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Why the obsession with Politicians sex lives?


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So on so many threads, the sex lives of people, Politicians in particular are waved about as if somehow this makes them a good or bad person. 


Personally who someone sleeps with is a personal matter and shouldn't be up for public scrutiny except in the following instances


1) Using sex to advance a career IE; If you have sex with me I will promote you or I will have sex with you if you promote me.

2) Sex with underage participates, Pedophiles.

3) You will have sex with me if you want that promotion or to keep your job or some other form of forced sex/coercion

4) Rape. 

5) Bestiality.


Other then that it is no-one's  business. If you are gay, straight, trans, polyamorous, multiracial. open relationship. heterosexual. have a great life and lets keep it off the radar. No one needs to know what  your sexual history,  preference or desires are.


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8 minutes ago, Chwooly said:

Other then that it is no-one's  business. If you are gay, straight, trans, polyamorous, multiracial. open relationship. heterosexual. have a great life and lets keep it off the radar. No one needs to know what  your sexual history,  preference or desires are.

If I were to vote, it would be for someone I feel that would represent me and further my interests.

I'm a straight white male, so that's who I would vote for.


Also adulterers, and serial cheaters,

If they would lie and deceive their nearest and dearest, they probably wouldn't think twice about doing the same to someone they don't know.



People that don't have a firm grip on reality shouldn't be trusted to run anything.

Would you respect a leader that needed to consult the fairies at the end of the garden, or any other invisible friend before they could make a decision?

Edited by BritManToo
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I think the old style of political fodder 

relied heavily on sex exploits of the rich & famous , especially those that had political aspirations!


Now much of it is dull & boring!

Except for new stuff that the left gives

rise to! 


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Probably because most people have such boring sex lives ( or none at all ) that it's titillating to discus other people's sex lives and that doesn't apply to the next door neighbour. Some magazines just discuss whom the celebs are dating and such like rubbish.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Probably because most people have such boring sex lives ( or none at all ) that it's titillating to discus other people's sex lives and that doesn't apply to the next door neighbour. Some magazines just discuss whom the celebs are dating and such like rubbish.

You're probably correct, I can't wrap my head around the need to keep up to date on who is dating whom and have never been a fan of reality tv


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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Probably because most people have such boring sex lives ( or none at all ) that it's titillating to discus other people's sex lives and that doesn't apply to the next door neighbour. Some magazines just discuss whom the celebs are dating and such like rubbish.

Like football fans. They can't play.

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