yet the Democrat fan boys follow her blindly.


What can one respect here?"

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